The Power Of Hypnosis And The Human Body


 The Power Of Hypnosis And The Human Body

Hypnosis is a great way to take control of your mental and physical health, but its benefits don’t stop there. Research shows that the human body is actually highly susceptible to hypnosis, meaning that it can incite profound changes in your health and wellness. This can include reversing habits such as smoking or overeating, improving self-esteem and confidence, reducing stress levels or enhancing performance in a number of sports such as weightlifting. Furthermore, a study by Harvard Medical School found that hypnotherapy significantly slows Alzheimer’s disease progression and symptoms such as memory loss and confusion. 
But why is the body so willing to respond to hypnosis? And how does hypnosis work on the human body? This article explains these and other questions about hypnosis.
The brain and body are connected by chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters. These are responsible for a number of processes within the body including: - Muscles - Heartbeat - Breathing rate and depth - Sex drive – The release of testosterone, estrogen (female hormone) and testicular hormones such as leutenizing hormone or luteinizing hormone during puberty is all dependent on endorphins (painkillers) conveyed by neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine or epinephrine. - Memory – The ability to recall memories is due to the release of acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter that also helps you focus, concentrate and learn. - Ability to see, hear and feel – All of these senses are controlled by neurotransmitters. - Neurotransmitters also contribute to emotions such as pleasure, anger or sadness. If the proper balance of neurotransmitters isn’t present in the body, then it can lead to mental disorder such as depression or anxiety disorder. [...]
Psychotherapy versus hypnotherapy
Psychotherapy is the act of talking in order to discover and resolve emotional issues. This may involve exploring childhood experiences, current relationships with family members or poor self-esteem. Hypnotherapy works by using hypnosis to achieve positive changes in the body and mind.
How does hypnosis work?
In a clinical study , brain scans were taken of participants during hypnosis sessions. The images showed that the areas of the brain associated with memory, attention, emotion and movement were all significantly activated. This indicates that hypnosis is effective not only because it reduces stress levels but also because it can spur positive changes in the brain by altering neural activity levels. Hypnotic states have been shown to bring about profound healing and mental health benefits as well as improved concentration, increased stamina and a clearer mind (an increase in grey matter).
Benefits of hypnosis
The benefits of hypnosis are extensive. However, it is important to realise that these benefits can only be achieved if the person is open to the experience and is ready to accept change. Guided by a professional therapist, there are many health benefits that are available from hypnotherapy including: - Obesity – The importance of being aware of how you eat and how much you eat has been highlighted. If a person feels that they cannot control their eating or weight through peer pressure or lack of physical activity, then they might contemplate taking drugs such as anabolic steroids (eg- muscle builder) or HGH (human growth hormone). However, hypnosis can help people to change their eating habits and achieve a healthier lifestyle. - The mind-body connection – Hypnosis helps you deal with stress in your everyday life. Stress is known to contribute towards a number of illnesses and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and depression. In addition, it is possible that the health of the mind affects the body as well as the body affects the mind. This is one of the reasons why hypnotherapy can be used to treat a number of physical issues such as back pain or digestive disorders.- Pain relief – For some people, dealing with chronic pain can be an ongoing issue [...]
The Power Of Hypnosis And The Human Body
Accessed on 11/13/2014 12:27:03 PM
Written by: Adelene Perkins
Title: The Power Of Hypnosis And The Human Body
 ·          Have you ever tried to give up smoking? How about losing weight? It doesn't matter whether it was for a few hours, or for the rest of your life. If you're like most people, at some point in your life you've attempted to quit smoking and lose weight. Hypnosis could be one of the keys to your success. In fact, hypnosis can actually be used to stop smoking and lose weight.
This post is all about hypnosis and how it can make your life better. This article will introduce you to this important topic. We'll discuss some of the most common disorders that hypnosis can be used for, and we'll cover a few other topics as well. Hypnosis is a form of treatment that's been around for thousands of years. It's been used by physicians, dentists and other medical experts, throughout history. Hypnosis is a state in which you focus intensely on one thing and tune out everything else around you .  
The Power Of Hypnosis And The Human Body
Accessed on 11/13/2014 12:27:05 PM
Written by: Adelene Perkins
Title: The Power Of Hypnosis And The Human Body
 ·          Have you ever tried to give up smoking? How about losing weight? It doesn't matter whether it was for a few hours, or for the rest of your life. If you're like most people, at some point in your life you've attempted to quit smoking and lose weight. Hypnosis could be one of the keys to your success. In fact, hypnosis can actually be used to stop smoking and lose weight.
This post is all about hypnosis and how it can make your life better. This article will introduce you to this important topic. We'll discuss some of the most common disorders that hypnosis can be used for, and we'll cover a few other topics as well. Hypnosis is a form of treatment that's been around for thousands of years. It's been used by physicians, dentists and other medical experts, throughout history. Hypnosis is a state in which you focus intensely on one thing and tune out everything else around you .  
The Power Of Hypnosis And The Human Body
Accessed on 11/13/2014 12:27:05 PM
Written by: Adelene Perkins
Title: The Power Of Hypnosis And The Human Body
 ·          Have you ever tried to give up smoking? How about losing weight? It doesn't matter whether it was for a few hours, or for the rest of your life. If you're like most people, at some point in your life you've attempted to quit smoking and lose weight. Hypnosis could be one of the keys to your success. In fact, hypnosis can actually be used to stop smoking and lose weight.

The above article discusses various treatments that hypnosis can be used for. One of the many benefits of hypnosis is that it can help you to lose weight. This is because it enhances your willpower, making you more determined to change your behaviour. In addition, hypnosis can also be used to quit smoking, control your blood sugar levels, improve your heart health and improve your sexual performance. If you're interested in learning more about hypnosis then continue reading this article. This will show you how hypnosis works and how it's effective in the treatment of medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

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