A GED or General Education Diploma


 A GED or General Education Diploma

A GED or General Education Diploma is a secondary school credential awarded upon the successful completion of high school level coursework that has been demonstrated through the General Education Development Test.

The GED test is one of two possible outcomes to a career in education. The other being a baccalaureate degree, which reflects a more traditional linear pathway—starting with pre-Kindergarten and ending with post-graduate studies. The GED allows for those who have difficulty navigating or are unable to navigate this traditional pathway, due to time constraints, family obligation or other circumstances, an opportunity for their education to reflect their own individualized needs and interests.

A GED is not a certificate of graduation from high school. Instead, it is a certificate of accomplishment that demonstrates the acquired knowledge and skill set of an individual who does not have a traditional high school diploma. It is often used as a stepping stone for those seeking entrance into an institution of higher learning and it can sometimes prove beneficial to those seeking employment outside of the traditional employment realm which generally require some form of secondary education.

The National GED Testing Service, also known as GED Testing Service or simply GED, administers the computer-based tests at its Central Office in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. The service also operates a large number of GED testing sites across the United States and other countries.

The test assesses skills in reading, writing, math and science. The test is scored on a scale of 1 to 99 where the passing threshold is usually 70. Students are expected to meet these minimum standards:
In addition, students are required to demonstrate competency in 5 out of 16 subjects. Some subjects (Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences) require higher amounts of proficiency than others (Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology).

A person can only receive one GED test per year since it is not valid for employment for federal or state agencies.

There are a number of differences between the GED and traditional high school diplomas:

By the time 1972 rolled around, there were more than 20 million persons who did not have a high school diploma fueling the need for an alternative pathway to the traditional high school diploma. Congress authorized by passing Public Law 92-318, legislation that established a National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to collect and analyze data on education in America. Congress also passed The General Education Act which was signed into law on April 11, 1972 authorizing The National Office of Alternative Education to provide grants to non-degree granting post-secondary institutions.

A few years later, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching published the report, "Educational Development and Technology", stating that "the work world of tomorrow demands a new kind of basic education that combines academic learning with workplace learning." The report went on to state that "the future will require more performance-based assessments instead of traditional multiple choice tests." Based on these reports, Congress passed Public Law 93-380 in 1994 requiring the NCES to coordinate and administer a national assessment system for individuals without a high school diploma or GED. This law also authorized a technical assistance program to help states develop assessment systems based on work-related performance tasks.

By 1998, four states had developed college level examination programs. In 2000, Congress passed Public Law 106-554 which established the GED Testing Service (GEDTS), a division of the NCES. The GEDTS was charged with developing and maintaining a national assessment program for individuals without a high school diploma or GED for the purpose of measuring educational progress and improving opportunities for those unable to complete a high school education.

In 2006, there were more than 1 million students taking the GED exam. By 2011, there were more than 1.6 million students taking it annually in the United States and Canada. The average pass rate in 2008 was 40% and by 2010, it increased to 43% with a retention rate of around 20%. It is estimated that more than 21.8% of the general population does not have a secondary school credential. Some states such as Florida have higher rates at around 25% of the population without a high school diploma or GED.

In 2013,1,009,948 people took the General Educational Development (GED) test in the United States and Canada. One-hundred twenty-eight were administered in American Samoa and Guam, 1,885 in Puerto Rico, 352 abroad, and 968 were in Canada. Among those who took the test in Canada was British Columbia Premier Christy Clark who passed twice before opting to take her third attempt on her birthday instead of waiting until July.

According to the GED website, there are a number of advantages to the GED: 

Students who have taken the test are barred from using their scores for employment purposes. For this reason, individuals are urged to take it only when they feel comfortable with their knowledge and skills and not for financial gain. It is also advised that students wait at least four years after taking their test before entering further education programs.

According to The Center for American Progress, 66% of adults in America do not have a secondary school diploma or any form of post-secondary education. Even fewer (35%) have completed high school. That number drops to 28% for African American adults. The report goes on to state that the GED is an imperfect measure of learning and is often given to people who will not be using it as a stepping stone to higher learning.

The report also states that the cost of taking the GED is expensive and that many students are unable to cover their expenses which range from $138 for books and registration fees (depending on state) to $125 for a pre-test class. The test itself costs $200 and retaking the test costs another $115 – $139 depending on state. The average pass rate since 2000 has been about 43%.

The GED test has been criticized by Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe", who have found that the test was given to even high school students with no formal education. Scarborough stated that instead of helping people get jobs, the test was used to justify the existence of federal government programs such as No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top.

Cathy Phillips, Florida's commissioner of education, has defended the value of the GED while recognizing its limitations. She stated that it is a superior alternative to high school dropout rates in Florida and America as a whole but still maintains that there are many individuals who are not ready to complete a degree program upon completion of their GEDs.

According to the December 31, 2013 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) report, Florida has the lowest rate of enrollment among people with a GED or high school diploma (around 25% of adults). Other states with high rates include Arkansas, Alaska, Arizona, Alaska and Idaho.

In order to receive a GED or diploma from an accredited institution in the United States, applicants must submit an application packet containing items such as:

Test questions are currently taken from current educational standards and textbooks. A book entitled "The Art of the General Educational Development Test" was published in 2012; it focuses on test-taking strategies for the GED test.


It is very clear that the GED Diploma or a regular High School Diploma are necessary in today’s society. Without a high school diploma, it is impossible to go to college, get a job, and keep yourself financially stable. Many of these jobs also require education and training beyond high school, making a high school diploma essential. Without one or with only an equivalency certificate, it will be very difficult to find employment. The GED has allowed many people to receive an education which they would not otherwise be able to receive because they did not finish their secondary education. It has also allowed them opportunities for further education after receiving their GED if they choose to go that route.

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