Work Part-time-----Earn Full-time


 Work Part-time-----Earn Full-time

Ever wonder how people who work part-time spend all day?

Some people find the answer to this question by working at Starbucks, but that's not all there is.
There's a whole new world of jobs you can get just outside of your 9-5 work schedule. Working part-time might sound like the perfect solution if you're looking for more time with friends and family. Maybe you take up a second job due to an unexpected expense or just not being able to afford rent anymore.
You don't want to give up on your dream of a 9-to-5 someday, but you might just need some extra cash to tide you over.
What is a part-time job?
            A part-time job is any job that is only done by one person at a time. The person who has the part-time job is also referred to as a freelancer.   Freelance work can also be done by one person at a time, but would have the same characteristics as a part-time job.
              There isn't much difference between having a full time or part-time job . The main difference between working all day and just few hours of the day are the hours and pay.
There are many benefits to working a part-time job. You can work around your schedule and make sure you get enough breaks. Depending on the job, you could find yourself there longer hours than a full-time worker.
How much do part-time jobs pay?
           The average hourly wage for a part-time job is less than $10 an hour in the US. They pay more than the minimum wage that is set by federal law in many states. But there are plenty of other factors that affect the pay amount.
In many business, like retail stores, if you work in a certain department, you may be paid according to how much money you bring in for that department of business. If you're trying to bring in more business, then you could make a bit more than minimum wage if the extra sales are passed on to you.
If your job is manual labor, you might make much less per hour. While there are plenty of jobs that pay well, there are also plenty that pay very little. You may have to work harder and longer hours to get the same amount of money as a full-time worker.
How long can you work?
           The number of hours a part-time job will allow is completely up to the company or manager of the company. You might be allowed as low as 10 hours and as high as 40 hours in a week. The average part-time hours for a worker is about 20 hours a week .
If you're looking to get a part-time job, you should be sure to ask the company how many hours they will be expecting out of you. You can ask if they plan on paying you by the hour or by the month.
What are the benefits?
           A part-time worker can get the same benefits as regular full-time workers. Depending on what job you take, you'll find lots of health and retirement benefits are available to employees. If you're getting paid hourly or salary, then you'll most likely have health insurance provided by your employer.
Many part-time workers can bend their schedules to make sure they have time off during the week. Some part-time workers are more flexible and take more days off than full-time employees.
While some part-time jobs will have stricter rules than others, there are still plenty of benefits to working part time. You can work when it's convenient for you, and you'll most likely qualify for benefits .
Why do people work a part-time job?
           Part-timers might be working because they need the income, but that's not always the case. There are plenty of people who enjoy a certain job, so they don't want to give it up. There are some who work in retail or food service because it's their passion. Or maybe you're looking for a second job to help supplement your income until you get an opportunity at the full-time job you've been working toward.
Do any of these sound like you? If so, then you might be ready for a part time job .
What kind of jobs are there?
            As already mentioned, part-time workers can get any type of job they want. You could find yourself working in an office, with very little interaction with other people. Or maybe you'll find yourself at the end of a long line on the shift changing area.  
If you're looking for a part-time job, you'll most likely find yourself working in retail or customer service. All of the jobs listed here are based on those two fields. There is no exclusivity when it comes to where you can get a part-time job , but it's just more likely that they are at these places.
Retail jobs:
Retail jobs include but aren't limited too- cashier, stocker, sales associate, manager and more. You may also find yourself doing manual labor in the sales floor or warehouse. 
You'll need basic customer service skills to work in a retail store . You should be able to deal with rude or impatient customers, but you should also be able to train others how to interact with them. You'll be expected to interact with multiple customers in a spot-on manner.
The best way to learn how to work in retail is by taking the training courses before you are hired. Don't go into it thinking that you just need a part-time job and will figure it out as you go along.
Some employers may give their employees more responsibilities if they have the desire and ability. Nothing beats on-the-job training, but there are plenty of other resources for new employees looking for part time jobs .
Customer service:
A customer service job can be in a store, restaurant or factory. When you're working at a place that offers customer service, you'll need to deal with all sorts of people. You might be dealing with angry clients daily, but you should also be able to deal with friendly clients as well.
If you're not feeling like you fit in one particular department, try another one. You may have the ability to work in several areas of customer service.
The best way to learn how to work at customer service is by taking the course before you are hired. The most important thing is being willing to give it a shot and trying your best wherever they ask you to do so. 
Some employers will give employees more responsibility when they have the desire and ability. Nothing beats on-the-job training, but there are plenty of other resources for new employees looking for part time jobs .
Restaurant and Food service:
Restaurants are everywhere, so there are a lot of different jobs out there for workers. You could be responsible for seating guests, stock the restaurant with food, or you could be in the kitchen cooking or serving food to customers. There is no limit to what kind of job you can do at a restaurant or food service .
The best way to learn how to work at a restaurant or food service is by taking the course before you are hired.

Whatever your reason for a part-time job , it's important that you take the time to consider what you're looking for. Look at the pros and cons, and look at different jobs in the area before you make your decision. Remember to ask plenty of questions, and most importantly, remember to treat your new part-time job as a full time job .

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