A Career Built On Character


 A Career Built On Character

Some of the most successful people in business were never really interested in a typical 9-to-5 career. They went for something more, and now they're better off for it. One thing these individuals have in common is that they built their careers on one fundamental trait: character.

Whether it's having a good sense of humor or being inquisitive, this article will cover how to build your own character and get ahead at work.

The Power of Character
You're never too young to start building character. In fact, character traits begin developing as early as preschool. By the time we reach adulthood, we are essentially who we are. For example, if you were considered the class clown in elementary school, you may still be the class clown as an adult even if you wanted to grow out of it.

Put another way, building character as an adult is similar to a parent trying to teach their child not to lie. It's much easier for the parent to coax a three-year-old into being honest from the beginning. As they get older, it gets more difficult and requires more patience.

This same logic can be applied to building your own character today. While it's never too late, it may be easier at a younger age since you don't have any negative baggage holding you back. Of course, you can always work at improving your character no matter how old you are or what's in your past. But if you want the best chance of growing into someone worthwhile, start early.

Building Your Character
Character building is as simple as being honest, reliable and respectful. The following ten tips will help you build your own character and add positive ripples of influence to your life. They are:

1. Have a Sense of Humor:  Humor is a precious commodity that is often underutilized. It's not generally thought of as a leadership tool, but it can be and does work wonders in many different scenarios. When an individual feels good about themselves, they are much more likely to give it to others -- which makes them feel good about themselves as well. Don't be afraid to take risks when you're around others, especially if you think they're going along for the ride too. When it comes to making others laugh, don't be afraid to give it your all. The whole point is to have fun and pass a few smiles along the way.
2. Be Constantly Curious:  Curiosity can often lead to innovation and creativity -- two character traits that can also help you climb the corporate ladder faster. In fact, being too curious can be an issue at times, as some folks are just plain nosey. But that doesn't mean you should shut your inquisitive mind off completely. It's always useful to be interested in how others do their jobs and how they got there in the first place. If you're not naturally curious and are worried that others will think you're being nosey, don't worry about it. The best thing to do is just be interested in everything and anything. How people do what they do, how they got there and why it works in some cases -- feel free to even ask questions about that.
3. Be a Good Listener:  Listeners are often considered people who don't have much to share themselves. But that couldn't be further from the truth -- listening can actually help build character as well. When you notice someone not wanting to listen, make an effort to engage them and really hear them out -- it will make them feel valued and comfortable around you. If you've ever been in a situation where everyone is talking, but no one is listening, you know how frustrating it can be. When you're the listener, it allows others to relax and build a bond with you -- which can lead to long-term success.
4. Be Honest:  In business and your personal life, honesty is a must. There's no ambiguity with it and there are no gray areas -- being dishonest either hinders or helps your chances of succeeding in life or at work. Successful people don't lie to others or themselves because they know that it's just not beneficial in the long run. Being honest is also an indicator of having strong character traits such as loyalty and being generous towards others.
5. Be Reliable:  Reliability isn't something that you can learn overnight -- but it is something that can be honed over time. The best way to become reliable is to first accept that you have a problem with being unreliable at times. When you see yourself doing something irrational or not showing up for an appointment, take responsibility and make an effort to fix it. It may be hard, but if you really want to succeed in life, being unreliable will only get in the way of your success. The same idea applies with work -- be reliable in your work and everyone else will follow behind you.
6. Be Respectful:  When you earn someone's respect, you're in a position of power. Whether it's at home or at work, being respectful to others will go a long way towards your success. Even if another person doesn't deserve respect, give it to them anyway. It will only work to your advantage and make you much stronger in the long run. Plus, if you've ever experienced being disrespected by someone else, it can be an extremely hurtful feeling -- so don't do that to others and just be respectful at all times.
7. Be Loyal:  Loyalty is another character trait that can help you succeed in life and at work. It can also help you build stronger relationships with others, which is essential if you want to work your way up the corporate ladder. Be loyal to the people around you and they'll be loyal to you. That may not always be the case, but people who are loyal to their friends and family will find that they have something much more valuable than money. They have trust -- which can lead to opportunities that are unexpected but impactful.
8. Be Generous:  Generosity is another character trait that doesn't just help build character -- it also leads to success in both personal and professional life. It's important to give back to others in whatever way you can, whether it's your time, money or some other valuable resource. When you're generous, it shows that you have the ability to share what you have with those who need it most. Giving back doesn't just build character -- it may actually help you live a longer and healthier life .
9. Be Eager To Learn:  No matter how old you are or how well educated, there is always something new out there for us to learn about. So don't miss out on the opportunity to learn about something new by shying away from it because of your age or education level.

So there you have it -- a list of nine character traits that can help you succeed in life and at work. They may not be the most fashionable traits, but they are extremely important. The more successful people know how to cultivate these characteristics within themselves and prove their worth to others, the better off their companies will be.
Data has shown that companies with strong leadership are more likely to succeed over time -- taking into account a myriad of factors such as profitability, productivity and earnings. The fact is that if you want to climb up the corporate ladder, you need to think about these nine vital character traits . And everyone needs at least one of them . Remember: Character is what matters most .

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