The River Grasses


 The River Grasses

There’s an affluent river flowing through the United States of America, running alongside the poverty-stricken and sometimes disadvantaged rivers of our country. It doesn’t discriminate based on race, gender, or religion — it is a river open to anyone who wants to partake and succeed.

This affluent river is not a physical one with rapids and currents hidden below the surface: it is more like a metaphorical waterway that flows through our mindsets. And just as some people are lucky enough to live near wealthy rivers in their communities, we can all strive for such streams of prosperity in ours.

This affluent river has many different ways of navigating through our mindsets, and it is evident that each section has its own flavor. Here are a few of the others:

1. Conventional vs. Nonconventional: Which Mindset Are You On?
Those with unconventional mindsets gravitate toward unconventional activities, instead of embracing the status quo. They acknowledge the different paths we can take and how those paths can be so unique for you — for me — for everyone in the world — and yet, there’s still a standard set by which all individuals should follow in order to be successful in this world. And that standard is not something we should disdain or resent because it’s outdated or stupid.

This affluent river flows around the conventional mindset, leaving those with this mindset in a stagnant pool — not to mention, people with this mindset have a hard time moving up and out of it. There are many people living the conventional lifestyle for various reasons, and there are always going to be different perspectives on how a particular activity should be done. But this affluent river seeks to keep its perspective neutral: it doesn’t get too involved in evaluating whether something is “right” or “wrong. It merely seeks consensus on how to do things in life.

2. Positive vs. Negative: The Kind Of Mindset You Are On
Positive thinkers gravitate toward activities that will help make them better people. They are self-aware and honest, and they try to stay positive in every aspect of their lives.

Negative thinkers, on the other hand, seek to tear down others as a way of blaming others for their own shortcomings. They are extremely cynical, and they refuse to assume personal responsibility for anything that goes wrong in their lives. While being negative may seem like being realistic, it actually only hinders your ability to grow — especially if you embrace the negative mindset exclusively.

This affluent river flows alongside those who embrace a positive mindset — those who see the good in others and in themselves. They realize that not everyone is perfect, but that doesn’t mean we should immediately assume the worst about them.

3. Resilient vs. Unresilient (or Complacent): Which Mindset Are You On?
Those who are resilient are easily able to bounce back from hardships in life. They have a burning desire to be successful and to eventually get out of the situation they’re in — no matter how impossible things may seem at the time — and they will never stop working until they achieve that goal.

Conversely, those who are unresilient or complacent choose to take the easy route during crises and immediately settle with being stuck where they are instead of seeking a way out of their situation.

This affluent river flows alongside those who are resilient. People who are not resilient choose to embrace situations that they can’t get out of and let them define them. They pretend it doesn’t matter because they have given up on the idea of ever getting out, as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel — or even any tunnel.

4. Creative vs. Uncreative: Which Mindset Are You On?

Creative thinkers understand that everything in this world is an opportunity for something new and exciting, and yet many people refuse to think outside the box because they are unwilling to accept how much progress individuals can make in their own lives with a little creativity.

Uncreative thinkers think that everything should be done the way it’s always been done because anything else is too difficult or too risky. They want to create a safe, comfortable bubble around themselves so that they don’t have to worry about anything new or anything more than what they’ve already done.

This affluent river flows alongside those who embrace creativity. Creativity promotes change, as well as individual and societal differences, which can help many people advance further than they have in the past. It helps people see things from different angles and gives them the opportunity to make things better for themselves and others through their own imagination and hard work.

5. Skeptical vs. Unskeptical: Which Mindset Are You On?
Skeptics generally think that everything is going to be bad, no matter how good it is. They can’t see any good that can come out of something, and they are unwilling to even try — however, many of these people are wrong and live in a deep pit of regret.

Unskeptical thinkers think that every situation presents an opportunity for incredible results. They take constructive action in their life and never allow anything negative to deter them from pursuing their dreams. They know that some hard times are going to come up, but they have a surefire way of overcoming them: they will just have to grow stronger as time goes on.

This affluent river flows alongside the skeptics. Sceptics are always shooting down ideas and deriding the positive thinking of others, but they are always stubborn and refuse to do anything that can help them get ahead in life. Unskeptical people, on the other hand, have an open mind and realize that many perceived obstacles — like a lack of time or a low budget — are only difficult to overcome at first because you’re not used to it yet. They know that if you find a new way of doing something, it won’t be long before it becomes second nature to you.

