3 Proven Ways To Build Self-Esteem


3 Proven Ways To Build Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the core of your mental health, and there are many ways to build self-esteem. You can learn how to overcome obstacles in life and then build your own self-worth by focusing on what makes you happy. Here are a few proven ways that have been shown to build self-esteem:

1) Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself
2) Take care of yourself by exercising or eating healthy
3) Maintain a journal, where you write down any time when other people compliment you, but also any time that makes you feel down or vulnerable. Writing down these points is a way to externalize your insecurities and form a plan for tackling them.
4) Remind yourself that you are not alone. Find a friend or family member who you can share your thoughts and feelings with, without judgement. This is also important for supporting other people who may be suffering.
5) Set goals for yourself, (such as getting better grades at school or losing weight), and reward yourself when you achieve these goals.
6) Get rid of any toxic personality traits in your life by saying no to those people who bring you down. You can also distance yourself from those people and find other friends who are more likely to support you and make you feel better about yourself.
7) Let go of unattainable expectations for yourself and take a step back. You don't have to make a huge transformation overnight, or even in a day, you can make small changes over time. Start by working on improving your self-esteem by learning what your strengths are and how to build from there.
8) Have fun with life no matter what you're going through. Make sure that you are taking a break from the everyday drama and focus on the good things in life like family, friends and hobbies.
9) Keep up with research of all the latest advancements in health and fitness. This will help to motivate you and keep you motivated towards reaching your fitness goals.
10) Now that you know these ways to build self-esteem, work on putting them into practice. You can actually see a difference when you start spending time with people who make you feel good, exercising and eating healthy and by writing down the times when others compliment you. With any luck, this article has helped to build a positive outlook on building self-esteem in your life.
That is Book 1 of "Building Self-Esteem In Your Life". For more information on self esteem check out my blog. http://buildingselfesteeminyourlife.blogspot.com
Comments, suggestions or questions? Please be in touch: tony_kelly@yahoo.com  or  @tkelly21290
Book 1 of "Building Self-Esteem In Your Life" will be free to download soon, so keep your eyes peeled!
About the Author: Tony Kelly is a Canadian author who lives in North Bay, Ontario with his wife and two daughters. He has a passion for helping people improve their lives through thoughtful strategies and strategies that come from personal experience. Tony is currently working on his second book "Finding Your Purpose In Life" which will be out later this year, and he's also working on a number of other books.
For more information visit: http://buildingselfesteeminyourlife.blogspot.com
10 Ways To Build Self-Esteem
10 Ways to Build Self-Esteem  
Posted by .onmike on March 5, 2013 at 8:48 AM
According to a study conducted in the Journal of Counseling Psychology in 2004, 90% of young women are not confident enough to be sexually intimate. This is due to low self-esteem and a fear of being shamed. The experience of shame is a real barrier to intimacy, sexual or otherwise.
The following are ten ways to build self-esteem so that you can have the courage to be intimate.
1. Set aside time for yourself every day. You deserve to take care of yourself and express the love you have for yourself by doing things that are good for you such as meditating, taking a walk, taking a bubble bath or getting together with friends just for fun.<br>
2. Engage in moderate exercise several times per week.<br>
3. Practice proper breathing exercises every day.<br>
4. Give yourself compliments throughout the day.<br>
5. Look into ways to be more active and healthy as often as possible.<br>
6. Eat foods that are good for you and fit your needs, avoiding trans and fatty foods.<br>
7. Don't smoke, don't drink to excess, don't abuse drugs and don't use caffeine or other stimulants.<br>
8. Don't take too much of a risk in life or overindulge in parties where you have to drink a lot of alcohol or do something extreme such as sky diving or BASE jumping once or twice.<br>
9. Don't be afraid of love or sex and don't avoid intimacy just because you are embarrassed to be seen doing it.<br>
10. Be nice to yourself. Don't make yourself feel bad about who you are and what you want. Don't always compare yourself to others and don't overindulge in negative thoughts.<br>
This was a great article, thanks! I would like to make a comment that I think feels like an important one: how often we get too caught up with what others think of us, and our own presumed 'positives'. We will never truly be happy or confident if we don't feel secure with ourselves. It is so easy to be influenced by others and to take on their remarks, good or bad. You need to first like who you are, believe in yourself and your abilities, and only then can you really project that confidence that people see. There is always going to be someone better than you, no matter what it is (rich, smart, friends..), but if you are secure with it all then it doesn't bother you at all.<br>
It's exactly how I feel about the issue of my own self-esteem. I've always found myself worrying a lot when people give me praise here and there... I guess at the same time, I don't want it to be true, because I'm afraid that if they compliment me too much, I would later in the future start doubting my own self-worth.<br>
There are a lot of people out there who have low self-esteem and do it to themselves. They don't know how beautiful they really are inside and out. Many of them tend to over eat because their body image is not very good. The way someone sees an individual has everything to do with that persons outlook on life. Many people view others from how they see themselves. If your outlook is poor, you tend to judge others by that standard as well.<br>
It's just like a vicious cycle...

Conclusion: It is thus certain that healing is surely possible. All of the above points are proof enough of the fact that self-esteem needs to be nurtured. When you build your self-esteem, you begin to acheive your dreams, feel more positive and have a far better outlook in life.<br>
There are some good books on this topic as recommended by Carolyn weintraub, if anyone wants to read more about it. <br>
My personal favorite book from these is "Self esteem scam". It has everything about how to build inner confidence and love yourself for who you are.<br>

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