3 Magic Bedtime Questions


3 Magic Bedtime Questions

There are endless benefits to a good night’s sleep that go beyond the peace of mind it brings. Everyone knows that sleep is important, and yet we still spend countless hours scrolling through our Facebook feeds and playing games on our smartphones before drifting off for the night.

Now, there might be other more pressing priorities than getting a healthy eight hours of shuteye, but to make matters worse, research has shown that lack of sleep impairs memory formation and contributes to weight gain.

The good news is that there are simple steps that you can take to develop better sleep habits as well as learn how to consistently get a better night’s rest. One of the best ways to start is by developing an effective bedtime routine.

If you’ve never heard of a bedtime routine, or perhaps you’re just not sure where to begin, here are 3 magic questions to ask yourself before getting into bed that will help you develop a healthy and relaxing habit for optimal sleep:

What can I do today? This may seem like a silly question at first, but it challenges the perception that your day is over when it actually ends. What you do can make all the difference in improving your sleep, so focus on activities that will leave you feeling more relaxed and less anxious.

This may seem like a silly question at first, but it challenges the perception that your day is over when it actually ends. What you do can make all the difference in improving your sleep, so focus on activities that will leave you feeling more relaxed and less anxious. Am I prepared for bed? ​This may seem like an obvious question, but it can be a real source of anxiety when we don’t know what to expect before going to bed. There is no better way to fall into a terrible sleep routine than by expecting everything to go smoothly.

​This may seem like an obvious question, but it can be a real source of anxiety when we don’t know what to expect before going to bed. There is no better way to fall into a terrible sleep routine than by expecting everything to go smoothly. Am I aware of my sleep environment and other cues? A healthy bedtime routine is much more likely to work if you are mindful of your surroundings and the cues that signal sleepiness. For some people, this would mean turning off the lights at night, while for others it means turning off their phone. Whatever works for you is fine, and in fact can help you determine what steps will lead you to a more satisfying night’s rest.

If you can remember to ask yourself these questions on a consistent basis, you’ll find that it helps add to your daily routine and ultimately improve the quality of your sleep.

So what are you waiting for? Try it out and let us know how it goes in the comments below.​

Featured photo credit: Little boy in bed via shutterstock.com

Get An Awesome Life I'm in!

ENDORSED BY Anna Chandy When I started this blog, I didn't have an inkling about what was about to unfold - The Awakening . My life has changed completely in these past few weeks as I've connected with my inner voice - tuning into my intuition and following my heart. There was a point when I thought I was crazy for leaving an established career and stepping into the unknown but I've come to realize that following our heart has to be one of the best things we can do for ourselves. Life always seems to respond by opening amazing doors when we're in alignment with our highest truth. And that is what I am going to do from now on; listen to my inner voice, connect with my intuition and write from my heart so that others may benefit.

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© 2011 Anna Chandy, The Awakening. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Anna Chandy with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

What if we could use our bodies as tools to manifest our dreams? This approach has been a best-kept-secret in the world of magic for centuries, but now it is time for you to discover it for yourself. Develop a Toolkit From this amazing book, you'll learn how to create powerful tools that will empower your manifestations, while understanding the true nature of manifestation. Get it Now ▸

My name is Anna Chandy and I want you to do more than just survive. I want you to thrive in your life. Your body is a miracle of natural intelligence and it is capable of doing so much for you if you know what exercises to do, how long to do them for, and how best to align your body with the law of attraction. The problem is that there are so many conflicting ideas about how we should live our lives. How do you know what to do, who to listen to, or who to trust? You have questions about tools for manifestation, but now where do you find the answers?

The Magic of Your Body: A Manifestation Toolkit is a compilation of the best information from some of today's most sought after experts. It is designed specifically for those people who are tired of all the conflicting information about how to improve your life. You will discover in this book how your body can be used as a tool for manifestation. You will understand why so many people are confused about where you should place your focus and how to recognize the language that is being used to direct you. This book will take you on a journey into the world of magic, while giving you all the tools necessary to successfully manifest your dreams.

When I first began working with clients years ago, one of my first questions was always: "What is your body telling you?" I wanted my clients to be able to have better control over their bodies. Even if they didn't tell me directly, I was picking up on clues in their language. Their body language gave them away; it was somewhat like a neon sign pointing me in the right direction.

Conclusion On the surface, most people have an unrealistic expectation that they should be able to manifest everything they want through magical acts. This is not the case and you will understand why when you read this book. Magic is not a mysterious force that cannot be harnessed, but rather a tool to manifest your desires. It's time for you to learn how to use it.

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