6. Unbiased vs. Prejudiced

Prejudiced people only accept things as true based on their own limited beliefs. They may see a situation as unfair because it doesn’t fit their view of how the world should be, and they have no desire to look at other viewpoints to see why something is happening the way it is — especially if it means changing their mindsets. They refuse to ever listen to any criticism of themselves or others, and they are always willing to assume that everyone is against them.

Unbiased people know that things aren’t always what they seem, especially in situations where there are multiple variables at work. They are willing to listen to other viewpoints and evaluate them as objectively as possible so that they can get their point of view in line with a larger body of knowledge.

This affluent river flows alongside the unbiased, as they understand that people can’t help but have their own set of beliefs, even if they are wrong. They realize that we are all different and we all have our own perceptions about the world — not just about what’s going on around us, but also how it should be. When you realize this, you can learn to respect each person for his or her own unique way of seeing things and then you can use your own experience to make better decisions in life.

7. Positive vs. Negative

Positive thinkers believe that the best things in life come from being positive, whereas negative thinkers feel as if being negative is the only way to be. They think that everything negative should be avoided at all costs and have a short-term approach to life, refusing to put forth any real effort for the long haul.

This affluent river flows alongside positive people, as they know that you can’t simply choose not to see the negative — you have to know what it truly is so that you can make it work for you. Positive thinkers are aware of all aspects of any situation, and they embrace them all in order to get ahead in life.

8. Self-Disciplined vs. Disciplined: Which Mindset Are You On?

Disciplined people know they should work hard to achieve the things they desire in life, but they often don’t because they are waiting for the perfect opportunity. This class of people is always trying to find someone else who will do something for them, and once that person does, then they become disciplined. This is an unhealthy way of thinking because it relies heavily on other people to get anything done — if someone else doesn’t take action, all your plans will flounder and sink like a ship with a hole in it.

Self-disciplined people are motivated by their own willpower, and they believe that they should take action without any outside help. They aren’t afraid to make decisions themselves, and they understand that things happen for a reason and that it’s better to be proactive than reactive.

This affluent river flows alongside the self-disciplined, as they know that having a strong will is key to success in life. You can’t just wait around for something good to happen; you have to take action yourself so that you can set yourself up for a great opportunity or situation sooner rather than later.

9. Self-Aware vs. Self-Unaware: Which Mindset Are You On?

Self-aware people are aware of everything around them, and they are always thinking about the future to ensure they are working towards their goals. They pay attention to their surroundings, and they know what is going on in every facet of life, which gives them the ability to make intelligent decisions rather than following others who aren’t as smart as they are.

Self-unaware people have a lot of preconceived notions about things — especially themselves. Instead of trying to think for themselves, these people let others do all the thinking for them and assume that things will work out just because other people assume it will happen. They are extremely negative and they are very disconnected from their lives. They only think about their future, but they don’t really do anything to prepare for it.

This affluent river flows alongside the self-aware, as they understand that we can’t just get by in life on our own ideas; we need to always be paying attention to the world around us so that we can make better decisions. It’s not always going to be apparent what is best for you — but more often than not, you will know when the time comes where you are able to make all your dreams come true and become successful.

10. Willing vs. Passive

This affluent river flows alongside the willing, as they want to make the most of their lives. They work hard to earn money and are usually extremely proud of what they have accomplished. They aren’t afraid to take risks in life and take on challenges that may seem impossible at first.

Passive people never want anything to do with what is going on around them, and they are always afraid that things won’t be good enough unless they wait until life makes it happen for them. They believe the best thing in life is health and happiness, but they live it in a way that negates those things if they aren’t met right away.


The affluent mindset is the ideal way of thinking to have in order to become successful in life. You can either be driven by the desire to get ahead or you can choose not to do that — but if you want to make your way up the socioeconomic ladder, then you need to embrace all aspects of this mentality and use it as your guide.

What are some ways that you could make your mind more like an affluent person’s? Let us know in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you!

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Featured image sources: 1, 2.

The post 10 Affluent Mindsets That Will Make You Successful appeared first on Simple Programmer.

Simple Programmer

Author : Ryan Blair

Publish date : Jun 4, 2019 02:48 am

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Affluent Mindset – 10 Ways to Think Like the Rich and Successful Affluent Mindset – 10 Ways to Think Like the Rich and Successful Affluent Mindset – 10 Ways to Think Like the Rich and Successful Affluent Mindset – 10 Ways to Think Like the Rich and Successful Affluent Mindset – 10 Ways to Think Like the Rich and Successful Affluent Mindset – 10 Ways to Think Like the Rich and Successful Affluent Mindset – 10 Ways to Think Like the Rich and Successful Affluent Mindset – 10 Ways … Read More

Affluent Mindset: The Key To … “Affluenza” is a term.

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