Your First Quarter Review – Are You Awesome or Average?
If you’ve been slacking in your home and work life lately, it’s time to stop and take a look at what you’ve been doing. Time can be difficult to manage with work and family commitments, but if you want to retain the vigor of youth, it is imperative that you prioritize your time. Read on for some tips on how to improve your performance at work and home by focusing properly on where your time should be spent.
1. Are You An A-Player or a C-Player?
It’s important that you recognize which category you fall into, or are aiming to move towards. You might think that being average is something to be proud of, but it’s actually pretty easy to rise above the mundane mass and become a true standout performer. A-players have certain qualities that make them different from every other person on the team, business or family – just take a look at some of these traits:
They eat better than everyone else. They set aside time for themselves to do whatever they want on their own terms – in essence, they work less and play more. They’re smarter than everyone else. They don’t allow others to affect their mood – positive or negative. They’re always on time. They never miss a deadline or make a careless mistake.
Every one of these qualities can be adopted by you to make yourself a better worker, friend and family member. If you want to start off on the right foot, learn how to set aside time for yourself, practice self-care, be punctual and maintain your composure even in times of stress. If you want more ideas on how you can rule the roost at work and home, check out the tips offered at our personal development blog .
2. Focus on Strategies
In order to become an A-player, you must decide how you want to get there. What do you want to accomplish in your work life? What do you want out of your home life? How can both areas be improved? Do these goals align with the goals of others in your family or company? If not, it’s important that you separate yourself from everyone else and learn how to focus more on what’s important.
3. Increase Your Awareness of Yourself
You must know what it is that makes you different from everyone else around you. Is it your intelligence? Your ability to complete a project before everyone else? Your ability to solve problems quickly? The more you can become aware of your talents, the better you’ll be able to use them as tools for success.
4. Look Into Productivity Software
There are dozens of software programs on the market today that will help you get organized and make sure that everything is going according to schedule. If you’re struggling with time management and would like some assistance, check out one of our favorite productivity apps . Remember, it will take time and effort to get everything in order – but in the end, you’ll be glad that you did.
If you want to improve your life at home and work, take a look at this list of suggestions and see how many of them can become part of your daily routine. The more you focus on making yourself a better person – not only through the way you speak and act but also through the way you spend your time – the more successful you’ll be both personally and financially. Time is valuable, so make sure to put it to good use.
I really enjoyed writing this article since it provided me with an excuse to go down my memory lane. I was a C-player until I reached my early 30s, and then I realized that my days of indolence were numbered. After all, life is too precious and time is fleeting – there’s really no time to be wasted on nonsense.
If you feel that you’re stuck in a rut as well, it might be time for you to shift your attitude to one that’s more productive and goal-oriented. The key is to stop valuing your free time and start taking advantage of the many opportunities and resources available to you. Once you do, you’ll find that you’re more motivated, efficient and enthusiastic about everything that you do – even when it comes to simple tasks like going through the mail.
What are some ways that you can increase your productivity at home and work? Do share your thoughts in the comment section below!
This post is part of our larger mission to help busy people be more effective at home, so we would love for you to join our email list for free tips, ideas and resources on this topic.
Image: amanjith sainath via
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