The New Spiritual Consciousness - An Emerging Paradigm Shift


 The New Spiritual Consciousness - An Emerging Paradigm Shift

What is the new spiritual consciousness?

The new spiritual consciousness is a term that refers to the process by which humanity has evolved into a more spiritually aware and full expression of life. It is a paradigm shift in human consciousness and implies that we are moving away from materialism in our lives, as well as other forms of unconsciousness, to expand our awareness. It goes hand-in-hand with an increasing awareness and acceptance of spirituality, mindfulness, emotional regulation techniques, as well as an increased sense of connection with nature and others.

This enterprise is accelerated through progressiv...

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"The New Spiritual Consciousness - An Emerging Paradigm Shift"
ARTICLE TITLE: The New Spiritual Consciousness - An Emerging Paradigm Shift
The New Spiritual Consciousness is a term that refers to the process by which humanity has evolved into a more spiritually aware and full expression of life. It is a paradigm shift in human consciousness and implies that we are moving away from materialism in our lives, as well as other forms of unconsciousness, to expand our awareness. It goes hand-in-hand with an increasing awareness and acceptance of spirituality, mindfulness, emotional regulation techniques, as well as an increased sense of connection with nature and others.

This enterprise is accelerated through progressivism, and it hinges on our paradigm shift. It seems to be a natural progression as we move away from our current state of consciousness and into modern society. As we become increasingly aware of our spiritual nature, it will be more obvious that there exists a greater reality. This is the shift in consciousness that enables us to expand through conscious evolution rather than unconsciously evolve without conscious choice or intent. It is this conscious evolution or expansion that offers a higher state of existence for humanity, one in which we can achieve unity with the Cosmos and achieve full potential as consciousness beings.
As humans, our base level of awareness is based on survivalistic characteristics such as greed, fear, and apathy. Survival, in general, is about our own personal needs. As a result, we have lost a sense of community and selflessness. Yet, these are characteristics of the new spiritual consciousness and of the enlightened being. The new spiritual consciousness recognizes that there exists a higher purpose for our existence; it is expressed in one's desire to progress spiritually not just intellectually or physically. It also acknowledges that we are all connected and that individual needs are connected as well. This is why the new spiritual consciousness is about connection on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
The new spiritual consciousness also recognizes that we have an unconscious nature and a conscious nature. It is our goal to become more aware of the unconscious nature, while developing a conscious relationship with our unconscious instincts. In order to do this, we need tools such as self-awareness, mindfulness, and emotional regulation techniques so that we can direct our behavior and actions for the highest good of all. This is about equanimity, love, compassion and understanding others as well as ourselves.
From the perspective of personal growth, the new spiritual consciousness will allow us to become more conscious in our everyday lives. The awakening to this consciousness will require conscious evolution rather than unconscious evolution, which is what most humans have been doing up until now. This evolutionary choice will be about growth and expansion and leads to the new human being – the person who knows how to use the tools of consciousness.
The new spiritual consciousness, as the paradigm shift that it represents, will lead humanity into a state of wholeness and unity, beginning with our own individual selves. The paradigm shift represents a full expansion of awareness and consciousness. This is why it is also about removing barriers for conscious evolutionary progression through relationship, communication, understanding and acceptance.
As more people become consciously aware of their own spirituality and express that in their lives, there will be an increase in spiritual awareness among others. We are already seeing this trend globally as more people become conscious of spirituality in their lives. This will only accelerate as humanity continues to progress spiritually and become more aware. The new spiritual consciousness is a natural progression of human evolution that is about expansion and growth.
The new spiritual consciousness has many variations across the globe, such as new age spirituality in the West and indigenous spirituality in the East. It is simply a shift in level of awareness and consciousness that expresses an expanded being with an awareness of higher understanding, wisdom, relationships, compassion and love. This higher level of being has been referred to as "multi-dimensional" or "many-faceted," which reflects a state of wholeness and unity with oneself, others and the Cosmos.
Our goal is to become spiritually enlightened, or awakened, as a species. In order to do this, we must awaken and expand our minds beyond the illusion, the dream, of separatism and ego consciousness. We must let go of old habits and become aware of the illusionary nature of our society. We will then be able to recognize that all humans are connected while also being individuals with unique abilities and gifts. This is alignment with the Cosmos and will lead to a universal sense of unity.
As we evolve into a more spiritual consciousness as individuals, there will also be an evolution in our interactions with others on all levels: mental, physical and emotional. This is the paradigm shift that is occurring, and it will lead humanity into a state of wholeness and unity. In time, we will be able to develop an expanded consciousness as a species, which will exponentially accelerate our evolution as beings.
The process of evolution through spirituality means that we can evolve in different ways: mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually. The expansion of ones consciousness simply means that we are becoming more aware and conscious. This awareness is the highest potential that each one of us can reach. It represents the culmination of human evolution through our individual selves as well as collective human consciousness. The most important aspect is to choose consciously for ourselves and for others to become more aware of our spiritual nature. In this way, we can connect and evolve in harmony with each other and with nature.
Our goal is to be conscious and aware of who we are as physical beings within the denser levels of existence. As we become more aware of consciousness, we can choose to align ourselves with the Cosmos or remain in a state of duality. This is our choice. The choice is up to each of us individually, but it will always be a choice between two possibilities. One is an illusionary existence that results from separation from the Cosmos through ego consciousness; the other occurs when we are more fully united with the love that flows from God and the Cosmos through spirituality.
In the book In the Shadow of the Masters, Ram Dass talks about the process of evolution: "Evolution is clearly a process that we control. Our evolution is not in spite of our free will and our will to choose, but because we do choose." The more we become consciously aware of our profound connection with all life, as well as ourselves as spiritual beings within material reality, the more conscious and aware we can become. The choice is up to each one of us individually, because it is always a choice between two levels of existence. Conscious evolution requires us to be willing to face the illusionary nature that permeates our lives and recognize that love permeates all.


The shift in consciousness that is occurring today is about becoming more aware of the self and others. It is about recognizing the personal nature of our beliefs, behaviors and actions at all levels, from the individual to the global. The shift involves becoming more aware of our spiritual nature as physical beings within physical reality and removing barriers to consciously evolving spiritually through relationship, understanding, communication and acceptance. This is a natural process of evolution through consciousness and spirituality. It will lead us into a new age of wholeness and unity on Earth. It is time for humanity to evolve consciously as its destiny unfolds before us in this new millennium!
If you're interested in learning more about spiritual evolution , visit these pages:

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