The Meaning Of Success Is The Meaning You Give It!


 The Meaning Of Success Is The Meaning You Give It!

 The Meaning Of Success Is The Meaning You Give It!

What does it take to be successful? What does the mental game and your burning desire have to do with achieving success? This is the hard hitting question we are going to answer in this blog post.

We are all successful at something and that’s because we each have our own personal definition of success. For some it’s having a great physical body, for others it’s being able to provide for their family or even just being able to make people smile by doing what they love.

We all have our own goals, dreams and aspirations – whatever they might be. Why? Because it is these desires that fuel us, motivate us and allow us to create our reality.

I was once told that I had to get my head right before I could get my body right. This is true! If you aren’t in the right frame of mind, where your thoughts are focused on achieving your ultimate goal and you are relentlessly willing to do whatever it takes then you won’t be successful in the long run no matter how much time or effort you put in.

So how do you get your head right? Well that’s where the mental game and your burning desire comes into play. The mental game is the deciding factor in whether you are successful or unsuccessful. If your mind is in a good place, full of belief, passion and drive then nothing is going to stop you from achieving success in life. It’s when things get tough and we start to question ourselves that our focus slips and we will begin to have doubts about ourselves and our ability. A lack of self confidence or self worth leads to slower progress, poor decision making, poor performance and eventually quitting altogether.

It takes a strong mindset and an unwavering belief in yourself to stick at it. It’s your burning desire that will see you through the tough times, when everyone else has given up on you and when everyone thinks you should give up too.

The mental game is what you make of it and how you see things from a positive perspective or a negative one. You are either focusing on the good or the bad, the positive or negative result.

I am going to share with you this little piece of wisdom from a great philosopher, Oliver Wendell Holmes – “Nothing in Existence Ultimately Matters.”

Think about that for a minute. I know it will make you think about your future and the decisions you have made so far in life. It’s what is going to keep you motivated and burning for more.

It’s up to you to realize that success is the meaning you give it. If your focus is on the “shoulda’d woulda’s” then it doesn’t matter what you do, in the end you are going to be disappointed. If you are focused on the negativity associated with a situation, then it will be hard to change that perception. You have to see the glass half full. Look on the bright side. Give yourself a pat on the back and do what you can to keep moving forward in a positive direction.

Success is not always easy to attain but if you take one step at a time and keep your focus on that burning desire, then success feels great!

Stay Strong & Keep Pushing! Mike

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Title: The Best And Worst Protein Powders For You

Bodybuilding Supplements – High Quality vs Low Quality….

Why Bodybuilding Supplements?

Bodybuilding supplements are used to increase your workout results. They are a key ingredient in being successful in bodybuilding. The better you take care of your body, the faster you will see results and the more successful you will be at building lean muscle mass. As with any supplement, it is important that you know what is inside them and how they will affect your overall health and well-being.

There is a variety of different types of supplements on the market today. There are some great ones out there, but there are many in the market that contain dangerous chemicals that can cause long term damage to the human body if taken for long periods of time or taken in high doses.

Why are Supplements Important?

Bodybuilding supplements are most often used to enhance the benefits of bodybuilding. Some of the benefits of using bodybuilding supplements are that they can:

- Increase workout results

- Improve recovery time between workouts and injuries, such as tendonitis and muscle pulls or tears. This can mean less pain and faster healing. Less pain in these cases also means less time off from training or competing in sports or bodybuilding competitions. You will recover faster when you have fewer complications from a major injury. Recovering quickly can help you to get back in action sooner and keep you motivated for future workouts.

- Improve the way you look

- Increase your overall health

- Improve muscle tone, definition and strength

It is important to remember that supplements are not a guaranteed method of bodybuilding success. If you take an ineffective supplement or the wrong supplement, it will not help you achieve your goals. There are a lot of these in the market today and some people will be disappointed with their results. Keep this in mind when choosing which supplements to use and talk to a nutritionist or doctor before taking any bodybuilding supplements.


There are many different types of supplements out there and the ones available will differ based on your goals and those of your trainer. In short, the best supplements for building a good body usually include some protein powder, creatine, vitamin C and possibly some multivitamin. It is important that you know what ingredients are in these supplements so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it is the right choice for you.

The Best And Worst Protein Powders For You

There are two different types of protein powders:

- Whey Protein Isolate: This is one of the most effective type of protein supplementation there is.

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