10 Hot Tips On How To Cope With The Prospect Of Redundancy.


 10 Hot Tips On How To Cope With The Prospect Of Redundancy.

It’s never easy when a company you work for announces that it’s to make redundant a significant number of its workforce. In an instant, everything you've worked for, everything about your life is thrown into chaos and uncertainty. But, Lord knows we don't need any help, there's other pressures on us enough without all this upheaval and change - right?

So here are ten top tips on how to survive redundancy as best you can: 

-You really need to go back over your CV and identify what skills or experience gaps they may want in the new workforce - so upskill yourself.

-Understand that redundancy isn’t a ‘job for life’ and it’s a process, don't just focus on the moment of redundancy but focus on where you are likely to end up once you've left the company.

-Don't take anything personally, it’s just about business and money. Just be professional - or even better, let it go, learn from it and move on.

-Figure out your own exit strategy - if you feel you need to go somewhere else so that you can continue your career development path then do so, otherwise move in with your parents or get yourself a job in a different sector that suits your skill set.

-Be prepared to move house, if all else fails then that’s an option.

If you have any further tips, please feel free to leave them in the comment section below.


You can also read about Workplace Bullying in our Workplace Bullying Section and Redundancy Trap in our Redundancy Section.

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