The Prosperous Life


 The Prosperous Life

The world is your oyster.

Don’t let that go to waste. Open it up, because you're worth it. Now open your eyes and look around you; the world is your oyster and you have the potential to make everything great in your life. Reach out, grab your dream and make it yours.
Now comes the hard part: you need to be honest with yourself about what kind of life you want for yourself. What do you value most? What do you want out of life? Do you want money? Do you want success? Do you want love? Whatever it is that will get your heart racing and wanting more, that's exactly what triumph is. Living a happy and prosperous life simply means being content with who you are inside and outside, finding peace with all that surrounds you or opens its arms to welcome in. It means feeling happy to be alive and keeping positivity flowing through your veins every waking moment. It means being grateful for everything that comes your way, even when it feels like not much is happening.
Nothing is going to happen if you don't take anything from life. Do you see how different your life would be if you were a little happier? I know, I won't sugar-coat it and make everything sound like a bed of roses – it's going to be hard work, but that's what makes the reward even sweeter when you finally get there. You want to live a long and happy life – focus on what needs to change first: your mindset.
You can make huge changes in the world around you by making even small changes in yourself. Don't lie to yourself. If you're not happy with your lifestyle, then change it. If you don't like your life, change it. Don't be afraid to try something new that adds value in your life and gives you a new perspective. When you start living on purpose, a light-bulb goes off in your head and becomes the catalyst for more change within yourself and outside of yourself.
One small step at a time is all it takes to get where you want to be in life. You need to think about what you want to do with your life, where you want to be and who you want to be. Go ahead and leave the path of least resistance; it leads nowhere anyway. Start making a difference in the world around you by being the change that you wish would happen. Take that first step and just do it; don't over-think it, just go for it.
Go back to that place where your dreams first began. The place where the light in the eyes of your heart was first ignited and you were filled with a passion that you've never felt before. Remember those feelings? Well, go back to them now. Those feelings are what keep us going in life; they're what give us our will to live, to fight, to succeed.
Remember how hard it was when you were a kid and your parents wouldn't let you eat dessert first? Remember how much longer it took for dinner time to arrive because you couldn't have your sweets right away? It turned out that waiting for that dessert was worth it when you finally got it after dinner. Same goes for life. Facing all the hardships and challenges we face, it turns out those things were worth it when we eventually got our desserts… that is, when we finally were rewarded with a fulfilling and happy life.
Stay focused on your dreams and never lose sight of them. Remember the things you want to do in your life, you want to accomplish and you want to be; those are the dreams that keep us going. If you lose sight of them, then be prepared for a bumpy ride; because that's what happens when you forget what's important. Before long, you'll find yourself at where you need to be, alone and all alone in the dark. Take your time. You have all the time in the world.
You have been on a journey for years now; step into the next chapter of your life to see what's left to do and how much more you can accomplish. Don't rush it though; don't get distracted by something that isn't worth it. There's nothing wrong with taking a break from your business or anything else in your life if it helps you get back on track, but don't let yourself become stagnant either. You're too important to let that happen because stagnation doesn't serve anyone – not even yourself.
Life is about moving forward. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll be able to see the world at its true colors. Remember that life will throw you a curve ball when you least expect it and everything will seem like it's over. Keep your head up and keep going forward; look down and there is only darkness – look left and there is only darkness – look right, there's darkness again. Look straight ahead and then you can see that there are still so many things to be done in this world, just waiting for someone like yourself to come along and make a difference in their life. That's what life is all about; making a difference – being different – bringing something new into this world that isn't here yet.
Every now and then, take a look around you; take a moment to stop and smell the roses because you're going to be young once, but you're only young once. You should live your life like there's no tomorrow because that's really true; not just in theory, but in truth. There is someone out there who needs your help – someone who doesn't have enough food to eat; someone who is dying of cancer or some other illness; someone whose home burned down and they have nothing left except for the clothes on their back. These are all problems that we can solve if we put our heads together and work together as one united group of people.
It's hard to see someone in need, but it's something you should probably start doing. It takes a village to raise a child and that's true especially when it comes to our development as human beings – we can't do it alone. With everything that surrounds us, we only see the problems, not the possibilities. There is always a way, if we just look for it. When you start seeing possibilities instead of problems, life changes completely – everything starts looking so much clearer on the outside, even if we are still unsure about what we want to do with our lives on the inside.


The life you have right now isn't all that you'll be getting in the future, but it's what you are going to be living right now. When you take ownership of your life and start living on purpose, your life will never be boring again. Your actions and choices will bring you where your heart desires to go – no matter how much or how little we have.
When we take ownership of our lives, we'll find ourselves filling up our days with so many things we didn't expect to get from them. We'll feel empowered because we're doing something meaningful out there in the world that can make a positive difference for someone else; for ourselves and for the people around us.

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