1000 things you don’t want in your job hunt


 1000 things you don’t want in your job hunt

If you're looking for a way to find the perfect career, then we may have found the article for you!

We've collected some of the most common problems during a job hunt and put together this post to give you tips on how to avoid them. We discuss everything from salary negotiating (or lack thereof) to resume building and cover letters.

But first, we have to start with the end in mind. Your job hunt shouldn't be a confusing process that leaves you out of breath at the end. Rather, it should be something that you enjoy.

With these tips, you'll know how to get where you want to be - whether it's staying in your current industry or finding yourself in a new position - and how to do so for less stress and more success.

1. Get Yourself Noticed

Photo Source: http://www.recruiter.co.uk/news/interviews-and-people/10019872/Getting-noticed-in-a-crowded-job-market.html

If you're in a crowded job market, then you know how hard it can be to get your resume picked out of the stack of other applicants. But there are ways to stand out from the crowd and get that interview! Here are some tips for standing out from a group of people who may have similar experience:

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Skills: Make sure that you have skills that are rare in today's market. If there is a gap between your resume and the employer's expectations, then it could be a sign of your passion or ability to learn quickly. One way to avoid this is to show creativity, which is something employers always look for when hiring new candidates.

Make sure that you have skills that are rare in today's market. If there is a gap between your resume and the employer's expectations, then it could be a sign of your passion or ability to learn quickly. One way to avoid this is to show creativity, which is something employers always look for when hiring new candidates. Professionalism: Make sure you are representing yourself professionally. Making a mistake or coming across as not thorough on your resume can be major red flags that will get your application thrown away without a second glance. Don't forget that the entire process of applying for a job is one interview with an employer - no matter how many applications result in interviews - so make sure to dress the part and make any mistakes you may be prone to fixing quickly.

Make sure you are representing yourself professionally. Making a mistake or coming across as not thorough on your resume can be major red flags that will get your application thrown away without a second glance. Don't forget that the entire process of applying for a job is one interview with an employer - no matter how many applications result in interviews - so make sure to dress the part and make any mistakes you may be prone to fixing quickly. Networking: If all else fails, then do what you can to meet people at your job before you're even looking for a job. Attend conferences and get your name in the mouths of people who are important. Once you start looking for new jobs, these people could be a great network to get your resume past the initial screening process and towards an interview.

2. Negotiate Your Salary

Photo Source: http://www.inc.com/denise-herman/how-to-negotiate-your-first-job.html

Negotiating your salary should be a natural step towards knowing how much you're worth, but many people tend to skip it. If you are no longer in college and are looking for a job, then negotiating is an essential skill for getting the most out of your first job. Here are some tips on how to negotiate your salary so that you can find the job that you deserve:

Be confident and stand out from the crowd - never let them get the better of you by ignoring what they offer or negotiating down from what you expect.

Never let them get the better of you by ignoring what they offer or negotiating down from what you expect. Take your time - don't let your desire to know how much you'll make cloud your judgment and prevent you from making a good deal. By knowing more about their operating procedures, you can negotiate in favor of yourself while still letting them feel like they are still in control.

don't let your desire to know how much you'll make cloud your judgment and prevent you from making a good deal. By knowing more about their operating procedures, you can negotiate in favor of yourself while still letting them feel like they are still in control. Know your worth - this ties in to the previous point, but it's important to know what others in the same field are making so you don't end up settling for less.

this ties in to the previous point, but it's important to know what others in the same field are making so you don't end up settling for less. Decide if you're worth it - there is no shame in saying no to a job if you don't like what they are offering or aren't convinced that they see your worth. Take some time and look elsewhere - employers will recognize that kind of determination as well as perseverance and will want you on their team.

3. Know Your Interviewing Style

Photo Source: http://www.inc.com/denise-herman/have-you-got-the-interview-style-right.html

One of the most important interview skills is getting to know how you are as an interviewer because interviewing is a two way street. If you're too nice in an interview, they may take it as weakness and not trust your ability to do the job well. However, if you ask invasive questions that make them think they aren't going to get the job done or have a stand out personality that causes them to second guess themselves, then you can lose potential employees before they even begin working for you.

Here are some tips on how to get to know yourself as an interviewer so you can see your true worth:

Get into a comfortable position - sitting or standing is fine, but make sure that you can be relaxed and attentive at the same time.

sitting or standing is fine, but make sure that you can be relaxed and attentive at the same time. Relax - as long as you're calm and not fidgeting with your shirt sleeve, then you'll stay alert when it's your turn to question them. You want them to feel like they can speak freely without worrying about being judged or criticized.


Photo Source: http://www.inc.com/the-5-best-interview-questions

No one knows exactly how to answer the most common interview questions, but with a little preparation by going through the above five steps, you will be ready to nail it and find a job that is a perfect fit for you. You'll be surprised and delighted at how much your actual salary will improve once you start working for yourself. Good luck and please leave any other tips or tricks you have in the comments! I can't wait to read them!




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