Student Motivation: Inspiring The Future


 Student Motivation: Inspiring The Future

Every day, students around the world are faced with tougher academic challenges and pressures. From reports of high-stress levels and low amount of motivation among college student populations, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to motivate oneself to study. Students are also faced with a particularly busy lifestyle that often leaves little time for personal reflection or self-discovery. The list below shares some simple steps for students looking to get more out of their school experience.

Be open to life-changing experiences. Epic change is natural and inevitable in our lives. The most memorable moments of anyone’s life are not necessarily the ones that happen when you have planned them, but rather are the ones that have to be improvised, transformed and incorporated into an already existing situation. New experiences transform your world in ways you can never imagine. College is meant for these transformative times, and should be treated as a new beginning rather than a new destination. So look for those moments where life will forever change from what it was before and embrace them with all your heart, mind and soul!

Ask questions because you don’t know everything about everything. College is a time where students can branch out and try new things, meet new people and embrace their passions. This will involve asking questions, many of which may seem silly at first but are reflective of curiosity that is naturally required for self-discovery. Students should not feel like fools for asking questions; instead, they should be encouraged to do so as it not only helps you grow but also helps the entire community grow.

Be focused about the present because without it nothing else is possible. If you are having a bad college day, don’t dwell on it. Instead, be able to take control and change your perspective of it. Focus on what’s right in front of you and make a decision to make good things happen!

Search for the meaning in your life. What do you believe is important? What excites you? What are you passionate about? Your beliefs are very powerful forces that will shape every decision you make over the course of your lifetime, so use them wisely as they can create many positive outcomes in both your academic and personal life. One of the best ways to find meaning in your life is by really listening to others and by learning from other people’s experiences. The more you listen, the more you will learn and the more you will grow.

Be humble and know that others are just as smart as you are. The interdependence of life means that every person on this planet has something to teach and something to learn. Through sharing with one another, we can all gain greater insight into ourselves and the world around us. So don’t be afraid to ask questions, share your ideas or take in someone else’s wisdom. Put yourself in situations where mutual learning is the norm rather than the exception.

Expect change, but embrace stability (or at least what you think may be stable).

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