Take The Easy Way Out With A Stop Smoking Shot


 Take The Easy Way Out With A Stop Smoking Shot

If you have decided to go “cold turkey” with your smoking habit, you are going to need help. More than likely, the thought of quitting will haunt you the day before your quit date and it will be tempting to give in. You might try some over-the-counter medications or chewing gum, but those can be expensive and sometimes not work well enough to truly help.

We would like to introduce a new option that is affordable and effective: The stop smoking shot kit! This kit is designed specifically for smokers who want an easy way out of their addiction with just one injection. In many cases, people find they no longer crave cigarettes after the shot is administered.

The shots are distributed worldwide in most countries via doctors, dentists and pharmacies. They are available in both regular strength and high-strength versions, depending on the user's needs.

The shot works by blocking nicotine receptors in the brain, thus preventing nicotine from reaching the brain. It lasts between two and four hours, depending on the strength. You can buy a single or multiple shots at any time of year to keep yourself on track with your quit date.

If you want to stop smoking cold turkey, we recommend a high-strength shot instead of our traditional stop smoking medicine. The high-strength version is more effective because it has higher amounts of nicotine, thus providing better results. We also have a low-strength stop smoking shot that can be used in conjunction with traditional nicotine replacement therapy.

The high-strength version is more effective because it has higher amounts of nicotine, thus providing better results. We also have a low-strength stop smoking shot that can be used in conjunction with traditional nicotine replacement therapy.

With the stop smoking shot, there are no pills to remember to take regularly or gum to chew several times per day like other medications require. If you buy our kit in advance, you can schedule your appointment for your injection whenever it's convenient and plan for the time after your injection so that you have some down time and don't have to rush off to work or an important event on the same day.

With our stop smoking shot, you get the nicotine that your body is craving to help you quit smoking. It may sound too good to be true, but it's not. The kit is available over the counter and there are no age restrictions. All you need to do is schedule an appointment with a doctor or dentist who offers our products, usually within a few days of your scheduled quit date.

Once you receive your injection, then the fun part begins! Be prepared for the effects of a sudden withdrawal from nicotine by having plenty of distractions set up in advance. You will experience headaches and dizziness at first, but then it will slowly go away as weaning yourself off of nicotine altogether. There is a possibility that you might crave cigarettes for the first month or so, but if you continue to take the shot every day as planned, you will slowly begin to notice that your cravings start to diminish almost immediately.

You can order our product online or find more information by visiting our main website where we have a dedicated community of people who are also trying to quit smoking. The site has all of the tools, tips and tricks that you need to be successful in your journey towards becoming a non-smoker.

If you want to stop smoking cold turkey and don't know where to start, then the stop smoking shot might be just what you need. Please join our community today by visiting www.stop-smoking-shot.com and let us help you guide your path to quitting smoking!

Source: Makers of the Stop Smoking Shot

Permalink: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/685470-Take-The-Easy-Way-Out-With-a-Stop-Smoking-Shot


By: TotallyBogus (totallybogus) - Oct 17, 2015 10:00 PM EST

First time i tryed the shot i loved it great buzz and it worked, my lungs felt like they were breathing easier after a few weeks, but i did go back to smoking (well vaping). So I got another shot, this time the high dose. I am not sure which is better because when i take them together its like a bad trip, more of an agonizing high with headache and vomit. I want to stop smoking, i know i do, but some how this product makes me crave cigarettes really bad.

Posted by: TotallyBogus | Oct 19, 2015 4:03 AM EST

I tried the shot in 2004 and quit smoking for a year. I became an opiate addict. The withdrawal was horrible and nothing I had ever experienced before. Once I got through that - I found out about suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) and it has been my saving grace. I have been on opiates since then but not addicted to them. And no cravings for cigarettes.

Posted by: ted | Oct 19, 2015 4:09 AM EST

I have been smoking for over 25 years. I started using the shot in January of this year and haven't had a single cigarette since then. Last time I smoked was in June (I quit cold turkey). It took me about 28 days to completely withdraw from cigarettes. I know it can be done. I recommend giving it a try. Not smoking is better than dying early!

Direct link to this article: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/posting.php?s=&action=edit&pid=1039429

Posted by: LdC | Oct 19, 2015 4:16 AM EST

Its not a miracle cure, but it worked for me. I quit for approx 5 months (my longest ever) then just let it slip and was smoking again in 6 weeks. So i decided to stop and took the shot, every day after work for 30 days straight. Nothing changed, so i went cold turkey 3 months ago.. AND IT WORKS! I am still smoke free now after 4 weeks of no serious cigs. Mind you I have the patches that are no good, if your into getting high off the stuff... or taking a daily gabapentin or something like that, its a different story, but the patch just doesn't work for me. I found out about the shot from quitting4ever.com and it worked for me so i'm not going to critisize their product. Best wishes and good luck to all!

Posted by: MacK | Oct 19, 2015 4:22 AM EST

I have been smoking since I was 12 years old when I started smoking Lucky Strike cigarettes with my father. At 62 years old I am still trying to quit smoking using these products. You really need to use the stuff cold turkey otherwise you will go back to regular cigarettes again in a few days.

Conclusion. If you want to stop smoking, you need to quit cold turkey. I smoke half a cigarette almost every day and at 62 years old, I know what it is like to be addicted to cigarettes. But I simply cannot do this anymore especially since it is so unhealthy.

Please do not give up on quitting smoking in favor of these products. They are way better than the patches and gum and they work.

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