Stress Is The Part Of Life


 Stress Is The Part Of Life

Happiness is, of course, a matter of perspective. For those who are up to the challenge and relish the experience, stress can be an invigorating experience that brings out the best in people. But for many others (including myself), stress can have a strong negative impact on mood and mental health. One way to set yourself up for success is by developing healthy coping strategies and seeking to learn more about your own psychological triggers. By understanding your reaction patterns in advance, you will be able to take better care of yourself during those inevitable tough moments in life.

The following list are websites that offer helpful information about how stress functions and what you can do about it:
The Stress and Health Library of NIDCD has a variety of resources to help you understand stress and develop sustainable methods to cope with it.
Mental Help Net is an extremely comprehensive resource that can help you understand many aspects of the experience of stress, anxiety, phobias and addiction; it's difficult to find another site that even comes close in terms of the amount of information available on these topics
Calm Clinic is a site that offers useful information on stress, anxiety and fear, as well as practical ways to deal with these feelings on a daily basis. They offer a variety of resources and links to other helpful sites.
Improve Health Info is another comprehensive self help site with helpful links to articles and websites relevant to the topic of stress, anxiety, phobias and addiction
The Kartoffel House offers a variety of articles and tools to help you better understand your own stress triggers, as well as practical techniques for managing them. In particular, they have a short checklist that can help you determine what kinds of situations are most likely to leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
Psychology Today offers a comprehensive review on how to manage your stress, as well as suggestions for dealing with the negative side effects associated with it.
Daily Strength is an online community of people dedicated to ensuring that everyone can live a successful and healthy life no matter what their current situation may be. In addition to content relevant to stress, anxiety, phobias and addiction, they also offer material looking at topics such as getting out of debt, eating well and making new friends
TED is a non profit organization that offers a variety of educational videos on a wide range of topics; many of them can be extremely helpful in understanding your own patterns of stress and anxiety, and how to best deal with them.
Mind Tools offers an insightful article looking at the connection between creativity and stress; in particular, they offer suggestions for finding innovative solutions in stressful situations, as well as tips for dealing with writers block that so often accompanies the experience of stress and anxiety.
Anxiety BC offers a variety of information about Bipolar Disorder, including information about the signs and symptoms that can be associated with it. They offer links to helpful resources for learning more about the disorder, as well as techniques for improving mood and managing symptoms.
Livescience provides a summary of studies suggesting that junk food may increase your levels of stress hormones; they also offer information on taking advantage of healthy alternatives in order to achieve superior results when dealing with stress and anxiety in your life.
News Feed U is a blog dedicated to providing wisdom and insight into the many facets of living a healthy and successful life; they have articles that offer tips regarding stress, anxiety, phobias and addiction, as well as other topics relevant to emotional health.
The American Psychological Association offers helpful information about how to deal with the experience of stress in your life; in particular, they offer suggestions for finding ways to cultivate resilience in order to bounce back from difficult situations and achieve greater success in your personal and professional affairs
Help Guide offers a variety of information about how stress and anxiety function, as well as personal suggestions for coping with it; in particular, they offer a list of healthy coping strategies that can be used in stressful situations
MNN is a site dedicated to helping you maintain optimal performance in your life; their articles offer helpful information about stress, anxiety, phobias and addiction, as well as suggestions for coping with the experiences of these feelings.
Psychology Today offers an intelligent exploration of the many factors that contribute to stress and anxiety; they offer suggestions for managing them on a daily basis and tips for dealing with things such as depression, poor self care and poor communication.
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America is a national non profit organization dedicated to the idea that recovery from anxiety, depression and other mood disorders is possible; they provide important information about the nature of these conditions, as well as practical suggestions for how to deal with them.
Pacific Standard offers an insightful article exploring the apparent over reliance on medication in treatment of mental illness in modern American society; they offer their own solutions to this problem, as well as alternative ways in which people can pursue healthy lifestyles and lead successful lives

While there are many ways in which people struggle with stressful or anxiety producing situations, there is no shortage of knowledge to be found that can help you deal with them in the most advantageous manner once you identify them.
This article discusses the common and extreme stress experienced by many employees when they are forced to chose between their job and their personal beliefs; it also explores how this stress leads to a number of problems, such as poor mental health and poor work performance on the job

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