Take A Fuel Stop: Take A Glass Of Water!


 Take A Fuel Stop: Take A Glass Of Water!

It's pretty well-known that water is good for you, but can you improve your performance by drinking it before and during a workout?
Staying hydrated while working out is an extremely important factor in achieving optimal physical performance. Particularly during aerobic workouts, sweating can lead to dehydration which may result in less oxygen getting delivered to muscles and lower levels of endurance. 
In this article we explore the benefits of getting hydrated before and throughout your exercise routine, as well as some strategies for doing so.

It's also important to know how much water you need to stay hydrated; the general recommendation is a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day, as well as other fluids such as juice. Water is necessary for many biological functions like digestion, circulation and metabolism so you need to make sure you're getting enough of it.
The Benefits Of Hydrating Before A Workout
We've all experienced those days where we wake up feeling dehydrated, and our mouth feels like the Sahara desert. Drinking some water can be an instant fix, instantly reducing our thirst pangs.
Drinking enough water can also be helpful for people who are not used to working out or those who don't drink much. If you are used to hitting the gym 3-4 times a week, drinking 1–2 litres of water per day is enough to compensate for the extra fluids you will be losing. As an athlete, it's important to know that the water you drink before a workout should include carbohydrates so that your body has a readily available energy source.
Many people notice they're more focused and alert when they're adding carbs in their pre-workout drink. You'll know you've had enough if your glucose levels are within normal ranges (40-70mg/dl). If you're taking in more than 7-10 grams of carbs, you'll likely have trouble exercising.
In addition the body can store glucose in the muscles during times of intense activity so you don't need to be constantly replenishing your energy. This can improve your performance by allowing for greater endurance and muscle strength. Another benefit of taking in carbs is that it increases the absorption of water through the stomach lining, which can further dilute dehydration by helping with proper bowel movement.
As well as water, fruit juices are a naturally sweet fluid that also contains carbs and other beneficial vitamins and minerals (Kool-Aid is great for this). Drinking a glass of orange juice an hour before a workout will increase the absorption of potassium from the fruit. This improves hydration levels in the body and provides extra energy.
Drinking A Good Source Of Carbohydrates
Eating a well-balanced meal before exercising can help you power through your workout. If you're used to eating dinner at 6pm or later, it's important to eat a protein and carbohydrate rich meal 1-2 hours before your workout. Protein meals are key because they increase the rate of digestion and absorption of water into the system, as well as providing an immediate source of energy for circulation and muscle contraction.
Protein is essential for recovery after exercise because it helps repair muscles so they can work faster next time. High quality protein sources are also essential for getting enough nutrients in during your pre-workout meal.
The best time to eat carbs is after you exercise. Since they don't need to be digested, they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and can provide your muscles with extra energy so that you can exercise longer and harder before needing more water.
You can also consume carbs on a continual basis, without eating them before a workout. The body does not need complex carbohydrates for recovery so it will maintain a healthy supply of energy.
A good amount of carbs for your pre-workout meal should be around 20-30% of your total recommended intake during the day or as recommended by your doctor.
The right amount of carbohydrates depends on your diet and workout program. If you're a more serious athlete it would be best to eat moderate amounts of carbs the night before your workout and increase the amount the day of your workout. This is because you will most likely have less carbohydrate reserves in the morning, so you'll need to eat more if you want to make up for it. It's also important that you get enough calories from your diet throughout the day so that you get a balanced intake without becoming overly hungry or overly heavy.
Eating On The Go
If you're working out on the go, a good option is to take a fuel stop on your way there. If you're not sure what to have on your run, here are some ideas:
A small bag of pretzels or bag of candy (sugar) will provide plenty of carbs and sugar for the mind and muscle.
Bag of grapes provides good nutrition as well as a healthy sugar rush in the form of sugar.
A banana will provide you with a fair amount of carbs and potassium which has been found to be beneficial during exercise.
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a good choice if you're hungry and want to get some protein as well.
If you're going to drink during your workout, make sure it's water, or a fluid with similar hydrating capabilities. It's important that the beverage you choose is not too high in calories or sugar because this can cause an unwanted energy drop after about an hour of hard work. As mentioned above, adding some fruits can also be beneficial for their extra nutrients.
If you're planning on adding anything to your water, be sure it's a natural ingredient that won't cause a crash or interfere with the absorption of water.
show http://www.livestrong.com/article/475331-what-should-i-eat-before-workingout/#ixzz1V93BzgRp http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/apnm3003–232#.VIw8mG-0fi4 http://www.nsc.org/health-topics/exercise/first-aid-preventing-dietary-bloating#.VIw9lG–efik http://www.livestrong.com/article/190429-how-many-calories,-water,-and-carbohydrates/#ixzz1V93BzRx1
show http://www.runnersworld.com/runningwiththestars_subscribe#ixzz1V93BzSPP show https://sites.google.

We have seen that you should drink plenty of water, especially before exercising. We will also see that you should eat some carbs because they are important for your body. They can make your muscles stronger and give you energy to exercise more. The right amount depends on how much you work out, how long and what kind of exercise you do.
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