Stress - Some Ways Not To Deal With It


 Stress - Some Ways Not To Deal With It

Stress is a part of life. It can make you sick, it can make you mad, and it can even make your kids behave poorly. But with these tips, you'll be able to learn how to control your stress in an effective way that's better for your body and brain!

Stress comes in many forms: mental stress, physical stress, social stress - the list goes on. Our bodies are hardwired to react with fear when faced with any kind of threat or danger - but that doesn't mean that we always need to let go of reason. Keep calm; take care of yourself as best as possible by following these helpful habits.
"Know your limits."
When you know your limits, there's no telling how much more successful you can be. In the face of stress, you must learn to be proactive. If you don't know how to react in a certain situation, that's alright! Take a few deep breaths and give it some thought. When faced with a stressful situation where "acting out of the normal" is necessary, do so with caution.
A good way to determine what kind of stress is causing certain emotions or reactions is to look at the outcomes - positive or negative - and figure out why they happened that way. Make sure that you have all the information before making a decision!
"Maintain balance. "
A lot of the time, stress gets the best of us because we pull long hours and we don't get enough sleep. Unfortunately, if you try to "make up" for your lack of sleep by napping or staying up later - you're just going to make it worse. Keep a list with you at all times. Write down what you have to do and when; that way, when it's time to sleep, you can turn off your computer and go straight to bed!
Shifting gears can help relieve some stress. If something comes up that causes an increased amount of stress in your life, take five minutes out of every hour or so to do something else. You could call a friend, read a good book, or just get out and take a walk.
"Positive thinking pays big dividends."
The best way to combat stress is to let go of the negative emotions you're feeling and replace them with positive ones. If you aren't eating well and your diet is going downhill, start by eating some air-popped popcorn! Most importantly, have faith in yourself. Also keep in mind that trying to solve your problems on your own is not only stressful, it's also largely ineffective! Talk to someone who can help; but if that doesn't work, research other options online!
"Know when enough is enough. "
If you feel like you are working too much, that's normal. Relax for a few minutes and do something else. Break up your workload so that you don't stress about when to do what - it'll seem more manageable if it's spread out! If you're busy working on something, take breaks in between and reward yourself with something small.
"Stay active!"
If you've ever played a sport or been on the go, you know how great exercise can be - it can reduce your stress and make you feel better inside and out. Exercise is a great way to release emotions; especially anger. If you're having a bad day, take it out on the punching bag or take a long jog to clear your head.
"Take on challenges."
Challenges are stress relievers because they give you something to work toward. Focus on making positive changes in your life and you'll be pleased with the results! If you're feeling stressed, adopt a new challenge into your life - but make sure not to overdo it. For example, if starting a new exercise routine is going to put too much strain on school and your job, it may not be worth the extra stress!
"A good laugh is truly medicine for the soul. "
Smiling and laughing is one of the best stress relievers. If you're having a stressful day and can't quite tear yourself away from work or the computer, try making a silly YouTube video! You'll be surprised how much better you'll feel when you watch it later that night - and that's even before you've had your favorite cup of coffee! There's no better way to relieve stress than with laughter, so make sure to do it often.
"Take stock of your surroundings."
Lately, I've been procrastinating but I made a very informed decision for myself (and for my paper) to get up early this morning. What I did was, I organized my desk. When you have your bag or backpack on you, make sure your papers will fit in it and that it's comfortable. If you have a certain task that's bothering you, get it out of the way first. Basically, clear your mind because once it's clear of stress, everything else will be too!
If you're feeling a little too stressed about school or work or life in general and are having a hard time letting go of the tension - take a deep breath and then another and another after that. Think about how good it feels to breathe in fresh air and how fresh air is so much better than toxic air!
"Set realistic goals. "
Setting your sights on a certain goal is the first step to achieving it. When you set goals, don't get too caught up in the process itself. Write down what you want and how far you want to go and make sure to be realistic! If your goal is to become a professional boxer, don't force yourself into that because it's never going to happen - get a hobby instead!
"Take care of yourself."
Stress can be exhausting and if you're tired all the time, fatigue can spiral out of control. Being tired doesn't mean you're lazy - it means you need some rest. Try to eat well and drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep and remember, the better you feel, the more productive you'll be!
"Gain a new perspective."
When things aren't going your way - that's just life! But if you can find a way to look at your situation in a positive light and make things happen, you'll have gained a new perspective on life! I had an argument with a friend recently and I was stressed out about it but after sitting with myself for 30 minutes, I realized that there was nothing too big to worry about. And if you ask me, that's a pretty good perspective to gain!
"Find the silver lining."
The best way to combat stress is by learning how to find the silver lining in bad situations. If you're stuck with a bunch of schoolwork and they're piling up, look at it this way: at least you know you've got your priorities straight and are doing what needs to be done. If your boss is being extra critical, tell yourself that it's only because he/she knows you're capable of more and will thus push you harder than anyone else could. These are all ways to overcome stress!
"Be grateful for what you have."
Take a minute before falling asleep every night.


Stress often starts when you feel as though you are not being good to yourself. We hear a lot of bad news, so we can lose perspective and feel overwhelmed before we realize it. Stress is always an enemy - but with some healthy lifestyle changes, you can fight back! Learning how to be happy will allow you to start reaching your goals and going after what you want. You don't need conflict in your life! Learn how to let go of the negative emotions that stress brings with it and focus on developing positive emotions instead. Stressed people often end up feeling resentful, which is never good.

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