3 Quick and Easy Steps to Time Management Mastery


3 Quick and Easy Steps to Time Management Mastery

If you want to be more productive and accomplish more, then learning effective time management skills is a must. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be hard to keep up with all the demands on your time. But it doesn’t need to be so difficult. This article will introduce you to three helpful steps that will give your productivity a boost and make you feel like Superman!

The first step is creating an Action List where you write down the things that need to get done in order of importance. Next, set goals for yourself in what areas are most important to improve – work-life balance, health, finances etc... Finally, adopt the policy of writing down every single thing you do during your day. When you write things down on a daily basis, it helps to create awareness and remember the things that need to get done.

By implementing these three simple steps, you will be able to increase your productivity and accomplish more in less time. However, it is important to stay motivated in order for this system to work. The best way to stay motivated is by creating mini-goals for yourself and rewarding yourself once you achieve them. This is also a good way to track your progress and find what methods work best for you.

Self-control and discipline are extremely important when implementing a time management system. Sometimes you will need to force yourself to do something even if you don’t feel like it. If the task at hand is important, it’s worth the extra effort. Small actions accumulated over time add up and lead to huge improvements in both productivity and quality of life.

When practicing these three steps, keep in mind that there will be times when goals are not reached or things don’t go exactly as planned. It can be easy to get discouraged during these times, but perseverance and belief in yourself will get you through it.

By taking the time to follow these three steps, you are guaranteed to have more time and energy to do things that matter. Remember that you are unstoppable when you believe in yourself!


The next step I wanted to share with you is creating a Hierarchy of Goals that holds lots of personal significance. This system is one of my favorite ways of organization because it shows great attention towards prioritization. The list will be divided into 3 parts which include long term goals, intermediate goals and short term goals. You will find yourself feeling motivation and excitement when approaching your intermediate (or short term) goals, because they are always exciting.

Think of it as a hierarchy that begins at the top – long term, intermediate and short term goals. You can start your list with the long-term goals and work your way to intermediate and short-term goals. A great way to keep track if you are missing any is playing an exciting game of bingo. So, if you want to start, how about this one?

First make a list of every thing that you want in your life. Then take note of the differences between long-term, intermediate, and short-term goals (for example: Long Term – pay off medical bills from last year; Intermediate – save money for vacation next year; Short Term – meet new friends for coffee today).

Once you’re done, you’ll notice that this list is loaded with exciting items and things that matter to you. This gives you a sense of motivation. It will give you that extra push of energy to work on your goals and make them a reality.

Maintaining this hierarchy of goals will depend on your mindset and how committed you are towards achieving them. You have to take action towards each goal, once written down. If it is too far away then you won't see the benefit in working on it too much and if it is a short-term goal, which can be any time from day to day, then the benefit is greater if one works hard on it from day 1.

Once you have your hierarchy of goals, you can work on it to achieve your personal priorities. The best thing about a hierarchy is that it allows you to set new goals as you achieve them and start on other goals in your list. This system helps keep things organized, provides the motivation for action needed and keeps the momentum going.


The third step I wanted to share with you is the Kaizen method of time management. I’m sure that by now, we have already come to an agreement that time management is an important skill for anyone who wants to be productive and maximize their potential (which are all of us). Time management is an art that people can improve upon and master, but the best way to do so is practice and training. There are tons of online plans on how to learn time management, but nothing beats getting a real life experience.

I recommend trying out Kaizen method (also called Kaizen Time management) which was developed by Masaaki Imai. I have seen incredible results when adopting this system of time management and was amazed by the effectiveness of it.

This system is built in stages that you can use to set goals for yourself based on different needs. If you are someone who has a plan ready every morning, then you can easily start the day with your list with no problem.

There are 3 stages of Kaizen Time Management:

Stage 1 – Kaizen - Setting up the schedule and daily to-do list of what you want to accomplish in a day. In this stage you should take a realistic approach and devise steps to making your life more productive. A good way to start is setting long-term goals and then break them down into goals for the intermediate stage(s). It might not be the easiest thing, but it’s worth it. This stage will create a foundation for your day ahead, making sure that you don’t forget about any important tasks.

Stage 2 – Do it now – Set timelines for the tasks you have listed on your daily to-do list. I recommend doing this stage together with the previous stage. This will help you see which tasks can be done immediately and which ones need to be done at a later date. You’ll also see what tasks have already been accomplished and how much time it took you to do them; once you notice this, you’ll be able to track your productivity over time and how it is being affected with Kaizen Time management.

Stage 3 – review – After completing this stage, go back to Stage 1 and make any changes that are needed. The idea of this stage is to make sure that you don’t miss any important tasks that were done in Stage 2 and the tasks from Stage 1 are completed.

I believe that a great way to apply and develop each stage is to use it as a reference; practice it when needed, set timelines for every day and track your productivity at all times. The system will help you focus on what needs to be done, but not overwhelm you with too many things to do. Once things become too overwhelming, then it might be time for a break from Kaizen Time Management, so that you can maintain focus again.


With these steps, you can learn how to manage time and use it productively. Learning how to manage your time is a skill that needs constant training; it isn’t an easy thing to do, but the more you practice, the easier it will be for you in the long run. With these steps I believe that you can master the art of time management and start focusing on doing things that matter most to you.

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