Ten Ways We Hinder The Law Of Attraction


 Ten Ways We Hinder The Law Of Attraction

Most of the time when we think of the law of attraction, we assume it’s a one-way street. That is, it will only bring things into our lives - things like health, money, and happiness but never anything to go out in return. If you’re like most people though then you probably also know that this law is a two-way street…and that it might not always be so easy to follow! Here are ten ways we hinder the law of attraction with our thoughts and actions.

1) Criticism: When we criticize something about ourselves or others without taking responsibility for what's going on in our own life, then this behavior ties us up in knots. What ends up happening is that we get stuck on the criticism itself and lose sight of what can be done to solve the problem at hand. The law of attraction doesn’t care where you place your attention, so you might as well place it where it needs to be. This means becoming aware of what’s going on in your own life.

2) Negative Self-Talk and Judging: When we judge ourselves and our experiences, then the law of attraction will always reflect the energy we send out. This is why it’s important to learn how to be kinder and more gentle with yourself and others (especially others). The feedback loop becomes quite powerful when you judge someone else harshly or put yourself down. You might have heard the saying “What you think about, increases; what you speak about, increases; what you focus on, increases.” this is because what you focus on amplifies.

3) Focusing on Others: When we focus on other people’s good luck and bad luck, then we simply eat up the energy that these people are sending out. The law of attraction does not care how much effort you put into helping others or how nice you are, only what the person is sending out in their consciousness. Eventually all of those expectations will end up backfiring. You’ll be disappointed when a friend didn’t get the job they wanted, or when your family complains about your cooking or something else totally unrelated to what you're focusing on. When you find yourself disappointed, then maybe it's time to take a step back and consider what you are really sending out in your own consciousness.

4) Judging Events: When we view events as either good or bad without considering our role in the manifestation of these events, then something will inevitably go wrong. If you think back to any regrets you might have had in the past, I am sure most of them revolve around judging the way things happened. If I could offer one piece of advice to help prevent this from happening again it would be to let go of blame. You might think that this is the way to save yourself from regrets, but it only backfires. When you focus on blaming others, then you’re sending them energy that will make you feel worse about yourself and the situation. If instead of focusing on how awful you feel about something, you consider what steps could be taken to prevent this from happening in the future, then perhaps there will be nothing to experience in the first place!

5) Self-Sabotage: Many times when we find ourselves stuck in a negative pattern of thoughts or actions, it's our way of throwing a wrench into the works. If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, or quit smoking only to find yourself back on the same path, then this might be what’s happening. Just like any kind of addiction, you’ll find yourself doing things that are counterproductive just to satisfy that obsessive thought or feeling. The best way to combat this tendency is with awareness. If you feel yourself slipping up, then take a moment to reflect and consider what need this action fulfills in your life.

6) Forcing: When we forcefully push ourselves into doing something that we don’t really want to do and don’t feel good about, then we are trying to force an outcome that doesn't exist yet. This is like trying to break a cycle prematurely by running into a wall. If you do this enough then there’s a good chance that the law of attraction will punish you for your behavior. The best way to deal with situations like this is to recognize your own resistance and then allow yourself to feel how it feels.

7) Blaming: When we blame others for our own feelings/actions, then this habit will make the law of attraction work against you. Many people fall into the habit of blaming their parents or their bosses for everything that goes wrong in their life. A lot of the time this is because we want to remain in control and don’t want to give up the power. For many people, there’s a fine line between blaming and knowing how to deal with a problem. It can be difficult to simply let go of this habit and take responsibility for your problems, but it is certainly possible. The more that you can forgive yourself for the things you have done, then you will let go of judgment. Only love can lift us up into higher consciousness and only love can heal our wounds.

8) Relying on Others: When we rely on other people to get us where we want to go, then we become prisoners of their happiness or unhappiness. This is a form of victim mentality, and the strongest type of victim mentality is a martyr. Think about who you surround yourself with, what you spend your time doing, who you allow to influence your thoughts and actions. The truth is that we are all responsible for our own happiness and unhappiness, so if you are self-sabotaging yourself then this will begin to show up in the lives of those closest to you.

9) Believing in Fantasy: When we believe in fantasy rather than reality then we’re not only depriving ourselves of the present moment but we’re also limiting our ability to experience abundance. The law of attraction does not care about your dreams, only about what you're sending out in your consciousness. If you have a dream that is so big and unrealistic that it takes over your daily life, then this will backfire because the law of attraction cannot work for something that you are not sending out into the universe. You might be tired of hearing this message, but reality always wins out in the end.

10) Living in Fear: When we live in fear of going through life alone or not having enough money or health or something else, then we are sacrificing some of our most important needs.


It is important to realize that there are no easy answers and that life isn’t fair. We live in a broken world where the law of attraction works against us more often than not. The only way to overcome this tendency is with awareness and self-love. Love is the strongest force in the universe, and it can lift even the darkest of hearts into higher consciousness.

If you find yourself caught up in bad habits, then perhaps it's time to focus on creating something new. If all else fails, then I encourage you to step outside of yourself and imagine what your life would be like if you had no need for love or affection from others.

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