Stop Smoking: The Best Way


 Stop Smoking: The Best Way

Is it possible to quit smoking?

It is possible to successfully quit smoking. Here's a handy guide on how to do so.

The Best Way To Quit Smoking - Online Guide     In today’s society, smoking has become an epidemic, and there is no denying that it is unhealthy for everyone around you. Furthermore, many people are beginning to take notice of the health consequences of this habit, such as lung cancer and heart disease. The negative effects of smoking are numerous and the cost associated with it are high. So, if you have decided to quit smoking, then congratulations to you, as you have made the right decision and it will benefit your health greatly. However, many people find it hard to stop smoking and go back to smoking again as they have failed in their previous attempts.

Therefore, when you decide to quit smoking this time around, make sure that you plan ahead and prepare yourself for this difficult undertaking by following these steps: ·  Find a way or reasons why you want to quit in the first place. It could be a wedding that you are planning, or a vacation that you are going on, or a baby that you are expecting. You need to have something else in place to keep your mind off smoking and if you think it is impossible to quit smoking because of the situation in your life, then think again. Just find something else to focus on for motivation.

· Do not tell anyone about your journey of quitting smoking unless it's someone who will support and encourage you. Most people will probably make bad comments about how difficult it is to quit so instead of listening and letting those comments get into your head, don’t tell anyone. · If there are people around you that do smoke, avoid them as much as possible. If it is unavoidable, then distance yourself from them as much as possible and go breathe some fresh air. Smoking is a horrible habit that affects your health and happiness in a very big way so do not allow yourself to be around those people.

· Keep a detailed journal throughout the process of quitting smoking. This will ensure that you are writing down all of your progress and progressions.  The journal will let you see your progress and the changes that have taken place after only one week or two weeks. You will see how much progress you have made on your journey to quitting smoking, and you may start to feel more motivation after reading through it.

· A lot of people find it very hard to quit smoking but if you do not have a plan for how you will stop smoking and keep yourself busy, then you will start smoking again because all the other reasons are gone. I highly recommend that you start making a plan for how and when you will quit. But before we go into details about that, here are some suggestions to consider (check them out first): ·  Join an addiction program, such as a rehabilitation program or treatment center. This way, your friends and family members who smoke will not be able to tempt or tempt you at all since they won't be there anymore. Find a counselor that you can talk to every day and go through the treatment together.

· If you have been smoking for many years, try and not quit cold turkey. You chances of successfully quitting smoking cold turkey are very low so it is best to go through a slower way. That way your mind will not be able to let the habit take over so easily because it will only replace the habit with another one but in the process of doing that, your mind will be busy working on something else to where you won't remember how bad cigarettes are. For example, quit today when no one is around and then go outside when no one is around again and then go inside again when everyone is asleep. This way you will slowly wean yourself off of the nicotine in your system and not replace one habit with another.

· To make this journey easier, find and join a support group online. There are many online quit smoking groups that you can join today and they are available to anyone who is looking for them. The support group will provide additional motivation and encouragement to stay on track. You may even find that they can help you out with any questions or concerns that you have during your journey so it is a great idea to join them all the same.

· Get familiar with what nicotine does to your body, and why it is so harmful. The more you know about smoking, the easier it will be to give up. So get educated on the subject and try to make quitting easier on yourself by not telling yourself that you are giving up. Instead, tell yourself that you are replacing one habit with another because in doing so, you will feel better about it and more motivated when the time comes.

· Make an action plan by writing down what steps that you need to take to successfully quit smoking. These steps can be as short as going outside for a few minutes or taking another step forward every night before bed. You will make progress eventually so just keep yourself busy and your mind on something other than smoking.

· Imagine yourself not smoking. See yourself with a cigarette in hand and try to imagine how it would feel to be without one. Then, in time, this will become your reality when you have successfully quit smoking. If you ever find yourself thinking about smoking, then picture a healthier version of you up ahead that has no desire to smoke anymore because there are too many benefits for the body when you give up this bad habit. This will push you forward even more and help motivate you even more as well; especially if people are doubting your success or questioning your decision to quit smoking at all.

· If you are about to quit smoking and do not know where to start, pick a day of the week and set aside a certain portion of time during your day. On that particular day, go outside as much as possible. This will be your reward for working so hard to try and quit smoking. Go outside and enjoy the fresh air or go for a walk if you want to but just get out there and breathe some nice fresh air. Walking would be especially great since it will help clear your mind of all the nicotine in your system and can keep you occupied. If you do this for a week or two straight, you will find that your mind will be less occupied with the nicotine and you will find it easier to stay away from cigarettes or smokeless tobacco.

· While trying to quit smoking, turn the TV off (or at least lower the volume) as much as possible and prepare yourself for a good night of sleep because sleep is one of the best things that your body needs to stay healthy. If you do not get enough sleep or rest, then not only will you not be able to make good decisions about trying to stop smoking but also your health could be in danger. This is especially true if you have been smoking heavily all throughout the night.


My hope with this article has been to help you find motivation and inspiration to give up smoking. I also hope that you have found a tool that has helped you out on your journey to quitting smoking. My main goal was to give you a good start on your journey and be able to provide all of the information that you need in case any questions come up in the future after reading this article. If any of this article has helped or will help, then please consider giving it a share so that others can read it as well and have some helpful tips as well.

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