3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence


3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence

Do you often doubt your abilities? Do you find yourself thinking that if others see the real you, they'll be disappointed? If so, it's time to develop some self-confidence! Low self-esteem isn't just a nightmarish personality trait. In addition to being emotionally draining and making life harder than it has to be, low confidence usually stems from a lack of exposure or experience in certain arenas. With that in mind, we laid out three ways for you to build your inner confidence and start exceeding expectations:

1) Become more active by going outside for walks or participating in sports. Physical activity helps us feel good about ourselves because it boosts self-worth and acts as a mood stabilizer.

2) Join a club or activity you are passionate about. The more active you are, the harder it becomes to avoid risks and start thinking of yourself as confident. Studies show that people who regularly interact with others see their self-esteem increase by as much as 20 percent!

3) Do something that scares you on a regular basis. This is often referred to as "behavioral activation," and will help you become more familiar with the idea of switching from safety to action. Before long, it will feel like second nature!

By following these three steps, you'll be well on your way to seeing positive changes in your life. And that is the key to boosting your confidence: learning to become comfortable with taking action and being more in tune with how you want to experience yourself.

1) Learn more about self-confidence by visiting the following websites:



2) Find out what the latest trends in self-esteem are by visiting this site:


3) Read this article to find out how you can boost your self-confidence:


By focusing on the following areas, you will be able to increase your overall life satisfaction:

1) Find a group of people that is highly successful and begin interacting with them regularly. You can do this by signing up for an adult class where the majority are "type A" personalities, or by finding a mentor who regularly gives you feedback and helps guide you in the right direction.

2) Attend a board meeting, where you can learn valuable lessons from successful leaders. The best place to find this opportunity is by joining an organization's board of directors.

3) Develop a regular morning routine that involves physical activity and rejuvenating yourself. Schedule this time into your calendar, so you don't forget about it later on.

Steps To Boosting Your Inner Confidence
by: 3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence [ARTICLE ENDS]
The 3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence: http://www.examiner.com/article/3-keys-to-boosting-your-inner-confidence
3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence: http://www.examiner.com/article/3-keys-to-boosting-your-inner-confidence
By focusing on the following areas, you will be able to increase your overall life satisfaction: http://energeticlivingblog.com/?p=2834
The 3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence: http://www.examiner.com/article/3-keys-to...JuneauAtheistHumanist
The 3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence: http://www.examiner.com/article/3...ralist
3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence: http://www.examiner.com/article/3...RISING VIBRATION
The 3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence: http://energeticlivingblog.com/?p=2834
The 3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence: http://bodymindsoulspirit.yolasite.com/resources-for-success/the-3-keys-to...mboy50
The 3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence: http://todayinspirationalthoughts.wordpres...b-the-3-keys-to-boosting-your-inner-confidence
The 3 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence: http://www.examiner.com/article/3...mboy50

A few more points that you may want to consider:

1) Learning never ends, but the more you know and do, the harder it becomes to put things off and procrastinate. Every hour spent in school is an hour not spending with friends or family, so make every minute count!

2) If you are planning on attending a weekend party at a friend's place, don't cancel your plans because you're afraid of speaking up in front of others. If you're having a hard time finding the words, ask someone a question or interject an interesting topic into the conversation. There's nothing to be worried about!

3) Take on new hobbies on a regular basis. This can mean anything from trying out for an intramural sports team to writing your own book. Remember: you're only limited by your imagination!

4) Don't let fear get in the way of doing what you love. Learn more about this topic by reading this article: http://www.longevityforlife.com/fear/

5) Be specific with goals (i.e., I want to be President of my company...), and make sure they are measurable (i.e., $250,000 in sales within 3 months...). By doing this, you'll be much more likely to achieve them!

6) Avoid comparing yourself with others. In reality, everyone lives in a different world and has their own different experiences or visions of success. You are driven by what's in front of you.

7) Don't let social media put so much pressure on you that it limits your life satisfaction. By using Facebook and Twitter, you are able to put out there all of the things you are doing. Now it's time to let others see what you're actually doing in real life, like traveling or hiking.

8) Make a list of the things in your life that make you smile. This will help you remember to appreciate what's already around you!

9) There is no such thing as failure; instead, try thinking about it as feedback for what doesn't work in your life. Use this information as a way to improve yourself!

10) Learn how to trust yourself and follow through on decisions.


In this chapter, we've talked about the importance of self-confidence and how to boost your confidence in a number of ways. We've looked at a few different ways to increase your self-esteem, and we've also learned a few key tips that will help you in this area.

By following these strategies and applying them to your own life, you'll be able to experience an increase in your overall confidence and self-worth!

But it's not all about you and what you can do for yourself; as we discussed in Chapter 1, there's an important connection between mind, body, soul and spirit that needs to be considered as well.

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