The Necessity Of Time Management Skills


 The Necessity Of Time Management Skills

Occasionally it can feel like time management skills are something that only a select few people possess. However, it's actually quite the opposite! Anyone who is looking to carve out more time for themselves needs to have these skills as well as the drive to learn them and put them into practice.

In this article we've provided some of our favorite tips, tricks, and tools for managing your time — so you don't miss out on opportunities or let those precious minutes slip away.

Without further ado, here's our list…

1. Do a time-management audit. You've probably heard of the "time smear". It's when you see yourself squeezing in every last bit of work you can during your down time, and then you end up with a product where there are some gaping holes and some fantastic ideas that could have been implemented, but weren't.  As simple as it sounds, it's good place to start your progress with these skills.  There are apps like Toggl , RescueTime , and Workflowy that can help you track what is happening in your life at any given hour.  
We found Toggl to be the most comprehensive, but RescueTime is a good place to start for free.  
2. Start using an app that times you. One of the biggest ways we waste time is by checking email and social media when we are working on something else.  Instead of spending that time wisely, you find yourself sucked into the Instagram vortex.  
The best apps for this are ones like FocusWriter , Time Out , and SelfControl .  FocusWriter is a free download, but it comes with a limited number of sessions.  If you prefer something free indefinitely, try Time Out 2 .  It's a timer that locks you away from all your favorite social media sites (with the exception of work or school related sites).
3. Download the Eisenhower Matrix. This is another time-management strategy that is super easy to implement.  All you need to do to master it, is remember the acronym DEAL.  
D urability: Choose tasks that you can work on over a long period of time and will still feel relevant in months or even years hence (blogging and article writing are great examples of this).
E fficiency: Choose tasks that are highly rewarding in the sense of being able to express yourself on a personal level.
A ttitude: Choose tasks that allow you to expand your knowledge or abilities.
L imits/Resistance: Choose tasks that help you overcome obstacles.
This is one of the simplest ways to reverse which tasks take up your time and what don't, so it's a great strategy to start learning about yourself.  Of course, there are many other strategies for tackling this issue, but this is our favorite way to implement it.  
4. Know when it's appropriate to say no .  We all need certain things in our lives and will do anything to get them.  Unfortunately, we'll often times say yes to things that don't help us make the most of our time and focus.  Here are some strategies for saying no:
Don't do it if you think it's going to take away from something else . For example, don't drop everything you're doing because you want to update your social media or check out the latest meme.
Use your "buddy system". If there's something that always comes up during the same time of day that you know won't work for you, then introduce your buddy system.  Set a time where you will be able to ask each other if you can get through something together (like a workout or reading).  This way you'll know that there isn't going to be any conflict with your buddy and you won't feel obligated to drop everything.
Don't do it if it's on your calendar. This is a great way to avoid showing up for things that don't matter. If something is on your calendar, then look at whether it's appropriate and necessary before saying yes.  If it's not important enough, then don't say yes.
5. Get comfortable with the fact that perfectionism is crippling . Make sure you don't get caught in the trap of letting yourself be paralyzed by ideas that may or may not work.  A lot of people write a lot, but very few people write the best.  So, don't feel bad about writing or working on something for the first time and not seeing immediate results.  The most important thing you can do is create!
6. Take advantage of downtime by going outside and enjoying nature . So much of our time is spent being cooped up inside that it's easy to forget how beautiful our world is.  Go outside, find a place to sit down and just enjoy the fresh air.  Take your dog out or read a book while you're at it.  
7. Sleep more . People who get a good night's sleep are less likely to be stressed out and anxious.  Not only that, but it's been proven that you need to put in around 8 hours of sleep time every night or your brain isn't going to be at its optimal learning level the next day.
8. Stick with a routine . This is especially important for those who are writers.  If you have a writing routine, you'll be less likely to get distracted by other tasks.  Find your routine and stick to it.  A good place to start with this is with the Pomodoro Technique . This helps you focus on one thing at a time so that when you feel like junking everything, simply put on your headphones and focus on something else while you allow yourself some time for rest and relaxation during breaks.
9. Drink more water . This is especially important for people who are constantly on the go.  Drinking plenty of water helps you stay focused and it also helps you avoid overeating during the day.  It's also a great way to keep your skin healthy while keeping your heart strong.
10. Have fun . Fun is a big motivator, so it's important to take time out for yourself and do something that you enjoy.  
11. Break it down . This is one of the best how-to tips we use when writing our blog posts with Rachelle Lucas.


These are just a few of many ways that you can become more productive, eliminate distractions, and improve the quality of your life.  The most important thing is to take action on these and do what you can to make those changes.  Things will only get easier from here!
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