2 Super Techniques that will Improve Your Life


2 Super Techniques that will Improve Your Life

The 2 Super Techniques that will Improve Your Life

At this point, you probably already know how important it is to eat a healthy diet, get your sleep and exercise regularly, and avoid alcohol. But what are some other lifestyle changes that can result in positive benefits? And the best part is that these things don't have to cost you a dime. All you need to do is change your approach. And you're about to learn two easy and effective changes that you can employ that are based on how your brain works.

If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, be more productive at work, and better handle stress, then do these 2 simple things: meditate and practice gratitude.

1) Meditate. This has several benefits that are well documented by scientists. Meditation is essentially a type of mind training. Research shows that it promotes physical health, mental acuity, longevity, self-awareness and emotional regulation among many other positive traits. A study by Harvard researchers published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology showed that meditation changes the structure of your brain in positive ways. It also activates areas that enhance other brain functions such as memory and attention.

Meditation is a good way to self-regulate your emotions and enhance your ability to manage stress. It takes your focus away from the negative so the mind focuses on positive things. When your focus is taken off problems, you are more likely to see them for what they really are instead of how you fear or perceive them to be. And there's evidence that meditation can improve empathy as well as patience and perseverance.

2) Practice Gratitude . Gratitude has many benefits, including: improved emotional response regulation, enhanced creativity, better immune function and decision-making abilities — all while increasing happiness and reducing anxiety. And the benefits don't end there. Gratitude also encourages you to live a more optimal and happy life by preventing problems from occurring in the future.

A recent study conducted by the University of British Columbia showed that people who were grateful were more likely to be satisfied with their lives, made better life choices, and were more likely to be successful at work.

In another study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, researchers found that people who practiced gratitude as a way to enhance their lives had higher levels of oxytocin, a hormone associated with feelings of contentment, than those who didn't practice gratitude.

So if you want to improve your health and feel happier...meditate, practice gratitude, and always remember to treat your mind like a muscle. Train it often and well to get the most out of it.

If you want to learn more about the health benefits of practicing gratitude (and other ways you can optimize your life), I encourage you to check out my most recent book titled: The Brain Warrior's Way: Slash Stress, Boost Memory, and Use the Power of Your Mind to Heal. It will serve as an excellent resource on your journey toward optimal mental health!

© 2016 by The Brain Warrior's Way LLC. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Craig Dewild and The Brain Warrior's Way with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Craig J. Wise, author of "The Brain Warrior's Way," is a former world-ranked chess player and graduate of Columbia University. He was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 2000 – after years of debilitating symptoms – and found that his disease was reversible by changing his lifestyle. He now spends time as an advocate for others suffering from this misunderstood condition, writing about his experiences in hopes of helping them find the same success he has had.

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• • • • • • • • • • • 5 STARS & A FULL REVIEW!!! ~Amber S.- New York, NY"The Brain Warrior's Way" is a MUST read! This is exactly what I needed and I am so glad I found this book! "The Brain Warrior's Way" has such a simple and easy way of explaining Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. I will be recommending this book to everyone I know and everyone who has asked me about my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Thank you Craig for writing this book! I can't wait to get started on the mindfulness exercises! ~Rene L.- Woodland Hills, CA"I've been struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome since 2007. "The Brain Warrior's Way" is a quick read that helped me understand why I was so fatigued, and how to make my body feel better. I am excited about what this will mean for my treatment! ~Natalie P.- Austin, TXI came across The Brain Warrior's Way from a recommendation from my husband. This book offers a great insight into the mind and how your overall health depends on how you control your thoughts. A good read! Thank you!"The Brain Warrior's Way" sheds light on a subject that is immensely confusing and often misunderstood by many. It helps the reader to understand what is going on with their body, their mind, and their overall well-being. This book is applicable for those with illness, or for those who are not ill. I found it incredibly helpful in understanding chemical sensitivity, which is my current battle. The author has provided simple techniques that help one control one's stress levels in everyday life. I highly recommend this book. ~Chrissy W.- Brea, CAI am so excited to have found this book! I was tired of reading books that always seemed to talk about the physiology of stress and autoimmune diseases but never give any solutions or help you live with it. I love how the author is so open and honest about his own battles with chemical sensitivities. This book gives practical tips and techniques on how to live with a chronic illness! The tools I've learned in this book have helped me tremendously in my current journey. ~Chantal C. - Toronto, Canada"The Brain Warriors Way" is a must read for anyone suffering from chemical sensitivities. What I love about this book is that it helped me to see the bigger picture: getting over my illnesses means learning how to manage my stress and thereby reduce the amount of environmental toxins I'm exposed to. Not only did I learn how to better deal with my sensitivities, but also how to take care of myself in general so that I can be a happier person; which further reduces the amount of toxins in my life. The author's practical advice on mindfulness is conveyed with humor and compassion, making this book enjoyable and easy to read! ~Jane D.


In conclusion, I believe that the best way to deal with stress and illness is to become aware of how our emotions are driving us and then changing these patterns by adopting a lifestyle that supports our health. Mindfulness techniques provide us with great tools for achieving this goal.

In my article on How to Fight Chronic Stress and Heal Your Body, I discuss the next step: achieving a state of calm by finding balance in all areas of your life.

For people who feel that they cannot follow this path, I would encourage them to look at mindfulness as a means of achieving inner peace while still being able to do things they enjoy in their daily life.

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