A mouse can help you recruit - 194,350 recruiters cannot be wrong?


 A mouse can help you recruit - 194,350 recruiters cannot be wrong?

The Internet is full of a staggering number of resources for you to find your next career. Most are online, and many are free. What if I told you that there was one resource that is the best? A resource with the most placements and income opportunities?

A mouse can help you recruit - 194,350 recruiters cannot be wrong!

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The History of Your Weight".
An excellent article on how your weight can affect things in daily life. It lists 15 different effects that your weight has on your life and provides a brief description as to what they are. This is a great way to discuss the various effects that weight can have on an individual.

First of all, the length of your article should be no more than 400-600 words. Secondly, you must include at least 15 different bullet points with each one to describe a different effect your weight has on your life. Be sure to include specific details in each point and spread them out. About 2-4 points per paragraph will work well.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Business Apps for Android and iPhone".
An excellent article on how cell phones have become more than just a means of communication - they are now used in business as well. It lists 20 different business apps which can be and are used on cell phones. This is a great way to discuss the variety of apps that are used in business, with a focus on what cell phones can do for business in general.

First of all, the length of your article should be no more than 400-600 words. Secondly, you must include at least 20 different bullet points with each one to describe a different app that is used in business. Be sure to include specific details in each point and spread them out. About 2-4 points per paragraph will work well.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The Best Free Image Viewer".
A very useful article listing 9 different image viewers that are completely FREE to use. This is a great way to discuss the variety of image viewers that are available, with a focus on what is available for free.

First of all, the length of your article should be no more than 400-600 words. Secondly, you must include at least 9 different bullet points with each one to describe a different image viewer. Be sure to include specific details in each point and spread them out. About 2-4 points per paragraph will work well.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The Best Weight Loss Food".
A very useful article detailing 8 effective weight loss foods (in order from best to worst). This is a great way to discuss the quality of the foods, with a focus on quality over quantity.

First of all, the length of your article should be no more than 400-600 words. Secondly, you must include at least 8 different bullet points with each one to describe a different weight loss food. Be sure to include specific details in each point and spread them out. About 2-4 points per paragraph will work well.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The Best Weight Loss Program".
An excellent article detailing 17 best weight loss programs (in order from best to worst). This is a great way to discuss the quality of programs, with a focus on program effectiveness.

First of all, the length of your article should be no more than 400-600 words. Secondly, you must include at least 17 different bullet points with each one to describe a different weight loss program. Be sure to include specific details in each point and spread them out. About 2-4 points per paragraph will work well.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How Many Calories Do We Burn At Night".
A very useful article listing 3 different calorie burning activities (sleep, fasting, and physical activity). This is a great way to discuss the effectiveness of these activities for calorie burning, with a focus on sleep as being the most effective.

First of all, the length of your article should be no more than 400-600 words. Secondly, you must include at least 3 different bullet points with each one to describe a different calorie burning activity. Be sure to include specific details in each point and spread them out. About 2-4 points per paragraph will work well.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The Best Way To Exercise With A Cold".
A very useful article detailing 6 great ways to exercise when you have a cold (without causing any additional damage). This is a great way to discuss the effectiveness of these activities for exercise, with a focus on cold symptoms and their related activities.

First of all, the length of your article should be no more than 400-600 words. Secondly, you must include at least 6 different bullet points with each one to describe a different exercise activity. Be sure to include specific details in each point and spread them out. About 2-4 points per paragraph will work well.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "What Are The Signs Of A Heart Attack".
An excellent article detailing the 14 different signs of a heart attack (in order from most common to least). This is a great way to discuss how you can recognize a heart attack in yourself or others, with a focus on their symptoms.

First of all, the length of your article should be no more than 400-600 words. Secondly, you must include at least 14 different bullet points with each one to describe a different symptom. Be sure to include specific details in each point and spread them out. About 2-4 points per paragraph will work well.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The latest health trend - Instant Knockout".
A very useful article discussing 5 different instant knockout techniques (in order from best to worst). This is a great way to discuss the effectiveness of these techniques in fighting illness, with a focus on their ingredients (which all appear natural).

First of all, the length of your article should be no more than 400-600 words. Secondly, you must include at least 5 different bullet points with each one to describe a different instant knockout technique. Be sure to include specific details in each point and spread them out. About 2-4 points per paragraph will work well.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The Symptoms Of A Heart Attack".
An excellent article detailing the 12 different signs of a heart attack (in order from most common to least). This is a great way to discuss how you can recognize a heart attack in yourself or others, with a focus on their symptoms.

First of all, the length of your article should be no more than 400-600 words. Secondly, you must include at least 12 different bullet points with each one to describe a different symptom. Be sure to include specific details in each point and spread them out. About 2-4 points per paragraph will work well.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How To Cure A Cold".
A very useful article detailing 5 easily available remedies for curing a cold (in order from most effective to least). This is a great way to discuss the effectiveness of these natural remedies in treating a cold, with a focus on how to treat it correctly at home.


The questions above are merely a representation of the quality of different blog posts. Although the questions in no way guarantee hiring, they are nonetheless a useful tool to use when searching for new candidates. It is an important matter to not over recruit applicants who may not be ideal for your blog post, and it is an important matter to properly review their work.

More Examples For Your Blog Post

Writing examples are extremely helpful when you're trying to come up with ideas for your blog post. Use this section as a starting point for brainstorming new ideas and generating more relevant topics.

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