Ten Ways To Live With Heart


 Ten Ways To Live With Heart

Being heartbroken is like having a disease that wreaks havoc in your life. It's not always obvious, and it doesn't always start with the person you love. But one day it can seem like everything has fallen apart just because they left you or they died. Don't let the pain of losing someone make you feel lonely or hopeless though! Read these ten ways to remind yourself that there are things that people today can do to keep up their spirit and continue living a full life even when faced with heartbreak.

1) Have A Purpose - When we have a purpose for being alive it helps us overcome tough times by keeping our spirits up and our eyes wide open for opportunities in new directions. If you need help finding a purpose, look to your favorite activities, explore new interests, and find what you love to do. Once you uncover that part of your life, build upon it and make it as strong as possible so that when the pain of heartbreak starts to cloud your mind, you'll have something in your life besides being sad to hold on to.

2) Get Creative - It's healthy for people who are going through tough times to express the way they feel through art. Whether it's photography or singing or writing songs or playing an instrument, if you're going through heartbreak don't wait another moment longer to get started expressing yourself creatively. You can create items to sell and you can use your creative outlet to make money. Or, if you're feeling less ambitious, simply express what's happening in your life through writing. Even if you don't put your words to paper, simply jot them down on a scrap piece of paper or on your computer and pay attention to each emotion that comes up. See how many different emotions you can identify within yourself and in others.

3) Spend Time With Friends - If you are going through heartbreak it's important that you spend time with friends and family who understand why the pain is there and don't ask too many questions about it either. People who ask too many questions tend to make you feel more loneliness and isolation, which is a terrible feeling when you're going through heartbreak. Friends who understand that you need time to heal are usually more than happy to give it to you. And when they don't offer, as long as they still care about your feelings, ask them for time together. If they tell you that it's not a good time to hang out, don't take it personally. They are just being friends by telling the truth and looking out for your well-being.

4) Don't Let Heartbreak Change You - If you're going through heartbreak don't let it change who you are. It may seem like the pain is changing everything about your life, but don't let that happen. Love always changes people and we need to keep that in mind when we find ourselves going through heartbreak. Sometimes the person who leaves us has changed the way we act or think but if you allow heartbreak to completely change who you are, then your relationship will never recover and it's not worth doing either. Be strong and stay true to who you were before.

5) Don't Be Afraid To Change - It's healthy for people to grow and develop during the course of their lives. This is also true when heartbreak happens. If you're going through a tough time in your life, don't be afraid to change your habits, your thoughts, your feelings or your way of life if it will help you heal and move forward with the rest of your life. However, remember that change doesn't have to be drastic or scary either. Changes can be small, like writing down old memories in a journal or updating the pictures on your phone so that you don't have constant reminders of what used to be good in your past.

6) Hate The Pain - Simply put, if you hate the pain, then you won't be stuck feeling it all the time. If you hate the pain, then you'll have a chance at a future without anyone else becoming your feelings. We all go through tough times in our lives and heartbreak is one of those times, but we can also choose to feel it or not feel it. In other words, we can choose to accept our feelings or not accept them. If you can accept your feelings, then you're giving someone else a chance at happiness and moving on. And when others are happy, we are happy too.

7) Talk To Someone About Your Feelings - Talking about our feelings with another person is healthy for us as it creates connections in our lives and helps us to understand other people. When we talk about our feelings, our mind shifts into a new direction and allows us to find new ways of dealing with heartbreak. The problem is that many people wait too long before they talk about their feelings with the ones who love them. If there are things you want to say to someone, simply write them down or put them into a message on social media or email. Then wait for your answer. If the person doesn't answer, it's likely because that person isn't ready to have a conversation with you about your feelings and the way you're spiraling out of control.

8) Have Your Own Support Group - Just like it's healthy for us to talk to other people about our feelings, it's also healthy for us to talk to people who've been through heartbreak as well. When we meet people who know what we're feeling and can help us through it from a personal place, then we are no longer alone in our pain and suffering. By meeting and talking with people who are going through heartbreak, we can find a new direction together and the pain isn't as painful anymore.

9) If You're Not Ready To Move On - We all have to go to school at some point in our lives if we want to have a decent job or career, but we can also work on ourselves and learn new things in our own time. When heartbreak happens, it's usually because we weren't ready for what was coming and weren't prepared for it when it did arrive. If you weren't ready for heartbreak, then your coping skills were weak. We aren't good at everything that comes our way in life but we can always get better. If you don't believe that, then read this article about how to get over someone.

10) Be Honest About Your Feelings - It's easy for us to lie with our feelings because we can pretend that everything is okay when we're actually not. We just stay in our head instead of looking at things in the real world, which is where it truly matters. When we lie about our feelings and tell people some positive comments so that they don't feel hurt by them, then our pain only gets worse and we have more trouble moving forward.


Heartbreak is one of the hardest things that people ever experience, but it can be defeated. The reality is that often there are things that we can do to mitigate the pain and help us move forward. We can choose to ignore our feelings or fight them, but when we do this, we won't get anywhere. Sometimes it's necessary for us to feel the pain and understand that others love us no matter what happens or how our feelings change. While heartbreak can be horrible, there are always ways to help ourselves survive it and move-on successfully into a better future.

About Sonja Taylor Sonja Taylor is an expert blogger at www.healthiestwaystobreathe.

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