About Your Work is an inspirational blog about loving your job. They believe that every job is work you love, and that it's wise to write about the things you love in order to spread positivity and inspire others.

Their mission is: "To inspire everyone to find the joy in their daily routine." To help people find happiness, they share ideas on how to love your work and what a fulfilling career looks like. People can share their own stories on this site too! This is a one of my favorite websites I've been looking through lately because of it's positive energy towards jobs/jobsites. I always encourage people to look at the glass half full and to love what they do. It's a good way to live life.

Numerous high-profile names have already contributed their work, including 99U editor Scott Belsky and author Seth Godin.

This blog is used as a platform for people who feel they can't be heard by society. People can send in their stories anonymously and the About Your Work team will rephrase it in an anonymous way so that other people going through the same thing can relate to it better. Readers are encouraged to respond with their own stories, giving better advice and support for those looking for it.

It is a common belief among the readers that they are on the same page with each other in support of one another. "My gratitude to the people who take the time to read my stories," says one reader. "I am so glad there are other people like me out there." The writers often use bold text and letters to help emphasize and express their feelings towards certain feelings they express in their story.

The About Your Work Team has been trying to find anonymous writers willing to speak out about their experiences and their search for happiness has had some great results. The About Your Work team makes it a point to read every submission, which is rare for blog sites that have millions of posts every day. The writers range from young millennials to college graduates to career professionals.

The About Your Work team put the stories on their site and continue to go through submissions readers have sent in on a daily basis. 
They believe that "we all have a story, whether we're an artist, entrepreneur, teacher or executives."

There are more than 2000 anonymous stories posted on the site so far. The About Your Work Team encourages readers to send in their anonymous stories and post them on the website anonymously but with credits attached as well because they don't want people posting copyrighted content without permission. They are against stealing of any kind and make it known that they will delete any stories that don't fit this rule.

Blog name: The About Your Work Team
About You Work's mission is to inspire people and help them find job satisfaction. They post weekly job search advice and inspirational quotes to do just that. On About You Work, readers can find out about upcoming jobsites such as the Google offices in London, and also get helpful tips on how to write resumes, follow trends in the workplace, and even review their finances as well. Overall, the About You Work site is a great resource for young adults looking for a job or career change!

Article title: "4 Ways to Start Creating Your Own Blog"
Blog name: HowToCreateBlogs.

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