3 Little Words Equal More Power To You!


3 Little Words Equal More Power To You!

Elena shares three potent words that can make all the difference in your life.
Possibilities, Opportunity, and You.

Some people would say that it takes a lot of courage to begin a new project with something like "3 Little Words Equal More Power To You!" In other words, are you courageous enough? Let me assure you this will not be the case for long. Once you realize how powerful these three little words are then ideas come naturally.
OK, so you may be thinking…what on earth are these three little words?
The words are Possibilities, Opportunity, and You.
As your creative mind comes up with ideas or projects to move you forward in your life you will use these three little words. This is the magic formula that can change the direction of your life forever!
Now I know what you are thinking:
All I want is more possibilities!
More opportunities just seem like too much work and don't come my way.
I have no idea how to market myself. Or even if I have any business ideas to share with others.
The formula for changing your life is actually simpler than you can imagine.
Possibilities plus Opportunity equals You!
Yes, it's just that easy. Let me give you a few examples of how this might work for you.
This could be an idea for a business, an invention, a book to write or even starting something as simple as a blog online.
Let's start with the first little word: Possibilities . This is everything that exists in your life right now in front of you. It's all the things you see and hear on a daily basis that catch your attention and that inspires you to want more out of life. These are what I like to call the "inner nudges". They are the little thoughts that you have that your mind is buzzing with little ideas. This can be a product or service you want to create, a blog you want to start, learning a new skill or even just wanting more time.
Let's say it's time to take action and start something new: Opportunity . Something here seems like a great opportunity for me. Even if I'm not sure exactly where or how to begin, this is the perfect opportunity to see what opportunities are out there! As I look into where I can get and see possibilities everywhere. I will be inspired and creative with ideas of how I can achieve my vision of success.
Now, let's add the third little word: You .
So now we have...
Possibilities + Opportunity = You!
This is the secret formula for moving you from what feels like empty daydreaming, to taking action and getting your vision in life!
So as I give you that last sentence, please acknowledge that whatever it is you want to do…anything at all…is possible. And if you take action and put one foot in front of the other, using these three little words as your guide, then there is no doubt in my mind that it will work out great.
For more information on this topic visit http://elenalopezbooks.blogspot.com/p/3-little-words-equal-more-power-to.html For the complete book on 3 Little Words, "3 Little Words Equal More Power To You!", please visit http://elenalopezbooks.blogspot.com/p/3-little-words-equal-more-power-to.html
This book was written from the point of view of the author and is based on her own experiences and personal research. This book may not be appropriate for children due to some language and some themes that are discussed in this book. There is a small section, in this book, where she discusses how honest she has tried to be with the reader as part of her mission to help people transform their lives by moving past their fears and limiting beliefs. When you read this book you may find yourself laughing and crying as you read her personal experiences and how she overcame some of her own challenges on her journey to success in life. The author's thoughts, opinions and advice are all based on her personal experiences and research. She guarantees that if you follow the information in this book, it will work for YOU! You will be able to take action in your life, get your ideas out there, move forward and achieve your goals.
The author has based many of the examples in this book on real life events that have happened to herself or from people she has met along the way. No identifying details have been left out when a person is referred to within the book. There is no guarantee that whatever advice that she gives in this book will work or not. This book was written with the intention of helping people transform their lives and get their ideas out there.
You may have read other books on the power of visualization, self hypnosis and affirmations but what you need to know is that you can actually use these three little words to help you create success in life! Once you see how powerful they are, they should become a natural part of your day as you go about your business.
If this book has been helpful to you and you would like a signed copy please visit my website at http://www.elenalopezbooks.com/ On the website, you can also see my blog, videos and other books I have written.
Let me hear from you! I love to hear feedback from my readers! Please visit http://www.elenalopezbooks.com/ if you would like to send me a message or leave a comment on my blog. Thanks again for reading and may the power of these three little words help you transform your life into what ever it is that makes your heart sing!
The Power of 3 Words eBook, Complete Expanded Version of this publication by Elen López are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License . You are free: to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work Under the following conditions: Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). The work cannot be used for commercial purposes. If You create a derivative work that is based on this work, or build on this work, you must publish the resulting work under the same Creative Commons license. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ . Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
The Power of 3 Words eBook is published by Elen López, Argentina, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License . You are free: to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work Under the following conditions: Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.

The aim of this book is to make it easy for you to create the life of your dreams.
The power of 3 Words: Possibilities, Opportunity and You is here to help you do just that!
This book was written with the intention of helping you transform your life and get your ideas out there!
It can be used for inspiration, motivation and guidance on how to achieve your goals!
So how does all this relate to you? Let me ask… Are you ready to get started? So, what are you waiting for? It's time for YOU to say these three little words: "Possibilities. Opportunity. You.

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