Superstar Growth Strategy


 Superstar Growth Strategy

Last year, I was able to accomplish something that had been engraved in my mind for over a decade: launch a series product of my own. The project was ambitious, riddled with difficulties and frustrations — but it allowed me to learn how to take control of my life, set objectives, and start doing what works for me.

In this post, I’ll outline some of the tricks I used in launching a successful new business venture — as well as some strategies that can help you do the same.

As always — it’s important to remember that there are no shortcuts when it comes to entrepreneurship or personal development!

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The Secret To Effective Travel". Where you write this? Someplace where you can blog at 6pm on weeknights. The intro should sum up and encapsulate the concept of the following blog post. Be sure that at least one of your new business projects entails you being a guru or master of a particular topic (product, service, "field", etc.).

2. Research the Question

To get started, try to answer a few questions as clearly as possible: What is the primary problem that needs to be solved? What is your target market? Who is your assumed audience? How much money do you expect to earn in this concept?

3. Observe with Close Eyes

Observe, observe and observe some more. Meet with friends, relatives and business associates who may serve as potential customers or clients. Brainstorm new ways to approach the concept.

If you’re not sure whether you have a market for your idea, use this simple test: ask 10 people if they would buy the product or service you’re thinking of selling. If fewer than four say yes — move on!

4. Make an Action Plan

Spend some time creating a proper business plan. Use it as a blueprint from which to measure your project’s progress and success (or failure). With your action plan in hand, outline steps you will need to take to get started working on making your business venture successful right now.

5. Start Doing

If you’ve followed the advice in a few of the first steps above, you should have a good idea of what direction you’d like your business to head. If not, don’t think too much about it — set your focus on actually doing something (like writing this article). Follow the known steps of launching a business successfully (buy domain name, register web site, create blog etc), but do it in less than 24 hours — and do Step #1 first.

Take out any old ideas and put them on the backburner. There’s no need to make a lot of choices or decisions at this point. Try writing down the first two or three things you’d like to do for your business and then start doing them.

6. Work on Creating an Awesome Product (or Service)

Once your product or service is up and running, make sure that it is top notch! No matter how much you market your website, it will not work if there is no real value for the customer.

Create a cool video titled "Introduce Yourself To Me". It should be one minute long, shot from the perspective of a popular Youtuber (e.g., John Chow). You're now a Youtuber!

7. Write an article called "#1 Quick Tip For X". Write a short post, and be sure to include a related picture. Use the image URL for the hyperlink back to your homepage. Within the image code, put your domain name in so that people can go directly to your website.

8. Make it Stick

Make good use of social bookmarking sites to help promote your message, page and business! Don’t worry you don’t have time for this? Make time! Social bookmarking sites are an easy way to network with like-minded individuals around the world — as well as find a few extra clients and business opportunities along the way. Share your favorite content with members like you — and get some new ones in return!

9. Build up a Following

Use any related social media platform (e.g., Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) to both broadcast your message as well as to find more people like yourself (or others who may be interested in your niche). I highly recommend using Twitter for networking — simply follow users who share a similar interest or who have similar interests as you.

10. Start Using Your List

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Remember that you have an email list of people who want to hear from YOU. Make a short post that includes a link to your email signature and asks people to contact you via email if they’d like to learn more.

For example, you could write:

"I just created an introductory video on YouTube. If you’d like me to show you the process I used to make it (and the sites I recommend using), simply let me know via email at [YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS]. Thanks!"

11. Keep it Short

To take full advantage of this post, remember to use the right amount of detail. Make sure that your content clearly explains what you are selling, who you are selling it to, and why they should buy (or subscribe!) right now!

12. Keep it Simple

Take everything I’ve said in this article and boil it down to a few helpful tips that can be remembered easily—and followed easily, too. If my presentation is good enough, people will become interested in hearing more from me on the subject — so I don’t need to cram everything into one post.

Put a link to your short video on YouTube and write a short post titled "Introduce Yourself To Me".

(All of these steps taken in less than 24 hours.)

At the end of the day, it’s not that difficult to start new business ventures — but you must remember that there is no such thing as overnight success. Be patient, be realistic and most importantly be consistent!

Make sure that you’ve followed the advice in this article by taking action on it above.

To learn more about how to write and deliver winning sales messages, check out my other helpful book on Amazon:

Please CLICK HERE now to write your customer an awesome message — TODAY!

Thank you.

-Joe Bellow

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Secret To Becoming a Blogging Rockstar… Is Using This Book As A Secret Weapon! 5

Myth #1: Everyone who claims that blogging is easy is lying 5 Back to Reality! 7 Step #1 8 Take Action 8

1. Write as much as you can 9 2. Become a social media expert 10 3. Start using your list 11 4. Keep it short 12 5.

Conclusion 14

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Secret To Becoming a Blogging Rockstar... Is Using This Book As A Secret Weapon! 5

Myth #1: Everyone who claims that blogging is easy is lying 5 Back to Reality! 7 Step #1 8 Take Action 8

1. Write as much as you can 9 2. Become a social media expert 10 3. Start using your list 11 4. Keep it short 12 5.

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