Stress Eliminating Affirmations


 Stress Eliminating Affirmations

The word stress alone is enough to trigger panic in most people. The situation can be dire when a loved one is killed, an accident happens, or you have financial difficulties. But what many people don't realize is that stress can also negatively impact your health and well-being because it's linked to the release of hormones including cortisol and adrenalin that make you feel more irritable, anxious and depressed.

In this blog post, I am going to demonstrate some simple ways for you to lower your level of stress through affirmations which are basically positive statements about yourself that are designed to change the way your brain works by replacing negative thoughts with more empowering ones.

Stress may be triggered due to external factors such as a disagreement with a colleague, or a disagreement with your partner, or due to internal factors such as fear of failure at work, or fear of making mistakes.

In order for you to change this situation and get rid of stress, you must first be aware that stress is happening. Without the knowledge that you are under stress, you can't start worrying about how to make it go away. By starting today and using the following tips to control your stress through affirmations, you can control your mind in so many ways.

So what are these affirmations? These are positive statements that you say to yourself which will in turn change the way your brain works. For example, if you have a situation at work where your boss is angry with you and reprimanding you, instead of saying "I'm a failure," try saying "It was an honest mistake on my part, and I'm not going to make it happen again." Or if you have a disagreement with your spouse, instead of saying "He is so stupid. How could he argue with me like this?" try saying "We're both upset right now. Let's take some time out and then talk about it. Thank you for listening to me and understanding."

These are simple affirmations with no negative connotation, and can be said at any time of the day. Studies have found that this is one of the more effective ways in which you can help yourself get over stress and fear. Simply stating these positive affirmations to yourself will change your brain functions due to neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to change from one way of thinking to another), and therefore helping you achieve a sense of mastery over situations that may be otherwise stressing or frightening at times.

Listening too much to what others say negatively impacts your ability to think positively, so instead of following what others do, follow what others say. And this is what these affirmations help you do.

Here are some affirmations that you can adapt to your needs:

I am strong and I can handle it. No one can stop me from achieving my goals. I love myself and I respect others too. I don't need to be right all the time; my opinions are valid too, just like everyone else's. It's okay to be different; people really appreciate that in me. I am a great employee and I deserve to be praised for my work as much as anyone else does. Saying no isn't being selfish; it actually helps me focus on what is important in life. I am in control of my own life. I have the power to always make the right decision, and I will not let my circumstances restrict my freedom. I believe in myself and the world, so everything is going to work out okay for me.

These affirmations can help you release stress and overcome negative thoughts without feeling like you are making it up as you go along, which makes them great for everyone because everyone can relate to these sentiments being said.

It is a fact that everything happens for a reason, and this is something that you can use to your advantage. So if you have been aware of the fact that something happened to cause stress (an argument with your partner, or arguing with someone at work), then it's time to start using these positive affirmations to change your mind and have the situation be favorable for you. And there are some other tips as well which we are going to discuss in this article.

For example, you have been arguing with someone and are trying to figure out how you can change the situation for the better, so you need to come up with something that was said during the argument that you can work with. Start first by coming up with a negative statement; in this case it would be "They shouldn't have said that to me." Once you have identified what is bothering you, think of a positive sentiment rather than a negative one. In this case it would be "I shouldn't have reacted in such an angry way. I can always apologize to them and explain why I acted the way I did."

This is a simple example of how you can eliminate your stress through affirmations. And you can actually use this technique while having a discussion with your partner, or colleagues, and when you are driving to work or back home. Try it out today and see the change in you in just one week! Happy Affirming!

Stress Eliminating Affirmations | Stress Relief Tips For Daily Living - Self Help Blogs.


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*Do note that the self-development program I'm referring to is only available in the United States, Canada and Australia. It's an e-course that starts on July 21st and you can register for it here:

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It's come to my attention recently that there may be a lot of people who don't really know what comprises a well written blog post. A blog post does not have to be long, informative or comprehensive seeing that it is a form of writing. Your blog should be well put together. That means it is nice, simple and easy to read.

Here are some tips on how to make a successful post:

Do tend less on the number of words you use, although try not to go over 3000 words if you can help it. A post should be like poetry rather than prose as that way your readers will feel as though they're reading something written by someone who understands them and their problems.


Anyone who blogs for any amount of time will probably have to deal with things that happen to them and have a blog post on those things. There are many instances where a post can be written without any intention of publishing it. Unfortunately, when these posts are published they sometimes do not turn out well. Often times these posts just add clutter to your timeline and don't really accomplish anything or serve you any purpose.

There is always a better way to fix this situation than simply deleting the post. I would just delete the content completely and go back to the original format that brought me here in the first place.

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