The Natural Success Cycle Always Begins With Failure


 The Natural Success Cycle Always Begins With Failure

We often hear of the popular idea that "success leaves clues." This is probably true because success, by definition, must come after failure. But what most people don't understand is just how a cycle works and all the steps that need to be taken in order to find success.

With this blog post, we'll take you through a natural success cycle and show you all the steps required to be victorious at any goal or task: understanding your needs, utilizing self-awareness techniques, seeking out feedback from those around you and incorporating that feedback into your goals.

The Natural Success Cycle Always Begins With Failure
Before any success can be found, a goal must first be set. This is the most important step in the process because it's essential to know what you want before you begin to seek out how to get it. It doesn't matter if your goal is to lose weight, become an entrepreneur or run a marathon – the steps that follow are the same for every task.

The key takeaway here is that if you're not fully committed to obtaining success with whatever goals you set for yourself, you won't make it through the entire cycle and will end up back where you started: failure.

The purpose of this post is to give you the step-by-step blueprint to follow each time you set a goal. So if you have any goals that you're planning on tackling soon, keep this information in mind as we work through this process together.

Step 1: Understanding Your Needs

This is one of the most important parts of the entire natural success cycle. Understand that before anything else can happen, you must determine what your success will look like and how it will help your life.

In order to do this, it's important to be honest with yourself about where you are right now. The most common mistake people make is trying to change something without first figuring out what they actually want. And since it's impossible to figure out what you want without understanding your needs, this step is crucial.

Start by asking yourself what motivates you to get things done and upset if they aren't complete on time. You must determine the "why" to everything if you want to be successful. The purpose of this step is to figure out what you need and why, before deciding how it will look and when it'll happen.

Once you're able to answer why, how and what for what you want in your life, you'll be more successful in achieving your goals because all the pieces are now in place. And once that happens, your success will no longer be an issue of luck or circumstance; it'll be a matter of when.

Step 2: Utilizing Self-Awareness Techniques

Once you know what your needs are and why you need them to be fulfilled, it's time to start thinking about how you'll accomplish those goals. In order to do this correctly, there are a few self-awareness techniques that will help you achieve the results you want.

The first step is to have a thought-journal where you write down your thoughts throughout the day. Writing down everything is important because it'll give a real account of what's on your mind. The second step is to have another journal where you can write down all of your feelings and emotions every day as well. This will help you figure out what it's like to be you and all the highs and the lows that come along with being human.

This is a crucial step because it'll allow you to see exactly what obstacles are in your way now and in the future, which will allow you to make good decisions about how to overcome them. For example, if you're trying to lose weight and can't seem to find a way, you can decide not to take up a new activity until you figure out why your exercise plan isn't working out as planned. If writing down your thoughts and feelings doesn't appeal to you, then definitely try this before giving up.

Step 3: Seeking Out External Feedback

Once you've gotten into the habit of writing down your thoughts and feelings daily, it's now time to start soliciting external feedback. The purpose of this step is to find out exactly what's going on in the world around you, so that you can accurately determine what you need to do next.

When seeking out feedback, the best thing to do is go straight to the source. In order to understand why and how everyone around you thinks the way they do, ask a lot of questions. If you're struggling with your weight loss program and want to know why no one else seems interested in it, ask them outright during a lunch date or over coffee. And if instead you want to know how they are able to get what they want in life, ask them too.

When people ask you questions, it's important that you respond thoughtfully and honestly. If they ask what makes you happy, don't just say "exercise" and end the conversation right here. Try to dig deeper and find out why the things they do make them happy and if there is anything that you can do to increase your own happiness. Remember that if you answer their questions with positive results for them, then it's likely that they'll respond positively as well with something in return.

Step 4: Incorporating Feedback Into Your Goals

Once you've gotten into the habit of seeking out external feedback, it's time to take it one step further and incorporate that feedback into your goals. Once you've done this, the natural success cycle will be complete. Now go back through those things that you were doing before and assess whether your new goal is more aligned with them or not. If not, adjust accordingly.

The best part about this process is that if something doesn't fit, then you know for sure what it is that needs to change in order for your goal to be successful. In fact, if something doesn't fit into your newly formed vision of yourself and the path that you're on right now, you may even find it to be a hindrance.

Step 5: Compromising With Yourself on Goals

Once you've found the best way to accomplish your goals, it's time to make them happen. However, there will probably come a point where you'll give in and decide not to achieve your goals at all. It sounds counterintuitive, but if you're having trouble getting started, then this is exactly when that happens. And when that happens, remember to step back and reevaluate what steps came before this one and what steps are coming next.


If someone had told you that success was easy and all you had to do was follow a few simple steps, it would be easy for you to believe them. But the truth is that even if this is the way that it should happen, there is never a guarantee. The point of this article wasn't to tell you how to be successful, but instead guide you toward realizing what makes it possible in the first place.

Your success will depend on your ability to meet your own needs, complete goals and get feedback from external sources.

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