The Healing Presence Of God's Love


 The Healing Presence Of God's Love

Do you feel as though you are struggling financially? Do you wonder how long your present job will last? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the commitments that surround you? Did a loved one just die or are they terminally ill and there is no hope of recovery? What if I told you that God loves YOU, and He has made provisions for healing, provision, peace and grace during difficult times in your life.

Financial pressure can be very stressful on families. Financial pressures can lead to increased marital problems, decreased productivity at work, or feelings of hopelessness. Job loss can also cause anxiety, depression and even suicide.

If you are facing a financial crisis, it's time to seek God in prayer. Ask God for wisdom and guidance. Think of one or two people you can contact for help. Is there someone who will help pay your bills this month? Can you eliminate unnecessary expenses? It may be necessary for both husband and wife to consider cutting back on work hours or taking a temporary pay cut until the financial pressure is relieved.

I was laid off my last job because of organizational restructuring. I have been applying for several jobs but haven't heard anything positive. I am feeling very stressed out, confused and frustrated at not being able to provide for my family. I have prayed about it and know that God will hear my prayer if I trust in Him.

A young woman in Uganda has had her home destroyed by civil unrest. She is a widow with four children, the youngest of whom is eight months old. Her husband was killed at the start of the conflict in northern Uganda. She has been unable to find any formal employment since then and is struggling physically, mentally and emotionally to take care of her children by herself in a very difficult situation. She is severely undernourished due to lack of food and medical care.

She has been using her savings for food and medical care, but she has been unable to obtain any income from her home. We have sent a financial gift to help her start up a small business that will provide income while she seeks humanitarian assistance. We believe God has provided this woman with grace that will sustain her in these difficult times, no matter what happens in the future.

My husband recently lost his job as a welder in oil exploration. He is extremely depressed and has become virtually housebound as a result. He is a very sickly man, and any employment is likely to result in his death. He has a medicated regimen that keeps him alive but does not do much for his marital relations or for my own mental state. He has been involved in an affair and feels that I have thrown him out of the house. My concern is not just for myself, but for our children as well. I did not want anyone to know about my husband's affair or his medical problems, but because of the financial situation it became apparent that something had to be done if we were going to survive as a family unit.

I don't blame my husband for being unhappy and I am not angry with him. He has been through a lot, but it has been hard on me too because of the stress involved. My mother has offered to help us out financially, but we don't have many close family members. I am so worried about the future of my children and the relationship with their father that I can barely function as an adult at this point in time. If my mother does not provide assistance, we will be forced to live off borrowed money or sell our house to make ends meet. We will lose everything if I do not come up with some kind of solution soon.

I have a good job and make a decent salary, but it seems that life is just getting more and more expensive. I have had to take our children out of private school and into public schools because my husband lost his job. The house payment has increased by 30%, and the car payments are killing us. It seems as if every time I turn around there is another increase in the price of goods and services. I feel as if I am working just to make ends meet, but it doesn't seem to be enough. I am not rich by any means, and I don't need much to live comfortably, but I do need a little extra to take care of things. I can't tell my family about my financial situation because I think that if things get serious enough for me to have to ask for help, they will have no choice but to turn me over to the insurance company. I feel terrible about having come so far in life only to end up in this kind of situation.

Jesus made promises to His disciples that they would always be able to take care of their physical needs and food. He promised that He would also supply their material needs according to His provision if they only trusted Him. He said, "…Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son" (John 14:13). Jesus also said: "I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). We can have all of these blessings if we just trust Jesus and ask Him to take care of His promises to us.

Jesus loves us so much He even died on a cross for our benefit (Romans 5:8). He knew what would happen before He came to earth. He told us what to expect when we would get here. When He told us to take up our cross and follow Him, we were promised that He would be with us even through the cross (Matthew 16:24). Even in our sorrows and trials, He will be there for us. Jesus wants nothing more than to free you from your financial bondage. He wants to give you abundance so you can truly live life on earth the way He wants you to live it.

The Bible says: "But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day" (Deuteronomy 8:18). "But the Lord gave [the Israelites] rest on every side, so that there was no want of any good thing" (2 Chronicles 30:17). "That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God" (Luke 16:15).

God has made provision for you to be able to provide for your family and meet your needs. If you were to ask Him for food for your family, He would give it. If you were to ask Him for financial freedom and prosperity, He would provide it. God wants you free from all forms of bondage so He can give you the life you've been waiting on.


We live in a materialistic world, and I realize that you might not agree with what I have said. But think about it for a moment. Each of the scenarios in this chapter could have been written by you, me or anyone else that has ever lived here on earth. Life is full of trials and tribulations, and we will all face difficult times in our lives. We cannot count on others to take care of us or meet our needs. All we can count on is God and His Word—He is the only One who can truly love us like no one else ever could.

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