A Time To Take Stock, After Loosing Your Job


 A Time To Take Stock, After Loosing Your Job

Sometimes, bad times happen and it can take its toll on the individual. Knowing that this is not a once instance occurrence and in order to find another job they have to start from ground zero. Starting over means taking time to make sure that you are looking at all of your options. Taking stock after loosing your job can offer an opportunity for a clean slate with new challenges ahead of you.

The things you do now will likely influence the path that you work toward in the future, so putting your focus on what matters most is crucial for success. In this blog article I will give some tips and pointers on how best to approach finding motivation after losing your job along with general ideas of taking stock and where it may lead you next..

1) Know your options and act accordingly

It is important to know what you want to do while looking for your next job. Would you like more money or would you prefer the flexibility of a part time job? Is a degree going to be required or is it a required skill set for this kind of position? Will your experience make you an attractive candidate or does it need to be refined. How about being able to speak another language or are they looking for someone with great communication skills. You should identify what skills and qualities make you stand out from others as well as determine if these are applicable in this particular job. Otherwise, there is not much reason for taking stock before accepting the challenge at hand.

2) Find something that gives you a sense of purpose

Think about what it is you want to do in life, not just your career path. It can be as simple as having fun or working towards your family. What kind of work can you imagine yourself doing for the rest of your life?

3) Exercise and Eat Healthy

Exercise helps with stress, muscle tension and being able to concentrate better and eat healthier will additionally help you stay on top of things. Often one's health is overlooked and these two tips should be taken into consideration when looking for a job. It is also important to keep stress levels at bay at all times, by simply venting out before it gets out of hand and make sure not to involve anyone else in your frustrations. Staying positive can help you move forward in life after losing your job.

4) Eliminate Grey Areas

Say no to things that won't make you happy. Life is too short to put up with people who are draining you of energy and will only cause trouble. If someone gets under your skin or irritates you, do not give them a second thought after loosing your job. There are always going to be doubters and people who believe you should have known better. Some people will give you hell for the decisions you make or those that are out of your control. Our society has taught us that keeping your mouth shut is just a way of life, it's about time we start destroying that notion.

5) Keep in touch with friends and family

The more support you have the better, even if it comes from a few close buddies or loving parents. Everyone needs someone they can lean on in tough times and it is important to stay positive as a unit rather than being alone when things get stressful at work. Having friends and family can help save relationships while providing support and comfort during rough times.

6) Take a breather and make a list of what's important

Sometimes when we become overwhelmed with things to do we tend to forget where we came from as well as where we would like to be. Take some time to get away from it all, relax and then make a list of your personal values and goals in life. You should have some idea of what life is without work, but if you don't then explore your options while taking stock after loosing your job. Get out there and explore the possibilities that you want for your future provided you continue to learn new skills and maybe even build a side business that allows you the freedom you want from working in the future.

7) Be open to change and embrace new opportunities

You need to be open minded and willing to learn. If this means traveling to a new part of town or even relocating for the right job, then you should make that move if it is something that interests you. Just because you have lost your job doesn't mean that there aren't other things out there for you. The life experiences and people we meet along the way are what shape us into who we are today, so why not travel around a bit while taking stock after loosing your job?

8) Quit blaming others and get back into action

Be sure not to blame others for the troubles in your life when looking for a job. While you can't change the past, you can make a choice to move forward and make your life what you want it to be. Keep all of this in mind as you continue to search for your new job and pinpoint what it is that gives you a sense of purpose, especially if that is not the same as the one's at work.

9) Look at all of your options

It is important to be flexible, open and adaptable during tough times. This is something that should be in your arsenal even if things are difficult on the surface and keep in mind that there are always alternative opportunities out there. Sometimes it's the little things that you can't see that are what will lead you to your next job.

10) Be honest with yourself and others

Although we all want to look good when looking for a job, it is also important to be realistic and not ignore the fact that you can't deny a work related health condition or speak another language when looking for a new position. Try not to let pride get in your way, by coming clean about any perceived limitations that you may have thereby maximizing your opportunities. Remember, not everyone has the ideal qualifications, so be sure to focus on your strengths and skills as doable alternatives to adding at least 7 years of relevant work experience.


If you have recently been fired, the best thing you can do is to take stock and look at your options. Focus on what is important to you in life and don't lose sight of what you would like to accomplish, but most of all continue to be yourself while focusing more on your strengths as a person. The truth is that there are always opportunities out there for success, now all you need is focus, patience and optimism. Then all that mattes is how you feel about yourself and being able to overcome all challenges head on.

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