The Power Of Meditation


 The Power Of Meditation

You probably know that you should be practicing a little self-care now and then, but it's easy to feel like you don’t have the time. Turns out, there are plenty of ways to incorporate a little bit of TLC into your life without spending hours in the tub or doing fancy yoga moves in your living room. Meditation is one of those things that can sound intimidating at first glance, but if you just try it, you might be surprised at how much better it makes you feel.

Meditation is something that has many benefits. It can help you to combat stress, improve your health, and even help you to have better relationships, but it seems like there are still a lot of people who don’t quite get it. Meditation is something that can take a little while to master but once you get the hang of it, it will be an incredibly beneficial tool in your self-care bag.

Read on for some simple steps on how to meditate so that the practice becomes an easy part of your day.

Choose A Time & Place

Meditation can be done at any time of day, and there are many people who prefer a particular time of day to practice. However, you don’t need to limit yourself to a specific time either. Start small and experiment with a variety of times during the day. Determine what works best for you and your schedule and stick to it. It’s also important to find a place that is quiet, calm, and welcoming for meditation. Make sure that you have enough room so that you can sit in your usual cross-legged position without bumping into anything or anyone else nearby.

Get Comfortable

You don’t need to be in a full lotus position to meditate. Just make sure that you are comfortable and will be able to stay that way for the duration of your session. If it’s something you plan to do while sitting at your desk, make sure you have a stack of books or a pillow that can support your legs comfortably and help them relax. If you walk around a lot during the day, make sure that you can stop mid-stride if it feels necessary. You want this time to feel as relaxing as possible so choose a chair, the sofa, or wherever will work best for you so that you can sit comfortably and feel good about it.

Turn Off Your Phone

One of the most important things to know about meditation is that it is an uninterrupted practice. That means no phone, no computers, and no other distractions. You want to keep your mind focused on the practice itself so that you can achieve the maximum benefits from it. If you want to listen to music or an audio book (which are great for meditation), make sure that you start a track before you begin and turn off your phone so that it can’t distract you while in session. It might seem like a lot of effort, but if you want to make real progress with your meditation, this is something that will be important for success.

Get Comfortable With Silence

This is one of the most important things to remember when practicing meditation. You need to start feeling comfortable with being alone, sitting quietly, and just enjoying the silence. It might feel like uncomfortable at first, but it becomes easier over time. As you get better at your practice, you will be able to sit for longer periods of time and savor the benefits that come from that.

Pay Attention To The Body

There are many different types of meditation and it’s possible for you to try them all and see what works best for you. But regardless of what kind of meditation you choose, you will want to be fully present with the body as it moves. In particular, you should pay attention to the breath. There are many different types of meditation that can make use of the breath so it’s a good idea to start out by practicing with that first. You will be able to find a style or technique that works well for you, but the important thing is to spend time on each part of the practice before moving on.

You want to be present in your session. Don’t feel like there has to be something specific happening at all times, but do notice when you are breathing and when your mind wanders off. It’s normal to do so and you shouldn’t try to fight it. When you notice that your mind has wandered, take a deep breath and return your attention to the body.

Be Patient With Yourself

This is something that happens if you are new to meditation or have tried other methods in the past that didn’t work for you. You might find yourself starting off with good intentions, but then losing focus and wandering for long periods of time. It can be discouraging, but it’s important not to give up because it does get easier over time. The brain is an amazing thing and will make connections over time as you practice meditation more often.

You will get to the point where you feel calm and centered no matter what is going on in your life. Your mind will be more focused and able to deal with things more effectively. You may find that you have better concentration abilities, greater focus, and a better sense of peace of mind than before. You may even notice that you are much happier as well.

Be Uncomfortable With Suffering

Understand that meditation is not a form of escapism or self-indulgence. It is not something that makes you feel better in the moment but actually teaches you to feel better overtime. It is a form of self-care, and an important one at that. You will learn to be comfortable with being alone and you will probably develop more patience as well.

Learn To Be The Fire That Burns Your Karma

You might not have heard this concept before, but it’s something that can help you create the best self-care practices possible. You are here to practice goodness and positive thinking, so you want to make sure that you are practicing good things too. Meditation is a wonderful tool for self-care, but it can also be used to clear your karma or negative energy from your life.


At the end of the day, meditation isn’t all that different than physical exercise in that you need to make it part of your life. If you want to really reap the rewards, you will want to be sure that your practice sticks and doesn’t become something that is “on the side.” When it comes down to it, meditation is one of the most powerful self-care practices out there and is worth making a permanent part of your life.

Featured Image:Photo by Mederi Yoga on Unsplash

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