A Career In Medical Transcription: Is It For You?


 A Career In Medical Transcription: Is It For You?

A Career In Medical Transcription: Is It For You?

If you're looking to explore a career in the medical field, but don't know which area interests you most, Medical Transcription may be a great choice for you. Read on for some reasons why this specialized profession may fit your needs.

Medical transcriptionists transcribe dictated reports of medically related encounters as dictated by physicians or other health care providers. The reports are typically created using standard templates which have been developed by either the transcriptionist's employer or medical sources depending on the organization and mode of employment (i.e., private practice, hospitals). Medical transcriptionists may also transcribe dictation from audio- or videotapes of patient encounters such as physical therapy sessions, psychiatric evaluations, and laboratory tests.

If you have experience in a medical related field and are looking to expand your career in the medical field, this may be for you. Here are 3 reasons why you should consider a career as a medical transcriptionist:

1. Flexible Work Schedule . The flexibility with which you can schedule your time gives you the control over how much money is earned and when it's earned. You don't have to work during standard working hours since most work-at-home positions allow you to log on whenever there is a need for your services.

2. The ability to work at home and your schedule depends on what you need to do. Most work-at-home positions allow you to be flexible with the hours that you work and how much money you earn for your efforts. This typically means that a good number of medical transcriptionists get the opportunity to work when they can make the most money, which makes it possible for them to take care of their family obligations first, then let the money made from their freelance transcription services pay the bills.

3. Training is minimal if not non-existent . Many employers offer very little training on how one transcribes reports at all because it's considered a skillset that can be taught over time as an individual grows in their profession.

If you're looking for a career in the medicine field, then Medical Transcription may be the perfect choice for you. The flexibility with which you can schedule your time and how much money you earn will make it possible for you to take care of your family first.

Photo by: Iain Blackie
About the Author: Jessie, who loves to read and write about everything medical including medical transcription, loves reading about finding solutions for problems that she encounters on a daily basis. Find her at www.Medical-Writing-Forum.com or on Twitter @jessiewangley1.

Published on Julie's Blog on May 22, 2013 by jessiewangley1
Posted in: Medical Transcription

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A blog that focuses on medical writing, the medical field and freelance writing. Topics for this website were chosen by the owner of Medical Writing Resources (see home page for details). A full bio is shown at: http://www.freelancewriterresources.com/aboutme.asp . I hope you enjoy it! Please read my disclaimer . Note: Opinions expressed in blogs are those of the bloggers and do not reflect the opinion of any employers or sponsors unless specifically noted in the post.
Posted in: Medical Writing

Published on Julie's Blog on May 22, 2013 by jessiewangley1

We can help you break the barrier from the medical field to a career as a freelance medical writer. If you have an idea for a blog post or have some great ideas for articles that you would like to write, let us know! All submissions are welcome. www.freelancewriterresources.com/contactusfws.asp Please keep in mind that this is a very broad topic with many possible avenues of exploration so be sure to leave enough details on how you would like your article written about so we can decide if we are interested in assisting with your project. If we decide not to take on your project, we will let you know. NO PAYMENT IS REQUIRED UNLESS YOUR ARTICLE/BLOG POST IS PUBLISHED. If you decide to publish your article on this website, please send us the link when it is published so that we can let our readers know about your work.
Highlights of my career include: -18 years as a writer for a medical device manufacturing company -4 years as a technical writer for the U.S. Army (in-house) -8 years as a technical writer for a security system integrator (in-house) -2 years as a technical writer for an environmental consulting company (in-house) -1 year as a freelance writer for a medical technology start up -1 year as the editor for an international magazine for the food industry -1 year as the editor of "Food Processing" magazine 
Since I am no longer working in the medical device field, I decided to make this website to assist those who are still working within that industry and those who have moved on to other endeavors. If you are interested in assisting with this website and would like to share your knowledge and experience with others, please contact me .

Conclusion: If you're looking for a median career that will offer you the flexibility to work while taking care of your family, then Medical Transcription is definitely where you want to start your adventure into the world of medicine.
If you're interested in learning about Medical Transcription, there are a lot of resources out there for you. The first resource in this article is the best place to start because it's detailed and thorough. It's not just going to tell you how much money medical transcriptionists make, but it will give you a step-by-step breakdown of exactly what's involved with becoming a medical transcriptionist yourself.

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