Success - How To Overcome The Naysayer’s


 Success - How To Overcome The Naysayer’s

Naysayers are everywhere. They're the people in our lives that can find fault with everything we do, and they're not without merit. In fact, they have a point. But naysayers aren't just people who tell you how it is - they are usually people who have given up on the idea of success themselves.

The trick to overcoming those who would discourage your ambitions is understanding why their negative behavior persists through the years - and that isn't always easy to figure out! Sometimes it's a personal struggle, sometimes it's jealousy. The important thing is recognizing what motivates them in order to prevent their negativity from affecting your life goals . . .

Naysayers are everywhere. They're the people in our lives that can find fault with everything we do, and they're not without merit. In fact, they have a point. But naysayers aren't just people who tell you how it is - they are usually people who have given up on the idea of success themselves.

The trick to overcoming those who would discourage your ambitions is understanding why their negative behavior persists through the years - and that isn't always easy to figure out! Sometimes it's a personal struggle, sometimes it's jealousy. The important thing is recognizing what motivates them in order to prevent their negativity from affecting your life goals . . .

Remember WHY they do what they do. If someone is always against you, you may be fighting a hopeless battle in the area that they're trying to cock block you in, whether it's your career choice or dating someone new.

The most important thing to remember is that everyone has their own unique motivations and reasons for being negative. Some people view failure and criticism as a badge of honor - others view failure the same way we view obesity - as an affliction. The person that sees failure as a badge of honor is more than likely a fellow fighter, who considers success his arch-nemesis. If that's the case, let him/her be. They're probably right, and if it's not in your destiny to overcome this particular hindrance, then find another way to achieve your goals. However if you know in your heart of hearts that you are destined to have great things happen to you - this is when you need to take the bull by the horns and get out there and make those things happen!

Don't complain about the negative people in your life. You recognize them for what they are: Naysayers. Positivity is a rare commodity and it's up to you to cultivate that quality by positive thinking . . .

The truth is in order for your goals to be achieved, you need to ignore the naysayers and go with your gut. Better yet, surround yourself with positivity. Find people who believe in themselves and their abilities - who don't accompany their success with a list of excuses.

If you aren't quite there yet, look at the situation as an opportunity to grow. When someone tries to put you down or discourage you from doing the things that will make your goals happen, try to figure out why this person would say such a thing. People who say things like this aren't just being negative - they're trying to protect themselves from getting hurt. Maybe they want to give you a hard time because you stand out as an open person, and others are jealous of your success. Maybe they want to see if you'll put up with their shit before they even buy you a drink! People like this need positive reinforcement, even if it's just to feel better about themselves. If you're that kind of person, give it to them. If they aren't receptive, don't push. Sometimes beating your head against the wall is just a waste of energy.

Remember WHY they do what they do. If someone is always against you, you may be fighting a hopeless battle in the area that they're trying to cock block you in, whether it's your career choice or dating someone new.

The most important thing to remember is that everyone has their own unique motivations and reasons for being negative. Some people view failure and criticism as a badge of honor - others view failure the same way we view obesity - as an affliction. The person that sees failure as a badge of honor is more than likely a fellow fighter, who considers success his arch-nemesis. If that's the case, let him/her be. They're probably right, and if it's not in your destiny to overcome this particular hindrance, then find another way to achieve your goals. However if you know in your heart of hearts that you are destined to have great things happen to you - this is when you need to take the bull by the horns and get out there and make those things happen!

Don't complain about the negative people in your life. You recognize them for what they are: Naysayers.

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