Stop Smoking Programs - Advice For Smokers To Quit For Good!


 Stop Smoking Programs - Advice For Smokers To Quit For Good!

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death, responsible for killing more than five million people every year. The World Health Organization has identified smoking to be the single most important modifiable risk factor for human health. Whether you are looking to avoid future medical costs or just want to start a new healthy lifestyle, it's well worth considering what advice experts have to offer about how best to stop smoking for good.

This article contains tips and tricks from doctors, psychologists, and health professionals all over the world that can help smokers quit tobacco once-and-for-all.

If you are reading this article because you want to stop smoking, I congratulate you on your self-control, willpower, and desire to quit. This is the first step in a very rewarding journey and a brave step too. Not only will you begin to save yourself from a lifetime of medical bills, but you'll also increase your chances of living longer and healthier.

If at first you don't succeed in stopping smoking, do not be discouraged. Keep trying.  It can take up to five times before someone can finally quit for good... so don't give up hope!

Here are the five most reliable techniques for successful cold turkey quitting: .

To stop smoking for ever, you will have to be strong and stay strong. Below is a list of the top 10 tricks to help you stay strong: .

There are many reasons why people choose to smoke tobacco. Some do it out of habit, while others because they enjoy the taste or the act of smoking itself. Whatever it is, you should realize that there are better alternatives out there; healthier alternatives that can actually help discipline your body and mind... alternatives that won't harm you or those around you.

For example, when you smoke, your body processes nicotine which is a chemical that is at least as addictive as cocaine and heroin. As the effects of nicotine wear off, your body not only craves more nicotine but it also craves the artificial sugar from tobacco. The result? You get cravings for both sugar and nicotine which can be tough to resist.

But don't worry; there are other alternatives including: tea, coffee, water and healthy snacks like fruit and vegetables. If you crave a social atmosphere then go for a walk or join a related forum like this one to meet people with similar interests. Just remember, there are healthier alternatives to tobacco or rather no alternatives at all.

When you quit smoking, your lungs will feel less congested and you will have a greater sense of freedom. However, with each breath you take, your body is going to need time to heal the areas which were previously damaged by smoking. The more cigarettes you smoke, the longer it will take for the damage to be completely healed.

As a result, if you quit cold turkey without any nicotine replacement therapy or any other kind of therapy whatsoever, it can take between six months and even two years for your lungs and throat to adjust back to their original state (some say this is impossible).

As you know, cigarettes are not only dangerous because they contain nicotine, but they also contain tar and many other chemicals that can be harmful to your body. Thankfully, when you quit smoking all of these chemicals will be removed from your body. But by then it might already be too late because the damage has already been done.

What's more? The best way to kick a smoking habit isn't to go cold turkey at all! Instead, use nicotine replacement therapy such as gum, patches or e-cigarettes which will help wean you off of nicotine.

How to use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) : .

Best e-cigarettes for quitting smoking: .

However, there are some things you can do to help minimize and even eliminate the damage caused by smoking tobacco: .

Here are ways to reduce your cancer risks: .

More Articles About Stop Smoking Programs: .

... For more information on stopping smoking forever, please visit the following pages: .

Citations: [1] "Tobacco use." World Health Organization (WHO). 2014 Mar 29, 2014 < Accessed 2 Dec 2014. "Tobacco use." World Health Organization (WHO). 2014 Mar 29, 2014 < Accessed 2 Dec 2014. "Tobacco use." World Health Organization (WHO). 2014 Mar 29, 2014 < Accessed 2 Dec 2014.

Citations: [1] "Tobacco use." World Health Organization (WHO). 2014 Mar 29, 2014 < Accessed 2 Dec 2014. "Tobacco use." World Health Organization (WHO). 2014 Mar 29, 2014 < Accessed 2 Dec 2014. "Tobacco use. Disease," [cited December 2, 2014] <>. "Tobacco use." World Health Organization (WHO). 2014 Mar 29, 2014 < Accessed 2 Dec 2014. "Tobacco use." World Health Organization (WHO). 2014 Mar 29, 2014 <> ". Accessed 2 Dec 2014. "Tobacco use." World Health Organization (WHO) ("Tobacco Use"). March 29, 2014 [cited December 3, 2014]. WHO < "Tobacco use." World Health Organization (WHO). March 29, 2014. <>. Accessed 3 Dec 2014. "Tobacco use." World Health Organization (WHO). March 29, 2014. <>. Accessed 3 Dec 2014

Citations: [2] ""Quitting smoking: A guide to effective methods,"" [cited December 4, 2014] <


I hope that you have found these seven secrets to be helpful in reducing your risks of cancer and other smoking-related ailments.

However, if you are still not sure then my best advice is to contact a medical professional who can guide you into making the right decision regarding your health and your life.

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Sources and Citations: Click here to see the sources used for this article with inline citations: .

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