The Power Of Persistence


 The Power Of Persistence

We all want to accomplish our goals and reach success, but we often can’t be bothered to put in the work required to get there. Fortunately, it’s never too late for a change. All it takes is some persistence.

This post contains tips on how you can use persistence, like following through on commitments and establishing healthy habits, so that you can reach your goals with ease.

Read on for more.


Jerry Seinfeld once said, “I don’t know about you, but when I lose something, the last thing I want to do is find it.” He was probably thinking of the countless times he left his keys in his car or accidentally dropped something in the garage and then spent hours searching for it just to make sure it wasn’t in plain sight. Or maybe Seinfeld really was looking for his keys. Or maybe he wanted us to think that he didn’t care enough about what he lost to search for it.

One day, I left my book behind in the lobby of the library. I was trying to stay late to finish a report that I had been working on for most of the evening. After checking every inch of that place, I still couldn’t find it. Frustrated and annoyed, I rushed out to my car after calling the library and found my lost book in plain view on the passenger seat. When you can have things like this happen to you but still choose not to look for them, you know that you’re a serious disaster waiting to happen.

But what if you didn’t have to lose things or not look for them because they were in plain sight? With persistence, that is exactly what you can do. You can take the actions needed to ensure that you don’t lose sight of your goals, even at the most inopportune times.

And even when your goals are in plain sight, they can still feel like they are miles and miles away. That is why making consistent progress towards those goals is so important. Whether it takes hours or days, putting in effort towards something that you truly want to accomplish will always be worth the time and effort.

And when you look down at your phone and see that it’s 10:00 p.m. and your significant other is saying goodbye for the evening, it can be difficult to think about starting that report or completing the piece of writing that you were up late working on. But all you have to do is remember how important it is to make those goals a reality, and then get started. And while doing so will take some time, there is no doubt in my mind that it will be worth the effort when you look back on what you’ve accomplished.

And even if things don’t go perfectly according to plan, persistence can still help you reach your goals. Even when you don’t know what you are doing, and even if things don’t go according to plan, simply following through is the only way to get where you want to be. If you start down a path of change, and then stop in your tracks or take a step back, it will only delay your progress another day or two. When you stick with it, however, actions that may seem small in the moment can actually have a huge impact.

In my own life and that of other people I know who are successful in recovery-related fields, one of the common problems we often have is taking small steps backwards. When we are in recovery and come back to our old life and habits of drinking, drugging, eating poorly, not exercising or honing our time management skills, sometimes we go back to those things for a little while before deciding that it is time to move on to something new. But the irony is that even though we know it would be beneficial to make a move forward, we often stop ourselves and take a step backwards instead.

There are always going to be setbacks in life. There will always be times when you will have a bad day and feel like all you want to do is go home or stay in bed. But what makes the difference between those who have setbacks and those who develop chronic, lifelong problems is that the latter group never gets back up after falling.

When you are experiencing a setback, just think of it as a roadblock. Even when things don’t go according to plan or when everything seems to be going wrong in your life, you have the ability to get past that roadblock and continue on with your day to day life. At first glance, roadblocks can appear as giant piles of stone blocking your path, as impossible obstacles that are so big that they will always stand in your way. But when you look closer at them, you realize that not only are there cracks in the stone that can be climbed over, but also holes and nooks that can be squeezed through.

And all it takes to get past roadblocks is persistence. If you put in the effort, and take steps towards changing your life, then you will eventually be able to achieve your goals. This can happen at a slow pace if you aren’t sure where to start or how to proceed, or it can happen quickly when the stars align just right and everything falls into place.

Many times, people fail in their efforts because they give up too easily on themselves and their goals. And while it is up to you when you decide whether to keep pressing on or give up on your goals, all it takes is a little persistence and patience to get where you want to be.

You could spend time each day working towards your goals, and then find that progress does not come as quickly as you had hoped. But if you realize that taking a few steps forward every day is better than taking no steps at all, then reaching those goals will be something that comes naturally over time. The results will be much greater for those who know how to handle their setbacks, bad days and other obstacles that stand in their way.

If you lose your motivation, or you feel like nothing is going right and you’re not moving forward, simply keep trying. The more times you eventually give up on yourself, the less motivated you will be to start over again. But when you decide to keep pushing on, even when everything seems like it’s just too difficult to overcome, then it will just take a little more hard work until your goals become a reality. And when they do, the feeling of accomplishment that you get from reaching those goals is worth all the work that it took to get there. There are so many people in this world who have given up on themselves way too quickly.


You have the ability to reach your goals if you are willing to work hard at them. You can make your dreams a reality and live your best life. But if you give in to the temptation of giving up, and stop trying when things get difficult, then you will never reach those goals. But with persistence, you can accomplish anything that you set out in your mind that confidently and strongly.

So what is it holding you back? What roadblock or setback are standing between you and success? Know that if you keep pushing forward, there are no obstacles that are too great for you to overcome. There is nothing stopping anyone from becoming someone who lives their best life.

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