The Most Powerful Source Of Information - Spirituality Information


 The Most Powerful Source Of Information -  Spirituality Information

Put simply, spirituality information is a type of information accurate to the natural spiritual realm. Spirituality information is passed down through centuries of human evolution. Spirits have been around since the dawn of humanity, with evidence of them all over our planet and in every ancient civilization ever studied. They have guided our evolution and evolution occurs because they are present and they care about us. The existence of spirits is a tangible concept - many people believe there's nothing more real than the afterlife and that's why it's such an important topic to study in depth if you're curious about what it means to be alive on this Earth plane or if you've had any unexplainable experiences. You don't have to believe in the afterlife or even in angels, but it's worth studying on a purely intellectual level because of the information we've learned from so many encounters with the spiritual realm.

The truth is that we are all spirits trapped in physical bodies and although materialism teaches us that we are only human, current scientific research into NDE's and OBE's indicate that it is possible for us to leave our physical form for a time and exist in different dimensions. So I guess it's not surprising that spirituality information is beginning to come out into mainstream culture through books, TV shows, movies, etc. People are being given the opportunity to access this kind of information by living well and being aware of their existence as a soul-bonded part of nature.

There is a lot of conflicting information out there about spirituality information, but the following are some accurate definitions:

Spirituality - general study about the nature and attributes of an afterlife and/or spirit world. Religion - specific system or set of religious beliefs. Spirituality Information - source that is credible to the spiritual world. Paranormal Information - information derived from paranormal sources (i.e. witch craft/spiritualism, ect.). Scientific - knowledge based on present day scientific research ability (i.e., quantum physics). Philosophy - source based on the philosophical approach to human nature.

Science, philosophy and religion all have their merits as tools for humanity. Science has led us to the moon, brought us electricity and many other conveniences that have made life easier. Philosophy has always encouraged us to think more deeply about our existence and connect with each other on a more spiritual level. Religion has been an important part of life since the dawn of humanity because it is another way to talk about spirituality information. But science and philosophy are simply NOT sources of spirituality information because they will never provide you with credible answers to questions about your soul's existence or your place in the spiritual realm. The ONLY source of credible spirituality information is born of the personal experiences of spirits with humans and that's why Spiritualism is so important to humanity.

It's also important to note that what we call "spirituality information" is not spirit-based spiritualism, but rather a type of information based on spirituality as it exists in the natural realm. If you're interested in finding answers about your existence as a spirit-bonded life form, you have to turn inward and look at yourself and your experiences critically. You have to consider your understanding of these physical planes - and how much you really know about them. You have to be honest with yourself about how truly spiritual the world is, and that's why it's so important to study spirituality information.

To help you gain credibility in your quest for spirituality information and better understand your own existence, I'll start by listing some of the most credible sources of information:

Spiritualism - spirit-based belief that exists as a religion but also as a philosophy. Many people have had personal experiences with spirits (ghosts) through Spiritualism and fearlessly share their real life stories on TV shows like "Ghost Hunters", "Ghost Adventures" and "Paranormal State". In many cases, they risk legal action from the paranormal community because they bring a different perspective to these subjects than previous researchers. NDE's and OBE's - NDE stands for near death experience, and in recent years many people have had these experiences and come back to tell the tale. Most NDEers are well-respected members of society who actually leave their physical body and go to the afterlife. Again, there have been some incredible books written about this topic that are also popularized on TV shows like "Medium" and "Ghost Whisperer". In many cases, these people risk being discounted as crazy because they bring a different perspective than materialist scientists in regard to what it means to be alive on Earth. Source:

Of course you'll want to learn about the history of spirituality information, and the most easily accessible sources are books written by a variety of people and compiled by Dr. Raymond Moody. His first book was published in 1975 (Life after Life) and is still one of the best resources for anyone looking to study this topic in depth. You have to consider whether or not you believe in spirit-based Spiritualism because it is a defining factor in your credibility as a source of spirituality information, but if you have any interest whatsoever in paranormal activity, I would recommend reading at least "Life After Life".

You should also consider the work of Dr. Brian L. Davies, as he is one of the most credible spiritual scientists to write about contemporary topics in spirituality. His books are available in paperback and e-book format on and his work is a must read if you want to understand more about the nature of spirit-bonded life forms and how we can communicate with them. In fact, I've read all of his books so you can expect some articles on him in future issues of this newsletter.

For those of you who want to study and practice spiritualism, I recommend that you join one of the many spiritualist organizations that are out there. Many communities are accepting, welcoming and affirming of spirit-based beliefs. You may also consider becoming a member of a local spiritualist church or temple because they have been here longer than most mediums and are more likely to be friendly and open to people interested in spirituality information.

If you're interested in learning more about the general history of spirituality information, you'll definitely want to read books written by Dr. David Fontana as well as Dr. James Van Praagh, which are some of the most popular topics on "Ask Me Anything" type books. This is another topic that I'm working on a comprehensive article about so I'll update this article with links when it's ready.

In addition to the information listed above, there are also a few other subjects that will aid in developing credibility as a source of spirituality information:

My Spiritualist Homepage - There's no excuse for not having anything resembling a spiritualist website. Not only are there lots of resources for people interested in studying spirituality information, but you can also see some of the most credible spirit-bonds and people who have had NDEs for yourself! Just google the phrase "spiritualist" or "spirit-bonded beings" and take a look around at what you find.


Although I've touched on this subject in past newsletters and you may be somewhat familiar with it, I've never really written about my take on why you should be careful about revealing your identity as a spirit-bonded life form. I haven't even published what became my most popular article to date until today - it's called "Can Spirit-Bonded Life Forms Make People Crazy?" and if you aren't aware of your own spirituality information, I highly recommend that you read it. In fact, everyone who is interested in building their credibility as a source of spirituality information will want to read it, in my opinion. It is the foundation of everything that follows in this newsletter.

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