Stop Smoking Marijuana Cannabis


 Stop Smoking Marijuana Cannabis

Cannabis can be a powerful drug that changes how your brain works and the way you feel. It is also a addictive. Cannabis is grown as a weed without human intervention and has been around since ancient times. It has had many different names, like hemp, ganja, marijuana, hashish etc. People often use it for recreation or meditation in regions where it is legal or the law does not prohibit its use at all.
There are many different ways to get stoned using cannabis and you can read about that on the internet. The most common ways of getting stoned are Smoking it, Eating it, Drinking it in a tea and Vaping it. Some people prefer Skunk weed while others prefer Kush or Haze.
Some people prefer vaping, because its smoke is less suffocating and it can be easier to inhale which avoids coughing fits which often happen when smoking cannabis in a joint or water pipe(bong). The main advantage of vaping is that the weed does not contain any heat (no-combustion), so there is no carbon monoxide.
Cannabis is relatively easy to grow and it can be grown indoors or outdoors. The main advantages of growing your own are that you have full control over the growing process which allows you to plant the exact amount of cannabis for maximum results, which means lower cost.
It is important to know that when growing your own cannabis you need a starter kit which contains a couple of different kinds of seeds, soil and lighting equipment. Seeds are most commonly purchased from nurseries, marijuana seeds online can also be bought.
To make things more exciting and interesting, There are also more advanced ways of growing cannabis. One of them is cloning the plant. Cloning involves taking a cutting (offspring) from the mother plant, which is known as a clone, and replanting the cutting in a different environment or soil. Another way of growing cannabis is plugging the plants into LED lights instead of regular light bulbs.
Another interesting way to grow weed is through hydroponics. Hydroponics is where nutrients are added to water which then drains down into plants roots, like running water from a fountain, usually through an Earthing system on metal framework or HDPE pipes.
Now let's talk about how to stop smoking marijuana cannabis .
There are many reasons why people decide to stop smoking weed and cannabis. Some people stop because it is illegal in the country they live in. Others stop smoking because it is too expensive or just not worth the money anymore.
In any case, you will need to find an alternative way of getting high or relaxing. This can be a bit of a challenge, but with time and effort you will find something that works for you.
The best alternative I have found is meditation, this can be done while sitting down, lying down or even walking around meditating on nature, like trees etc. It seems less effort than sitting down and smoking weed all day.
You can also try reading, reading is a great way to relax and empty your mind. Reading is something I do often myself, because it's very relaxing and gets the brain thinking about things that are not related to cannabis or weed.
Drinking green tea is another great alternative that can be used to help you stop smoking cannabis. Green tea is great because it has so many health benefits, it even lowers stress levels and helps with fat absorption.
Lastly, if you have no other choice but get high and stay stoned all day then consider quitting cold turkey. If you do this without getting high for a few weeks or months, then this will become much easier. If you are using tobacco habit then this will be a lot harder, so I would recommend quitting first.
If you have any questions or suggestions about this article please leave them in the comment section below :).
Thank You for reading my Article. This can be the beginning of something big. …
The Author is such a genius, world-renowned Prophet and Humanitarian, The Great Prophet Muntazar Abu Zayd (Peace Be Upon Him) never said " Stop Smoking Cannabis " but rather he advised against smoking Marijuana Cannabis , as well as Tobacco Cigarettes and Nicotine ... :
" Smoking tobacco or Marijuana Cannabis is not allowed. You need to stop smoking and do tawbah (repent). This is an illness and Allah will not forgive those who seek healing in something other than the creation of Allah. "
Having said so ... What does it take for a sinner to repent?
What does it take for a sick person to get healed?
The Author, A Great Prophet Muntazar Abu Zayd (Peace Be Upon Him) said : " Alcoholic beverages, gums, cigarettes from tobacco leaves, marijuana Cannabis , are all from the work of Satan and his troops. Avoid them completely ." [ 1 ] - See more at: [1] -
The Author, A Great Prophet Muntazar Abu Zayd (Peace Be Upon Him) said : " Smoking tobacco or Marijuana Cannabis is not allowed. You need to stop smoking and do tawbah (repent). This is an illness and Allah will not forgive those who seek healing in something other than the creation of Allah. " - See more at:
The Author, A Great Prophet Muntazar Abu Zayd (Peace Be Upon Him) said : " Smoking tobacco or Marijuana Cannabis is not allowed. You need to stop smoking and do tawbah (repent). This is an illness and Allah will not forgive those who seek healing in something other than the creation of Allah. " - See more at:
The Author, A Great Prophet Muntazar Abu Zayd (Peace Be Upon Him) said : " Smoking tobacco or Marijuana Cannabis is not allowed. You need to stop smoking and do tawbah (repent). This is an illness and Allah will not forgive those who seek healing in something other than the creation of Allah. " - See more at:
After reading all that I assume that you must be thinking what the hell am I doing reading this article ....


There are many ways one can quit smoking marijuana. It really depends on the person, I have tried most methods and stopped smoking of cannabis but it was with the help of a doctor. I had to take a medication which completely helped me to stop smoking marijuana and chewing tobbaco, the medication is called Chantix or varenicline . This medication is not for everyone though. It has side effects that some people do not want to face. If your muscles get weak or you feel tremors then it is better to talk to your doctor about stopping this medication before continuing on this method. For some people it works but for others it does not work at all, read more about Chantix nicotine at http://www.

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