7 Reasons To Search Online For Your Next Job
You're "hunting" for a new job. You've narrowed your list to the final three and finally, you're ready to pull the trigger on a new gig. Maybe you have even submitted your resume and are waiting one of those three companies to bite. But first, before accepting a job offer, it's worth considering all your options.
For starters, think about searching online for your next job - it may just be what you've been looking for! The Internet is brimming with opportunities that are smart investments in the ever-changing landscape of work. So if you are looking for a change of scenery, here are seven reasons why you should consider the Internet as your next job search resource!
1. The Scarcity of Jobs
If you have been looking for a job, chances are that you have experienced some form of frustration due to the lack of openings. Employers are posting less and many job seekers find that they have to sift through numerous postings with no guarantee of ever getting an interview. While it is true that some opportunities may not be as widely advertised as before, this time around could in fact be your best bet when it comes to finding a new position online.
2. Job Boards Are Not Dead
It's true that job boards are not as prevalent as they once were, but this doesn't mean that you should avoid them altogether. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of what technology has to offer and if you haven't noticed yet, many companies are now using social media sites like Linkedin to post their career opportunities. Moreover, Google+ and Facebook have also created specific ways for companies to connect directly with their target audience-the job seekers! You can easily explore these new avenues and get your name out there in a safe way.
3. The Job Hunt Is A Marathon
It's not just a one-time process, but something that you need to be continuously working on. As your career grows and your goals change, so will your job hunt and brainstorming session. By making the Internet more than just a quick launch pad to tomorrow's opportunities, it can become a pivotal piece in the search for your next job.
4. You Get To Decide What to Post
So you're sick of scanning through other people's postings that may in fact be a "pass/fail" scenario? Not to worry because now you can create your own posting and decide what information to provide about your skills, education and experience. This way, employers will contact you directly instead of the other way around.
5. Your Social Media Matters
As mentioned above, social media is definitely where it's at! If you have decided to become just another member on LinkedIn or have a Facebook page with some really cool updates, then by all means-get out there and get noticed. Companies may not be as active as they once were in the social media arena, but they definitely still value the power of networking. If you have already been networking, then now is the perfect time to redouble your efforts and update your professional presence.
6. You Can Be An Alternative Pathway To A Position
So after submitting an application to several companies, you didn't hear back from them or they simply decided to move on without hiring? This doesn't have to be a total lose-lose situation because it might just determine whether or not you do an online search for your next job! By doing a search online, it can actually help find out which companies are still looking for qualified candidates. In fact, some employers are offering to pay you for joining their search for a new hire!
7. Your Intuition Can Help You Connect
No matter how hard you try, you can't seem to connect with the right person leading to a job offer? If so, it might be time to take advantage of the power of intuition and use that connection that you've heard about. Many times people are making connections on their own but don't realize that it's even happening until the moment is gone. This can lead them to make a seemingly foolish choice which unfortunately could cost them this opportunity. Now is your chance to get a feeling for what will work out best for your next job.
So if you are feeling a little frustrated with your job hunt and haven't had much luck in the search for that next position, it may be time to rethink how you look for a job. Job boards may not be your best option or even the most productive way to find a new job and you might be better off searching online for your next position. If you're ready to give it a try, we're here to help! Check out our job board at BetterHelpWanted.com .
You may have thought that finding a new job was going to be a breeze, but the truth is that it is difficult and time-consuming. Job boards are tremendously helpful in helping you search for new jobs, but there are other more advanced ways of getting your name out there. Now you don't have to find an ad on a job board to find a new job! Today's society has moved onto working outside of the office and many will gladly work from home if they can find something that fits their needs. Just because you're searching online doesn't mean that you can completely avoid hiring managers because many companies will benefit by being able to interview candidates over the phone and other means. We've compiled a list of seven ways that you can maximize your job search and get that new position that you've been looking for.
1. Maintain A Nice Profile/Portfolio
There was a time when having an impressive resume was necessary to get hired, but times have changed. Employers are no longer going to ask if you have an impressive resume when they can receive hundreds of resumes from top professionals at once! Instead, they will ask what type of experience you have in the field, what behaviors and values you possess and about the projects that you've worked on in the past. Don't just have a great resume and try to tell them about it; instead add some videos about your work life as well. Anything that shows you working with companies or participating in projects that are related to your career will be a huge benefit and will help employers gauge whether or not you truly possess the skills that they want for the position.
2. Add Value To The Employer Through Social Media
If you can put yourself out there through social media and connect with other professionals, then employers will see it as a way to grow their company. If your social media profiles add value to the company's brand, then it is a good idea for you to use each one of them as an opportunity to demonstrate those values throughout your profile.
Social media is extremely important in today's society but it has also helped many companies increase their revenues. As mentioned above, you don't have to advertise for a new job; instead choose to join some of the more prominent groups on the Internet and eventually, you'll find that there are people out there searching for what you're providing. In addition to the seven tips listed above, you can use another method that we've heard about from a few experts and that is sending direct pitches to recruiters online.
At BetterHelpWanted , we believe in being honest with users of our website and when you're searching for a new job, it's very important for us to understand how exactly you will be able to find one.