3 Questions To Empower You


3 Questions To Empower You

Welcome to the second in our series of daily articles designed to empower you as a leader in your life. Today’s topic: 3 Questions To Empower You.

As leaders, we shape our lives and those around us with the questions we ask ourselves and those around us. We do this every day, whether we are aware of it or not. Leadership can be learned by anyone interested in putting themselves out there.

Being a leader is a choice. We can choose to lead or we can be led. Everyone who leaves an imprint on the world chooses to lead. But not everyone who chooses to lead, leads in a way that inspires others to follow.

How do we go from being followers in life, to becoming leaders? How do we go from being passive and reactive, focusing on what’s wrong with our lives, our families, our communities and the world, to being proactive and creative about what’s right with us?

The answer is simple: we have to ask questions of ourselves every single day that empower us as leaders and change-agents in our own lives and those around us.

What are the 3 Questions to Empower You as a Leader?

1. “How can I be of service to others today?”

2. “What do I want and what steps do I need to take in order to make that desire a reality?”

3. “What is my purpose in life and how can I fulfill that purpose today?”

The power of questions is something we all already know but rarely utilize. Leadership is not just about the answers we seek, but the questions we ask.

Think about that for a moment.

What impact do these 3 questions have on your life and those around you? Are they empowering or disempowering? Do they lead to more creativity, passion and vitality in your life, or do they stifle creativity and retard growth? The answer lies with you. If you’re ready to unleash the power of leadership in your own life, then put these 3 Questions to Empower You into action today!


Hi Sandy! Great article! I'm going to save it for later use. To be honest, I'm a bit intimidated by this stuff, but I think it's doable. I'll definitely be giving it a try. :)


Sandy, First off, great post! There are some valuable ideas in there. I'd like to actually read all of your posts though because they're very descriptive and easy to read. Very much enjoyed them, though the thought behind it can be an eye opener for some guys who need to understand that they have just as much power as any women they talk to.

I'd like to also ask you a question in regards to what we should be doing on these sites. I went through your post and I don't see any dates and that's something that I have missed. Is there anything you can do to help me out with this, or are the posts all dated?


Get your own blog where your all your interests will be covered if you have any, LOVE IT!!! And no, the blog is not dated, but they are intended to encourage people who may be interested in them at the moment when they start thinking about similar topics.


Dear Sandy, when I read your article about being a leader, I like the idea of making better choices. Some people say that making better choices is already in our hands. Then, what is wrong with us if we don't make good choices? Does it mean that our choices are bad? I think we should always think more and make better decisions. We can live a happy life even though we make mistakes!

Thank you for sharing your post! Have a nice day! 🙂

As an aspiring writer it is important to continually challenge yourself to find new ways to express your views. This will keep you engaged in sharing your thoughts and ideas with others. There are several creative outlets available to you. I found your blog through Google. I will check it out as time allows.

I think one place you can provide new and stimulating content is on your website. You can use your blog to share thoughts, experiences, photos and ideas with readers all around the world! Great idea!

Hi Sandy, Love your blogs..very motivating...i am a blogger too...so we should share our ideas..please visit my blog....thanks

Hi Sandy, I'm not a blogger, but i've been writing some private thoughts to friends and family. I really enjoy your posts and i'm eager to read more of them!

You have a great one...take care...have a great weekend!

I find your articles very informative. Too often it is the answers that are searched for on the internet instead of the questions. People need to just ask more questions in order to better understand what they don't know. This is where you come in. I'm also sharing your articles on my blog.

Thank you so much for writing them.

Hi I just stumbled across your blog, I think it's a great idea to make a list of questions about things you really want to know. Here is a list of questions I have been thinking about for the last month or so: 1. Where is God in all this? 2. If we are half as good as God wants us to be, why are we not more there? 3. Is this what God intended it to be like? 4. Why do good people suffer and why do bad people get away with it? 5. Why must we continue to accept bad things and why can't we change it? 6. Why do people fail? 7. Why do most people fall victim to abuse and what's wrong with me? 8. What would God have us do in situations like these? 9. How can I accept God's will and know what is right in my life?

10. Should I have more faith or less faith? 11. How can I better manage my time and life so that I am motivated, centered, connected, relaxed and productive every day? 12. Do I really want to pursue success or are there other ways I can serve God by doing good works for Him that He created me for? 13 .

Conclusion: How can I be a better person in God's eyes? 14. What's the mission of my life in the big picture of things? 15.

How can I make the world a better place for all those around me? Have a great day.

Hi Sandy, Awesome blog! I like how you simplify everything into essential questions! Thanks for sharing them with us. Also, i'm new here on wordpress and your blog is one of the ones that inspired me to start my own; I'm more interested to know what inspired you to start yours! Keep up the great work and have a nice day! I'll be checking back in soon...

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