The Dead End Of Resistance


 The Dead End Of Resistance

The definition for resistance is “a force that opposes motion through a space”. And if you have ever tried to move something heavy, like moving furniture, then you have felt the resistance of the object while trying to push or pull it.

In order to accomplish any task there needs to be some form of friction or opposing force in order for there to be any progress. In health, this is known as a "stress". When we are under stress our body produces counter-measures in an attempt to protect itself and these measures are what we call our “resistance”. We are constantly under some form of stress and we must be able to overcome this resistance in order to move on.

The problem is that the more we resist, the heavier the load becomes. The more weight we put on top of ourselves, the harder it is to move forward. Resistance makes us weak, stressed out, and stuck. We tend to pick up our own crosses and carry them with us throughout life until we learn how to be free again. To move forward through life there needs to be freedom and not just a mental freedom but also a physical freedom from resistance; otherwise it becomes an obstacle that gets bigger and bigger with each incoming load.

The real problem of resistance is how we ended up with it in the first place. Anything that we experience in life that is a source of stress, whether it be financial, emotional or physical, can create resistance within us. However if we take a closer look at our personal lives from the beginning to this very day, what was our upbringing like? What was the environment like around us? What experiences did we have during those times?

We became adults and this life was one of many new experiences. But we all have memories of what happened in the past. So while everyone around us was experiencing new things, we were still feeling a form of resistance. Did our parents love us and treat us fairly? Did the people around us understand our needs? Did others take for granted that we could handle the situations that were happening in our lives?

All relationships are based on trust and respect, but how do you gain this first? When humans come into contact with others, they are constantly searching for signs that what they’re being told is true. If others tell them something without proof, it becomes more difficult for them to trust those who are putting forth these claims. So they begin to distrust others that they have not met in person.

Resistance is a hard thing to overcome. If your relationship with others has been experiencing “unhealthy” resistance, then you will gain less and less trust in those people and eventually, you will end up feeling alone. Let us take the example of a child: They often want their parents to give them the love that they need but if the parents continue to deny their needs, the child is left feeling distant from them and ends up acting out how they feel. This exact thing happens within many relationships, especially those involving money and love (wealthy couples).

As humans we can be quite self-centered at times and we are easily satisfied. We think that we know what’s best and we don’t always think of others. We have a hard time letting others have what they need, so we end up feeling like they are taking advantage of us and that they can have more than we can make for ourselves. We are always wanting more, even if it means taking someone else’s wealth in order to obtain it.

Someone who is experiencing resistance will end up being very selfish with their money and resources and this is what creates a lot of money problems. There will be other people that want to be around you but you take them for granted because you feel like you are better than them or deserve more than they can offer. It can be extremely frustrating to other people when they see that you have become a selfish person. They will leave you because they are not being treated with respect and they feel that they are being taken advantage of.

Solid finances and wealth is not always based on one’s financial intelligence; it is also based on one’s ability to believe in themselves and trust others, which is why weaves the thread of this article together. As long as we continue to live our lives based on our feelings, rather than how we are actually making us feel, then we will continue to experience resistance. The more resistance we experience, the more we will resist. I feel like there are a lot of people that would agree with this statement, especially those who have been working on creating the wealth which they desire.

Ultimately, there is a way to overcome our resistance and that way is to learn how to become confident in ourselves and treat others with mutual respect and understanding. When we learn how to put others before ourselves, then we will stop feeling alone and all of our stress will be reduced by a significant amount, if not completely gone! We need positive influences around us who can help us feel free again so that we can do what it is that we want to do.

Now that we know a little bit more about what resistance is, how it can be avoided, and why we should all deal with it in our lives, let us continue with the next article in this series: "How To Overcome Resistance".

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UPDATE: My article, "How To Overcome Resistance" has already been shared over 1 million times on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. Thank you all for your support! :)

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Photo Credits: Aaron Wotton - Pexels, Adobe Stock & Clipart Blog

About the author: Aaron Wotton is a UK based writer and entrepreneur. He is passionate about helping others take responsibility for their lives and achieving what it is that they want to do. In his free time, he enjoys writing and reading about self-development, politics, technology and health & fitness related topics. His main goal is to help others by providing them with the skills needed to become successful in whatever it is that they are aiming for.


There you have it!

In my experience, resistance is something that everyone has to deal with, but the more we become aware of it, the more we can take control of it and move forward in life. I feel like resistance is a problem that our society has created for themselves through the lack of understanding about how to deal with their money and emotions. If someone isn’t learning how to deal with their money first, then there will be a gap between the emotions and actions which results in them having to make tough decisions about what they should do. I mean, who wants to feel stress because they owe someone else money? Not anyone that I know.

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