3 Job Search Tips That Increase Your Success


 3 Job Search Tips That Increase Your Success

Job hunting is stressful and can feel like a full-time job in itself. Whether you’re seeking your first or your fifth position, you should aim to increase your chances of finding the right fit. Here are 3 tips to get you started:

1. Dress for success
Dressing in professional attire for interviews and networking events will help potential employers see that you are capable of presenting yourself well, both as a candidate and as an employee (and really, if there’s one trend that never goes out of style—it's dressing professionally). When hiring managers see someone with a sharp appearance on top of polished skills, it becomes tough to imagine anyone else being more qualified than they are.

2. Be a straightforward candidate
Straightforwardness is important in all aspects of your job search, but it is especially true when you’re applying for positions. While certain industries and companies may have specific dress codes, there should never be a reason to over- or under-dress for a job interview. If you are unsure what the dress code is in your line of work, you can always follow the lead of your interviewer. Even if they don't advise dressing up first and foremost, take their advice as a sign that the company values professionalism.

3. Don’t forget the small stuff
Getting a job is about more than what you say and what you wear—it also depends on how you carry yourself. When you're in an interview, your interviewer is paying attention to your posture, eye contact and handshake, in addition to your verbal communication skills and the cut of your clothes. Even if you are terrific at all other aspects of the interview, a lack of confidence or a weak handshake could harm your chances of getting an offer. To that end, take care to be conscious of how you present yourself both physically and mentally during every step of the process.

Remember these tips and practice them each day as you continue to seek your ideal position, and the job search will be easier for both you and the people who read your resume.

Your Next Move: How to Land Your Dream Job
Whether you’re just starting out on your job search or you've been looking for a new gig for years, this post has everything you need to know about how to land an exciting opportunity at a company that offers the type of environment that supports personal growth.

One of the most important steps in your job search is effectively marketing yourself. In addition to providing details about your skill sets, experience and education, you also need to show that you’re a good fit for the work environment of the company and for your potential manager. The best way to reveal both of these aspects is through a resume that emphasizes transferable skills .

Your next step is to ensure that your resume will look professional when it's read by hiring managers. To do this, keep in mind these three tips:

1. Invest in a professional resume template. Yes, free templates are available online and they're easy to customize. However, when you're applying for a position at a well-known company, you want to make a good first impression. A professionally formatted resume will give your potential employer the idea that you know what you’re doing and have taken the time to put together a quality document. A free resume template is never going to cut it.

2. Make sure your resume is 30 pages or less (or approximately 1 side of A5 paper). This is the industry standard, and while some employers may allow longer resumes, they're unlikely to consider them after an initial read-through. For this reason, make every section brief and to the point, and include only the most relevant information.

3. Proofread your resume thoroughly before hitting send . It's all too easy to make a small mistake that stands out among dozens of other errors. Double-check your grammar and punctuation, as well as the formatting of your resume. Hiring managers will take note if you’re sloppy with details, so make it easier for them to focus on your strengths rather than other areas of improvement.

With a strong resume template in place and a thorough proofreading process completed, you're ready to begin applying for jobs. First, consider the strengths and weaknesses you uncovered in your self-assessment. Then, use these job search tips to reach out to hiring managers at companies that you think will be a good fit for you.

No matter how well your resume is written or how many positions you apply for, your job search won't go far unless you make the effort to market yourself. Next time we’ll discuss how to best do this. Stay tuned!

Your Next Move: 10 Ways To Make Your Resume Stand Out
When it comes to writing your resume, there are countless formats and styles out there that could be right for you. No matter which option you choose, there are a few essential qualities that will always give your resume an edge when it comes to being effective, and we’ve compiled a list of the most important tips to keep in mind.

1. Make sure your resume is easy to read and simple to scan for hiring managers. The purpose of a resume is for hiring managers to investigate you further, so it should contain all the most crucial information up front. In addition, make sure that your resume isn’t too long—30 pages or less (or approximately 1 side of A5 paper) is the industry standard for formal resumes, so aim for that length if possible.

2. Be confident in what you offer . Employers want to know that you understand what the company does and what your potential for success is, but you can’t just say that it’s a “perfect fit.” Instead, tell them exactly what you did in your previous job and how your skills match up with the responsibilities of the job opening.

3. Showcase examples of relevant work experience (as opposed to boring blue-collar jobs). Most hiring managers are more interested in seeing how your experience matches up with their company's needs than they are in finding out about every single job you've ever had. For this reason, they want to see one or two samples of work that show their interest in what you can bring to the table.

4. Keep your resume easy to read . Don’t just put the most important information at the top of your resume; place it front and center. For example, if you have a college degree and relevant professional experience, include your education first, followed by professional experience.

5. Use an appropriate font (10 or 12 point) and an easy-to-read format. Your resume should be clean, neat and easy to read under normal lighting conditions—no fancy fonts or gimmicks! When you're finished with your final draft, step back from it in order to see what it looks like under different lighting and on different paper (some printers will make white text on a light background look slightly gray).


You've heard it said time and time again: when you're looking for a job, there are no shortcuts. This week's post reiterates that statement. Even if you land an interview, you'll never know how it will go until the potential employer asks you questions and can judge how well you fit the position. The application process is just as important as the interview itself in the eyes of hiring managers, so take your time and do your homework to ensure that your resume is as effective as it possibly can be.

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