The Promised Land!


 The Promised Land!

The Promised Land!

A land of milk, honey and gold; a land promised to the children of Israel. A Promised Land, where the Jew would be free from all ills – poverty, oppression and slavery.

When Moses led his people out of Egypt to this promised land - through the Red Sea, across the desert for forty years - he did not reach it. And when Joshua finally made it to the end of his life ́s journey at The Promised Land, he was too old and too tired to lead his people into it: they entered The Promised Land without their leader while he died on Mount Ebal.

In the Book of Psalms, David says (Psalm 63:1-6) "O God, you are my God; early will I seek you: my soul thirsts for you, my flesh longs for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will glorify you."

Later on he says "With ornaments of gold and silver I will clothe their sanctuaries. My eyes enjoy the sight of the tents of Jacob" (Psalm 63:7-8).

And the verse ends with these words: "I will sing to your name for it is pleasant, and praise your glory for it is great."

God promised Abraham that in his seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed (Gen. 22:18). In Genesis 49, God promises Joseph's family that He would bring them safely to The Promised Land. And when Abraham went forth from this land and died, he was buried there. God promised Job that his offspring would flourish in this land (Job 1:3). Job's three friends also lived out their days in that land.

So did Samson, whose bones lie at the bottom of the cliff at Telz. And Elijah, he of the chariot of fire, whose earthly remains lie at Tzfat.

And there is David, whose bones are buried in the City of David at Jerusalem, and Solomon his son, who lies in the city named for him. The prophets Jeremiah, Hosea and Jonah also rest in that land. And Daniel too. The prophetess Hulda is buried there as well as Esther and Mordecai.

So was Daniel. He is buried there, as are the great prophets Habbakuk, Isaiah and Jeremiah. The prophet Joseph of Arimathea is interred there as well. And so are the men who helped build the second temple: Hananiah son of Shecaniah, Mishael son of Azariah, and Azariah son of Hilkiah. Men like these were all part of the nation of Israel that reached The Promised Land from Egypt – from whence they all came.

And the nation of Israel continued to exist in that land for more than eighteen hundred years. They were a nation amongst nations. Their history is written many times over in the Old Testament, and is also preserved on other scrolls found in that land.

And so it was that many scholars of our generation would look at the promised land, and they would ask – what happened to it? Where did they go? Who took them away? When the nation of Israel came out of Egypt into The Promised Land, what happened to those who had gone before? So too this was a question many later generations asked – without any answers.

We were led to believe that the Jewish nation was destroyed around 70-90 CE by the Romans – who along with their allies took great though noble measures to exterminate them entirely. And we are told that the disaster was so complete that there is not a single Jew alive today who remembers prior to this time, and there is not a single stone or syllable of Hebrew text remaining from prior to this period.

But all of this is a lie. The Jewish nation did not disappear in 70-90 CE, as we have been told.

The Jews were not destroyed by the Romans, but lived on in the Promised Land of their forefathers. They continued to live in The Promised Land until they were finally conquered and removed by the Romans – after which period they were dispersed throughout the world. And although the land was taken from them, they themselves did not vanish or cease to exist. They are alive and well: the nation of Israel still exists. But where?

They were taken away to locations unknown to us at this time, but there are many clues scattered throughout our past that point toward a clear direction. These clues are also of great historical importance, and are linked to the Children of Israel's long hidden history – one which is still being suppressed today by many nations and organizations.

Because these clues reveal missing pieces that were either lost or deliberately withheld from the accounts we were given by those in power. These omissions or blocking of certain areas in our histories is due to the fact that they contain things that would render their claims impossible, or their proofs indefensible.

Therefore they are concealed by these powers, who then continue to keep information hidden from us so that we can only know that which they want us to know. But what is the purpose of this media blackout? Why are these particular areas blocked? Why can we not be told the whole truth about our pasts? And why is it concealed specifically from us?

To begin answering this question, consider the following:

History is written by the victors. Often enough, its purpose is to justify their power and ability to rule over others. Thus our histories have been rewritten many times over in order to accommodate those who seek global domination and control over the masses of people.

What has happened in our past is the result of a battle between civilizations and beliefs. The "civilized" nations, who lived and flourished prior to the advent of science and modern technology, looked upon the ancient cultures that preceded them as being barbaric, backward and immoral – as consisting of little more than warring tribes of primitive savages who did not have the ability or wherewithal to explore vast tracts of land with boats or even food forays.

Thus their history was written with this perspective: namely that these ancient nations had no history before Rome came into existence around 800 BCE.


The Romans eventually conquered these tribes and nations, and their culture was absorbed into the Roman Empire – which proved to be one of the most powerful and influential empires the world has ever known. Rome's rulers were drawn from the educated class of that time – men who had a deep knowledge of and interest in ancient cultures.

Thus, with their history thus changed, they became a force to be reckoned with: they achieved incredible things. This was a major purpose for which they rewrote our histories, and as you will see in this chapter we will see how great an influence it had on the construction of our modern world order.

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