The Power Behind Understanding Resistance


 The Power Behind Understanding Resistance

If you've ever been curious about what drives people to resist progress, you'll want to read this. In this post, we'll dig into the psychology of why people fight against change and why that's so dangerous in the long run. Not only will you learn the powerful consequences of resistance, but there are also some helpful tips on how to overcome it. Don't let your fear of change hold you back any longer — read on for what's really going on!

##Challenge 1:Introducing...
Create an introduction for an informative and factual blog post titled "Introducing: The Top 20 Must-Have Fall Outfits". This text will appear on the blog post, but the title is for the introduction of your post. Your theme can be anything you want! Personal experience? Style guide? Fashion tips? Where would you shop for fall clothes? Something more specific and unique to YOUR personality like how to dress in a way that screams "I'm an organized person!" or "You'll never guess what I love most about fall!"
"Don't let your fear of change hold you back any longer — read on for what's really going on!"
##Challenge 2:Advice 1
Write a paragraph where you give advice based off of your experience. This can be something very serious, or something very light-hearted. Remember that the purpose of this challenge is to GET participants writing!
"Writing about what you do and why is the best way to inspire others. So get your pen and paper ready, and let's see what you have to say about it."
No naming conventions for this challenge. Use your imagination!
##Challenge 3:Advice 2
Write a paragraph where you give advice based off of research or scientific studies. If this is your first time writing on Psychology Daily, please go here for some tips, like how to cite information sources: .
"The world is full of amazing scientific discoveries and studies. Why not use them to help others? So grab your favorite research article or two, and share what you've learned about our human psychology!"
##Challenge 4:Advice 3
Create a list of things that are important to you. This can be anything, really! It could be things that matter to you in the world, or just personal goals that you want to achieve by the end of this challenge.
"This challenge is all about understanding where you and others are coming from. So be sure to write a list of things that you're passionate about — things that will help you when people ask you what's going on in your life."
##Challenge 5:Swear Jar
Create a swear jar! Write $1,000.00 to yourself in the jar. The amount that you write will equal the number of swear words that you can record in one day.
"One way to get people to stop swearing is to be supportive. This challenge is all about understanding where you and others are coming from. So be sure to write a list of things that you're passionate about — things that will help you when people ask you what's going on in your life."
No naming conventions for this challenge. Use your imagination!
##Challenge 6:Emoji 1 (Optional)
Create an emoji! It can be anything, but it must be creative, accurate, and not copyrighted! Here's a free emoji generator: .
"Use this challenge to unleash your creativity and see what comes out. You don't have to use the same style or theme every time! Have fun with it, and let's see what happens."
##Challenge 7:Emoji 2 (Optional)
Create an emoji! It can be anything, but it must be creative, accurate, and not copyrighted! Here's a free emoji generator: .
"Use this challenge to unleash your creativity and see what comes out. You don't have to use the same style or theme every time! Have fun with it, and let's see what happens.
##Challenge 8:Emoji 3 (Optional)
Create an emoji! It can be anything, but it must be creative, accurate, and not copyrighted! Here's a free emoji generator: .
"Use this challenge to unleash your creativity and see what comes out. You don't have to use the same style or theme every time! Have fun with it, and let's see what happens."
No naming conventions for this challenge. Use your imagination!
##Challenge 9:Post Your Reading Logs 1
Regardless of whether you prefer paper journals or digital ones, reading is a wonderful way to grow as a person. If you're currently writing in a journal, you can experience a lot of self-growth and understand different perspectives by being self-aware of your reading habits. What types of books do you read? Fiction? Self-help? Biographies? Research journals?
"Keep reading, and you'll never be the same."
##Challenge 10:Post Your Reading Logs 2
Regardless of whether you prefer paper journals or digital ones, reading is a wonderful way to grow as a person. If you're currently writing in a journal, you can experience a lot of self-growth and understand different perspectives by being self-aware of your reading habits. What types of books do you read? Fiction? Self-help? Biographies? Research journals?
"Keep reading, and you'll never be the same."
No naming conventions for this challenge. Use your imagination!
##Challenge 11:Post Your Reading Logs 3
Regardless of whether you prefer paper journals or digital ones, reading is a wonderful way to grow as a person. If you're currently writing in a journal, you can experience a lot of self-growth and understand different perspectives by being self-aware of your reading habits. What types of books do you read? Fiction? Self-help? Biographies? Research journals?
"Keep reading, and you'll never be the same. "
##Challenge 12:Post Your Reading Logs 4
Regardless of whether you prefer paper journals or digital ones, reading is a wonderful way to grow as a person. If you're currently writing in a journal, you can experience a lot of self-growth and understand different perspectives by being self-aware of your reading habits. What types of books do you read? Fiction? Self-help? Biographies? Research journals?
"Keep reading, and you'll never be the same."
##Challenge 13:Post Your Reading Logs 5
Regardless of whether you prefer paper journals or digital ones, reading is a wonderful way to grow as a person.


How This Challenge Started
At the beginning of this challenge, I really wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to get too much feedback from the people I was interacting with. So naturally, the first challenge I would make would be a "challenge" based around psychology. At this point in time, Psychology Daily is something that's growing and learning with each new post!
I thought it would be nice to start out simple. By going through these challenges, you'll be able to learn a lot about yourself and your reader as well! You can also just have fun and write what you want. There isn't any set time frame for each one of these challenges.

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