The Hardest Thing To Do In Quitting Is Staying Away From Cigarettes


 The Hardest Thing To Do In Quitting Is Staying Away From Cigarettes

This month, the American Lung Association (ALA) is launching a campaign that urges smokers to quit their tobacco addiction. As part of their new advertisements, they have created a social media hashtag: #30dayswithoutcigarettes

According to the ALA, quitting smoking will not only help you avoid lung cancer risk and improve your health but can also help you save plenty of money in the long run. If you’re struggling with your addiction and are thinking about making a change, there are many different ways that you can kick this difficult habit while saving money as well as time.

Here are five tips to help you quit smoking and make the most money while you’re at it.

Go to your local pharmacy [ARTICLE END]

Why: Going to your local pharmacy is a great way to save money if you’re trying to quit smoking. As you will be able to find nicotine replacement products (NRTs) like nicotine patches and gum, as well as other cessation products like nicotine inhalers and lozenges, in the store. All of these products are cheap compared with the prices of cigarettes and can help you save lots of money in the long run.

Purchase a vape pen [ARTICLE START]

Why: A vaping pen is the perfect way to get back in the habit of smoking. If you’re trying to quit smoking but don’t have any other methods, it may be tempting to go back to cigarettes. However, if you can create a frugal and budget-friendly way to do this, you will save lots of money in the long run (especially compared with regular cigarettes).

A vape pen is an electronic device that uses an e-juice as an alternative form of nicotine. Vaping gives you a similar sensation as smoking but without all the harsh smoke, and is cheaper than buying cigarettes in the long run. All you need is your own vape pen (they are relatively cheap) and e-juice, and you can get started right away. The nicotine that is in the e-juice is extracted from natural vegetables and plants, so it’s very safe for use. There are a plethora of vape pens on the market, so there’s no excuse not to give this method a try if you’re ready to kick the habit for good.

Stick to tobacco-free cigarettes [ARTICLE END]

Why: If you’re going smoke-free, it’s important not to go back to smoking. You may have heard that you should “just go cold turkey” if you are trying to quit, but this method is boring and doesn’t work. In fact, it can cause all kinds of problems, including a stronger nicotine dependency that can lead to relapse.

Instead of using nicotine replacement products, it may be better to switch to tobacco-free cigarettes. Tobacco-free cigarettes do not contain any nicotine whatsoever, and therefore do not trigger cravings for the drug that smokers usually crave when they try to quit. If you want to use tobacco-free cigarettes for the length of your smoking cessation journey, you will need a pack of these every day. As they are more expensive than regular cigarettes, you will save money in the long run. Changing to a different brand of cigarette that is full of chemicals may help you get rid of your nicotine dependency more quickly, but it’s not as healthy an option as tobacco-free cigarettes.

Buy your cigarettes online [ARTICLE START]

Why: Buying cigarettes online is a great way to save money when you’re trying to quit smoking. When buying tobacco products at the local store, you can easily be tempted by other products that can make it difficult for you to stick with your smoking cessation journey. In addition, if you run out of cigarettes, and don’t have any other options close by, it can be hard to resist going out and buying a pack again.

If you want to save money, the best option is to buy your cigarettes online. Online cigarette stores often offer sales on their products throughout the year, so you can get your cigarettes at a discounted price any time of the year. You may even want to consider signing up for he mail-order service. As long as you’re using an online cigarette distributor that does not charge for shipping or handling, then this is an excellent way to save money and stay on track with your smoking cessation journey. If you manage to quit smoking successfully, you will be able to spend less money on cigarettes and more money on other things that you enjoy.

Move closer to work [ARTICLE END]

Why: If you are looking for a way to save money, it is possible for you to quit smoking and move closer to work. This might seem like a strange suggestion, but some people are now making the switch for this very reason. If you work from home or work from another location close by, then there are many ways that you can save money by moving closer to your workplace.

If you can live close to work, you will be able to avoid the costly (though convenient) drive to work that many people use when they are smoking. It’s also a good idea to consider the cost of gasoline and car parking fees, as they tend to increase as people live closer to work.

Whether you are looking for a cool way to save money or simply trying your best to kick your addiction, there is no better time than now. While it might be tempting at this time of year when presents are being given out just about everywhere, it might be the best time of year for you. Think about how much you spend on smoking every year. Will you be able to afford a vacation if you quit smoking? What will you do with your extra money?

If you are ready to kick the habit, there are lots of ways that you can save money and get back on the right path. While quitting smoking might not be easy, it is incredibly rewarding once you’ve gotten past cravings and relapses. If this sounds like something that would interest you, reach out to your local drug store and ask them if they have any nicotine replacement products available for purchase. You can also talk to your friends and family members about quitting with you, as motivation is key when you’re trying to quit.

If you’re looking for a way to save money this holiday season, or if you just want to start living a healthier life, then checking out these smoking cessation products might be exactly what you need. After all, who knows? You might even be able to turn your savings into a nice vacation somewhere warm and sunny.

How do saving money help me quit my smoking habit? originally appeared on Quora: The best answer to any question. Ask a question, get a great answer. Learn from experts and access insider knowledge.

Conclusion of the guide

Hopefully, this article will help you kick your smoking addiction for good and save money in the process. People who smoke tend to be caught in a cycle of buying more cigarettes whenever they run out. Once you start smoking again after quitting, it becomes much harder to quit smoking again in the future because cravings are triggered when you are exposed to these triggers.

Don’t let yourself get caught up in this cycle. Use these tips to save money by quitting and never look back!

Free PDF Download: If you enjoyed this guide and want to learn more about how to stop smoking, please download our free PDF guide below.

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