Synchronicity Will Lead You!


 Synchronicity Will Lead You!

Synchronicity is a phenomenon of meaningful coincidences that are not caused by predictable laws of nature. What can you do to make synchronicity happen more often in your life? One thing is for sure - it's never going to happen on its own, so if you want it, you're going to have to put in the work.

In this article I've collected 37 ways that will help increase your chances of experiencing synchronicity in your lifetime and give you a little understanding as to why it happens.

37 Ways To Experience Synchronicity - Summary:
I. How To Live Your Life At The Same Rate As The Universe
II. Remove External Distractions That Can Mask Your Intentions
III. Get Out Of Your Head And Into A State Of Flow And Surrender
IV. Stop Seeking Random Signs In Random Places
V. Create A Space Where Things Are Not Strictly Limited By Time And Space
VI. Turn An Event Into A Living Process, Not An End Result Of Particular Events
VII. Avoid Putting Up With Non-Value Added People Who Block Your Way To Success In Any Area Of Your Life
VIII. Synchronicity And Timelessness Are Related
IX. Synchronize Your Internal Clocks With The Entire Universe
X. Look At The Bigger Picture, Not Your Immediate Wants And Needs
XI. Always Follow Your Intuition
XII. Use A Personal Mantra Or Affirmation To Manifest What You Want Quickly And Effortlessly Without Struggle Or Stress
XIII. Feel An Irresistible Urge To Move In A Particular Direction That Is Leading You To What You Want In Life
XIV. Surround Yourself With People Who Support And Encourage You Towards What Is Important To You
XV. Be Super Objective About Everything, Especially Your Life
XVI. Pay Attention To What Happens In Your Dreams
XVII. Be Open To The Possibility That Reality Is Just A Large Hologram
XVIII. If You're Having Trouble Feeling And Experiencing Synchronicity, Try Using Intuitive Tools Like Tarot Cards Or Runes
XIX. Observe The Flow Of Energy In And Around You
XX. Learn How To See And Recognize Meaningful Patterns Where Others Can't Through Discipline, Practice And Repetition
XXI. Get Out Of Your Own Way; Whatever It Takes To Make Synchronicity Happen, Do It!
XXII. Practice Repetitive Life Experiences To Learn Important Lessons And Evolve
XXIII. Let Go Of Unproductive Fears That Block The Flow Of Energy In Your Life
1. How To Live Your Life At The Same Rate As The Universe
As strange as it sounds, you have to try and "live in the moment" and synchronize your life with the universe, at least in terms of your intentions. If you can do that, then synchronicity will happen more often than it ever has before. Why? Because the universe is moving forward in time and so are you. You have to "go with the flow". This is one of the most important secrets to experiencing synchronicity as often as possible.
To get better at making this one work, you simply have to practice it. If you know what you want in life and the type of person you want to be, then visualize yourself having already achieved your goals, living your dream lifestyle, being that person. Then do everything in your power to make that realisation a reality. Most of the time, we don't try hard enough to make what we want happen in our lives.
2. Remove External Distractions That Can Mask Your Intentions
Often times external factors that affect our lives can mask what we truly intend or want deep down. For example, maybe you are constantly broke because you are trying too hard to impress other people and not take care of yourself first.
3. Get Out Of Your Head And Into A State Of Flow And Surrender
I am all about bringing the spiritual aspects of life into everyday reality, and that includes the energy of synchronicity. I learned a little trick from one of my favorite movies, " The Last Samurai " that has helped me to live more in a flowing, stream-of-consciousness way. Whenever you hear about intuition and instinctive gut feelings that's what it's talking about. It is basically living life on pure will power and trusting your gut instinct to guide you through life decisions instead of trying to figure everything out logically (i.e. thinking too much).
You should always give in to your intuition and follow it. But I would like you to think about how this relates to synchronicity. We are all living in a stream of consciousness, so as long as you're there and not caught up with any external distractions that can divert you from your true intentions (such as money, success and so on), then the universe will guide you towards what is important to you. If your intentions are positive, then good things will happen for you; if they are negative, then bad things will happen for you.


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