Symptoms Of Depression


 Symptoms Of Depression

Depression is a condition that affects people in many different ways. The symptoms vary from person to person, and what's happening with your depression can depend on other factors such as age, overall health, genetics, or other medical conditions. Here are some of the more common symptoms that folks with depression might notice.

-Reduced ability for pleasure: It might seem like nothing gives you a sense of joy or satisfaction anymore. You might feel kind of stuck in an emotional funk and not know how to break free from it.
-Difficulty concentrating: You've found it really difficult to focus on anything lately and you're having trouble completing tasks at work or at home because of it.
-Changes in sleep patterns: You've noticed that you're sleeping more or less than usual, or you're experiencing changes in your sleep quality. It can be really hard to fall asleep, and sometimes when you wake up your body feels numb and heavy.
-Easily irritated: You feel irritable a lot of the time, and it seems like no matter how hard you try to hold it back, your fuse is just too short.
-Restlessness and agitation: Some people with depression report feeling very restless and on edge. Your muscles feel tense, especially in your neck and shoulders, but you really can't relax them.
-Loss of appetite: You just don't seem to have much of an interest in food anymore, and you might find yourself eating less than usual or not eating at all.
-Loss of energy: One of the most common symptoms of depression is the loss of energy. You just might not have the strength to do the things you normally would, like getting dressed for work or doing your favorite activities with friends.
-Feelings of guilt: When you feel depressed, there's a lot on your mind, and sometimes you're too caught up in your own thoughts and feelings about what's going on to see other people's perspective. You might have a lot of guilt and self-recrimination, even though you know things aren't your fault.
-Sleep disruptions: Sometimes when you're depressed, your sleep is more disrupted than usual. You might wake up in the middle of the night and find it really hard to fall back asleep.
-Decreased sex drive: People who are depressed often report finding it really hard to get turned on or develop feelings of sexual desire.
-Suicidal thoughts: If you've been having suicidal thoughts, you should seek professional help right away as it's not uncommon for people with depression to have suicidal thoughts at some time during their life (1 in 5 adults will experience a serious bout of depression at some point). Your doctor can help you get the support and treatment that you need.
-Inability to enjoy life: It's hard to find joy in anything, even when things are going really well.
-Intense feelings of guilt and self-recrimination: You might feel like there's something wrong with you, even though you know that it's not your fault.
-Feelings of worthlessness: You've lost confidence in your abilities, and you have a hard time believing that you're capable of doing anything.
-Feelings of hopelessness: You might think that it's just as bad today as it was yesterday, and it doesn't seem like anything will ever change.
-Feeling overwhelmed: It's hard for you to focus on or even understand what's going on around you.
-Lack of energy or motivation: You just feel like doing anything requires more energy than it's worth.

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