The Map Of Your Life - Do You Know Where You Are Going?


 The Map Of Your Life - Do You Know Where You Are Going?

Life is a journey, and it can be daunting at times to figure out how to get from point A to point B. With this handy map of the territory, you’ll never get lost again.

In Easy Steps:
-Decide on your destination and then plan the best way to get there.
-Locate yourself on the map with your current position by looking for the red dot wherever you may happen to be. 
-Use your mouse or finger to follow along—the dotted gray line will show you where you are going! 
-The large yellow arrow points in the next logical direction for travel.

A few hints:  "Begin by writing down a list of all the things you want to happen either in your life or in your career.  Then, when you are looking for a job, job interview, etc., look for ones that match up with what you wrote down."
-Also,  "You may need to turn some things around so they work for you, but they still make sense."
-And "When there is a choice between two responses or actions, choose one and the other only if there are very good reasons to do so.  Otherwise you will be going in circles."
-And "Sometimes we have to start over.  It happens to everyone."

The Roadmap - See Yourself Succeed!
Simple tips on how to get from A to B, with an easy graphic view of the territory: 

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- The Myth Of Talent – What It Is, What It Isn’t - 
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- The Success Formula - How To Reach The Highest Level Of Success! - 
In life it is what you experience that shapes you. Most of us do not realize that we have no control over our minds and emotions until we experience a setback.  It is only then that we become aware of the power of our thoughts and the lessons to be learned from our experiences. But with awareness comes options and choice, and this one question:  "What would I like to create in my life?"
- Is There System To Life? - How Your Life Is Decided For You - 
"Everything has a cause.  Nothing happens without a reason.  You can choose to take control or let life happen to you.  Everything is connected, and you are one of the pieces of that puzzle."
- The Invisible Hand - The Secret Of Capitalism - 
"The goal of a free market system is to create wealth for all."  It's true! Look at some examples of how capitalist systems work, and how a free market economy rules!  If the market produces goods and services that people want and need, then it will grow.
- The Invisible Hand II - Why Free Market Systems Fail - And How To Fix Them - 
One consequence arising out of a free market system is inequality.  Although it is not the intention of the market, it does not always mean that all participants get exactly what they deserve for performing as well or better than others.  So, what can be done to make sure that everyone has access to fair and equal opportunities?
- The Invisible Hand III - What Is Capitalism? - 
"Capitalism is a system in which resources are allocated by prices in markets."  These prices are determined by the actions of millions of individuals and organizations with billions of individual needs and preferences.  This is the system that we live in.
- The Invisible Hand IV - Why Free Market Economies Fail - And How To Fix Them - 
"Every market continues to function precisely as it has for centuries.  Despite all our technological advancements, we never invented a better way of doing business.  In fact, the more efficient we become, the more money flows through economic systems and the bigger the problems get."
- The Invisible Hand V - Is Capitalism Possible? - 
"Capitalism is a system in which resources are allocated by prices in markets."  These prices are determined by the actions of millions of individuals and organizations with billions of individual needs and preferences.  This is the system that we live in.  So how does it work?  Why do we get what we get, good or bad?
- The Invisible Hand VI - How To Make Capitalism Sustainable - 
"The question is not whether there will be a need for regulation, but rather how to design a regulatory regime that uses its power to the best advantage."
- The Invisible Hand VII - How To Set Up A Socialist System That Really Works - 
"Do you want big government controlling your life?  If so, read on.  If not, keep reading.  It's up to you."
- The Invisible Hand VIII - How To Run A Socialist System That Really Works - 
"Theoretically, the market economy is capable of satisfying the needs of everyone."  It's true! Look at how socialism and communism failed and how capitalism was able to provide people with all their basic needs.  And now we live in a world that would be impossible without capitalism: globalization, technology, science, health care... all created by the market economy.

"The common thread running through every system is the price mechanism.  It is what makes the world tick.  Without prices, we would not be able to function as a civilization."

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